The Young And The Restless

The Young And The Restless Star Melissa Claire Egan Is All Ready For Adam and Billy To Fight Over Her

The Young And The Restless Star Melissa Claire Egan Is All Ready For Adam and Billy To Fight Over Her

Chelsea is really going through a hard time on The Young and The Restless currently. With her own struggles clubbed with Connor’s obsessive compulsive disorder and trauma, she currently has a lot on her plate. Yet, her portrayer, Melissa Claire Egan is ready to take up some more drama on her shoulders!

In a recent chat with First for Women, The Young and The Restless star shared that Claire feels very well supported by her boyfriend-Billy, as well as, co-parent – Adam Newman as far as dealing with Connor’s current issues. She also offered her take on the building Adam-Chelsea chemistry.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers-Billy-Chelsea
Y&R/ Billy is supportive of Chelsea

Currently, many The Young and The Restless fans feels that Adam and Chelsea are headed straight for a rekindled romance. Surprisingly, Melissa is not wary of the idea at all. In fact the talented actress claims that she is all up for it! The once upon a time pot-stirrer even added that she hopes her days of plotting and making mistakes weren’t behind her.

As for Chelsea’s budding relationship with Adam, Melissa feels that the two of them have so much history and so much feelings that they can never completely get over each other. “I would never think the two of them are forever over,” on The Young and The Restless she asserted.

The Young and The Restless spoilers
Y&R/ Chelsea and Adam try to handle Connor’s mental health issues on video call

Furthermore, she feels that it would actually be a very soapy twist for Chelsea, Billy and Adam to have a love triangle moving forward. ” mean, I would LOVE a good Adam/Billy love triangle,” she enthused. “How lucky would I be, right? To have the two of them pining after Chelsea?”

Well, we can’t blame Melissa to feel that way! After all, both – Adam and Billy are scrumptiously yummy looking, and clearly doing their best in her support. So yeah, we completely understand where she is coming from! Moreover, as soap fans, we are always up for drama!

The Young and the Restless spoilers - chelsea-adam-billy
Y&R/ A love triangle is loading

What about you? Are you up for a love triangle between Adam-Chelsea-Billy? Tell us in the comments.

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