The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold and the Beautiful: Poppy Slithers into Bill’s Nest – What’s Wrong with This Picture?

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers suggest that Bill Spencer is the dad of Poppy Nozawa’s daughter, but the DNA test will soon decide this on the CBS soap. Still, Poppy’s reasons for not telling Bill, even when he asked her earlier, seem lame to B&B fans. So, it appears there is more to the free-spirited woman than meets the eye.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: How Genuine is Poppy Nozawa?

When Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) first landed at Forrester Creations as a new intern, she was on her own. But then her mother arrived unannounced, and as B&B fans remember, that didn’t go over too well.

Bold and the Beautiful: Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park) - Bill Spencer (Don Diamont)

Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park) was dead against her daughter being in LA. She was also against her working at Forrester Creations. So, Bold and the Beautiful fans surmised Poppy had a history hidden somewhere among the rich and elite families on Bold and the Beautiful.

Well, she did, as Li Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) turned out to be her very condemning older sister. But now we know her history with Bill Spencer (Don Diamont), or do we? It looks like her backstory with Bill unfolds and brings even more to the surface regarding Poppy Nozawa.

B&B Spoilers: Poppy Suddenly Clingy with Bill Spencer?

The strong, and independent Poppy suddenly becomes rather clingy to Bill this week. Then she tells him she never loved a man, only him. That is a lot to throw on Bill’s plate, as his previous long line of women comes in epic numbers, if compared to the average guy. Plus, she only knew him for 24 hours.

So far, this works against what we have learned about the free-spirit and independent Poppy Nozawa. Even before the Bold and Beautiful love confession scene she laid on Bill red flags flew. Poppy became a bit territorial about Bill when Katie Logan (Heather Tom) was around.

Katie might have felt a twinge of jealousy when she stumbled on Bill Spencer and his new love interest. But when she sat down with her Logan sisters, and they sharpened their claws over Poppy, there was something more there.

Katie felt something was off-kilter with Poppy Nozawa. So, while jealousy likely wormed in there, she still had some serious concerns.

Bold and the Beautiful: Bill Shows Off the Finer Things in Life

Luna describes her mother as an old-school hippie. She has no designs on the finer things in life. Her mom can get along fine with very little. Yet, she took in the sights Bill Spencer shared with her, especially his yacht, and she called the ship “she”. So, Poppy seemed comfortable with the terminology of yachting.

Plus she strokes Bill’s ego, she tells him she could never imagine being married to him and letting him go. So, some might say she’s got designs on Bill.

She suddenly wasn’t wide-eyed in wonder, as if she’d never been around the jet set before. But something isn’t adding up with Bill Spencer being Luna’s father. Poppy Nozawa seems to peel back her layers as time goes on. She’s gone from tight-lipped to a fountain of info about Luna possibly being Bill’s daughter.

B&B Spoilers: More to Come on Poppy?

Bold and the Beautiful fans also suggest this woman of mystery was a bit on the lame side with her excuses. She spun a tale about not telling Bill Spencer about Luna and even lying to him. So, it looks like there’s more to Poppy Nozawa than meets the eye.

Then, Li’s words echo from a few weeks ago.  She accused Poppy of training her daughter to be just like her. Li pointed out that they came to LA and each of them landed men from two of the wealthiest families. She seemed convinced this was her sister’s grand scheme all along.

Plus, Bill Spencer seemed a little taken aback that she spent the last two decades in love with him. She told him how she loved him since that night 20 years ago. Then she let Bill Spencer know how he devastated her 20 years ago after leaving and never contacting her again.

So, something doesn’t pass the smell test here for some curious fans. But whatever it is about Poppy Nozawa that seems off, it will likely surface as the CBS soap rolls along.

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