General Hospital

General Hospital Is Finally Going To Tell Us Where Jason’s Been! Here’s When the Must-See Episode Will Air

General Hospital Is Finally Going To Tell Us Where Jason’s Been! Here’s When the Must-See Episode Will Air

Jason GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

One thing General Hospital has definitely gotten right where Steve Burton’s return as Jason is concerned? Throwing him directly into the action. All too often, soaps try and drag this type of return out, having the character in question lurk in the shadows and spy on their loved ones before the inevitable moment in which they reveal their resurrection.

But that wasn’t going to do where Jason’s return was concerned. After all, it’s not like this is the first time the character has returned from the dead. So wisely, the first time we saw Jason he was right in the middle of the action — and setting tongues wagging as he appeared to be one of the people behind the attacks on Sonny! With only Carly standing firm in her belief that Jason would never, ever harm Sonny, two very big questions remains to be answered: Where has Jason been these past two years, and why has he returned now?


The good news? We won’t have to wait much longer to find out exactly what the heck is going on. Because on Thursday, March 14, Jason is going to explain where he’s been since that tunnel collapse which left everyone assuming he’d died (again).  There’s no telling if that will help us to better understand his apparent attempts on Sonny’s life, but it will at least be the beginning of the journey. Interestingly, Burton has admitted that this wasn’t the story he originally signed on for, thanks to the fact that writers Chris Van Etten and Dan O’Connor were replaced by the new headwriting team of Patrick Mulchaey and Elizabeth Korte, whose material should begin airing any day now.

general hospital elizabeth jason sam

Meanwhile, the two most significant women in Jason’s life  — Sam and Elizabeth — are each at major crossroads. Sam now knows her ex is alive — a fact she discovered while current beau Dante fights for his life — and Elizabeth, though still in the dark about Jason’s return, is on pretty solid ground with Finn. Something tells us both of these ladies could soon find themselves — and their relationship — on shake ground thanks to this earth-shattering development!

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