The Young And The Restless

Jill Drops a Bomb on Billy — and Diane and Jack’s Marriage Hits the Rocks

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At the tackhouse, Victoria finds Claire searching for recipes for kids. Claire tells her she’s Harrison Abbott’s new nanny; Summer decided to give her a trial run. She’s grateful for the opportunity. She admits it’s all a little nerve-wracking with Summer keeping a close eye on her. She hopes to earn her trust. Victoria thinks she’ll do great. A knock comes at the door as Cole arrives. He walks in with Victor behind him. Claire asks if everything’s alright. Victor says they have news regarding Jordan.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack opens the door to Nikki, who asks if it’s a bad time. Jack invites her in and says she looks wonderful. Nikki explains she’s been approved for out-patient care. Jack feels this is great news. Nikki realized that she needed significant help, but she didn’t get there on her own. “You are the reason why I am back on the right path.”

They sit, and Nikki wants to talk about what happened that night. “Are you alright?” Jack insists he’s fine and hasn’t had an urge to take pills. Nikki’s relieved. She’s gone over her spiral in her mind so many times. Jack says he took a calculated risk. “I would have done anything to save you.” Nikki tells him he went too far. Jack has to admit it was too extreme. Nikki recalls that when he passed out, her whole world stopped. It took that to make her realize how far he’d gone to bring her back from the brink. It was stupidest and bravest thing anyone has ever done for her. Jack gives her credit for doing the work now. She will continue to, “I’m still an alcoholic.” She wants him to continue to be her sponsor.

Diane walks in and overhears as Jack tells Nikki he’ll be her sponsor if that’s what she needs. She listens as he tells Nikki she’s smart, loyal, and every time she gets knocked down, she comes back stronger. Nikki takes a call from Victor and says she’ll be there soon. She tells Jack she’s needed at the ranch. He asks her to call him if she needs anything and they embrace. Diane shows herself as Nikki makes her way to the door. She’s glad she’s looking so well. After Nikki’s gone, Diane asks Jack why he’d agree to be Nikki’s sponsor without talking to her first. “Your role in Nikki’s sobriety caused you to risk your own.” Jack says it won’t happen again. Diane informs him that he’s right, it won’t. “Otherwise, you and I are going to have a problem.”

At Crimson Lights, Billy surprises Chelsea, who hugs him. He cut his trip short to see her before she went east to see Connor. He kisses her and pulls her into an embrace. They discuss how she’s feeling ahead of the visit. Part of her is hopeful, and part of her is terrified. Billy will help any way he can. “You’ve got this, Chels.”

At Adam’s place, he’s preparing a tray of breakfast when Sally comes up behind him. He says he was going to bring her breakfast in bed. He thanks her for staying up with him last night. Having her there makes things easier and better. Sally thinks they should talk about his offer. Adam hopes he didn’t put too much pressure on her, asking her to move in. Sally wonders if he’s changed his mind. Adam wants her to move in; it’s been on his mind for a while. Sally tells him, “My answer is yes. I will move in with you.” She’s ready and thinks it’s time. Adam gasps, “Thank God,” and hugs her.

Adam gives Sally her own key and urges her to redecorate if she wants. Sally loves the place. Adam wants this place to be hers. “It’s our home, together.” Sally hasn’t had many places she could call home. Adam welcomes her home with a kiss.

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At the tackhouse, Nikki joins Victor and the others and asks what’s going on. Victor has something to tell all of them. He was informed by his security team that they found Jordan on the banks of the river. Cole was there when they told him. She was barely breathing, but she was alive. Victoria gasps, “That cannot be.” Victor says they’ve taken her in for a mental and physical evaluation and maximum security is in place. Nikki agonizes. She thought she was gone forever. Claire worries she’s escaped before. Cole insists he’s at the most maximum security place there is. Nikki finds this all very strange. How did she survive the fall off the bridge and how did she stay alive all this time?!

Victor figures Jordan survived out of pure evil like always. Claire fears she’ll rally and try to come after them again. Victor vows it won’t happen. Nikki prays that he’s right. He assures her Jordan won’t cause anymore damage.

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Adam catches up with Chelsea and Billy in the coffee house. He didn’t realize Billy was back. Billy acknowledges that he’s been a big support to Chelsea while he was gone. “Good on you, Adam.” Adam says they’ll get through this together. Chelsea supposes they should go. Adam says the jet’s ready… he’ll give them a minute. Chelsea tells Billy he’s wonderful and he urges her to trust that she’s on the right trajectory. They kiss. Once alone, Billy gets a text from Jill asking if he is available for a chat.

In Sally’s suite, Chloe asks if she has any updates. Sally says no, and explains that she feels they’ve reached the end of the line. Chloe isn’t buying it. Sally argues they’ve exhausted all their options. Chloe says neither of them has anything lined up, so they might as well stick it out. Sally tells Chloe that she’s sure she’s heard that Chelsea’s taking a leave of absence. Adam spoke with Chelsea, and she is going to put in a word for her, to take over for her at Marquetti. Chloe’s disappointed she didn’t speak to her about this first. Sally says Summer doesn’t like her and probably won’t make an offer. Also, it would be temporary. Chloe says if Summer offers it to her, she’ll take it and leave her behind.

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Chloe notices Sally’s bags and the redhead explains she’s moving in with Adam. Chloe scoffs, “This day just keeps getting better and better.” Sally tells her they all know how she feels about him, but this feels like a good thing. Chloe won’t try to warn her off of Adam; she hopes her living arrangement isn’t awful. She wonders what happens to her if Sally goes to Marquetti. Sally won’t leave her in the lurch. Chloe feels she already has. If she’s the creative director, she’ll fight for her. Chloe says it wasn’t a good fit and she can’t base her future on hypotheticals. Does Nick know he might lose his investment? She rants about throwing away a company they built from the ground up. Sally insists they’re still a team, but Chloe feels she’s on her own.

At Chancellor-Winters, Billy sits at the desk and video calls Jill, who asks where he is. He explains he’s at the office and she says this is a personal conversation. “Are Devon and Lily around?” Billy says they’re in a meeting. “We have privacy.” Jill tells him there’s something he needs to know. She’s had some issues with her health; heart beating too fast and lightheadness. “There are some complications, Billy.” He asks what that means exactly. She doesn’t want to get into it. Billy presses. Jill says she’s in London receiving treatment from Snapper.

Billy asks if it’s serious. Jill insists she just has to take it easy and avoid stress. She complains that Snapper is hovering over her like a mother hen. Billy asks if there is a significant risk here. Jill says there could be, but she won’t let that happen. Billy has a bad feeling in his gut. Jill urges him not to get sentimental or scared, “You hear?” Billy asks if she has a prognosis. Jill will only say that she’s confident she can take this on. Billy doesn’t doubt her ability to pummel anything into submission, even heart disease. Jill insists he stay there and protect Chancellor-Winters from outside threats. “Protect its legacy, Billy.” Billy will protect the Abbott legacy, “Your legacy.”

At the Abbott mansion, Diane tells Jack she has tried to make the best of this situation with him and Nikki. Jack wants to help her. Diane had concerns from the beginning. He could have died! “It’s too much. You gambled with your addiction and you could have died. Why would you take that chance again?!” Jack argues that Nikki’s doing better. Diane says there’s no guarantee it will stay that way. Will he call up his dealer and pull her back from the edge again. Jack knows it was extreme, but he’s not disappointed at how it turned out. Diane doesn’t know if this is something she can live with.

At the tackhouse, Victor has something to take care of and leaves after kissing Nikki and hugging Victoria and Claire. Victoria asks Cole if he saw Jordan alive. He says she looked weak and worn out; a shell of her former self. Nikki wonders if she could have been faking. Cole says she was broken and defeated. Claire can’t even picture that, but she brought it on herself. Cole insists they don’t have to worry about her anymore. Victoria says that every time they think that, she escapes again. Cole vows his aunt will never harm anyone again. Victoria tells Nikki and Cole that Claire has been hired as Harrison’s nanny. They’re thrilled for her. She frets over the news about Jordan. Cole tells her not to worry and Nikki urges her to savor this moment.

At Chancellor-Winters, Jill is glad Billy understands the importance of looking out for the company. She asks him to keep this to himself. Billy won’t let her down. Jill insists she’ll be back, and when she is, she expects to find the company stronger than ever with Billy in charge and Mamie gone. Billy asks her to keep him in the loop. If she needs him, he’ll come and see her. Jill tells him she’s proud of him and loves him. Billy loves her too. “Don’t worry about this place, OK? I’m just getting started. You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

In Sally’s suite, she insists she’s not leaving Chloe behind, but her partner thinks she doesn’t need her. “It’s been great, it’s been fun.” She wishes her the best with Adam and sincerely hopes he doesn’t break her heart. With that, she walks out the door.

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At the Abbott mansion, Diane rails that Jack shouldn’t be Nikki’s sponsor and the professionals should have told her that. Jack isn’t choosing Nikki over her. He doesn’t want to let her down but she’s asking him to abandon a lifelong friend. Diane doesn’t thinks he can get past this, and she doesn’t think he realizes how serious this is. She tears up. They’re looking at things so differently now, she doesn’t know how they’ll survive this.

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In the dungeon, Victor stares at the empty cage. Cole walks in with two cinder blocks and they start stacking them to wall it off.

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