The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful: Massive Changes Lead To NEW BIG CHANGES

Evolution is unavoidable, inevitable even. However, the subtle changes that snowballed into big ones have made The Bold and The Beautiful unrecognizable. It was really the small things at first, that unfazed no one. But soon enough, things started to spiral out of control completely. And look, where we are now!

The soap has practically whitewashed Daytime’s fiercest villainous into a literal damsel in distress almost overnight! Sheila the she-devil is now being painted as holier than thou by Deacon and Finn. Fine, Deacon we understand, but what even is the matter with Finn? The woman literally shot him, shot his wife, and left them for dead! And he is defending her, HER?

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers- finn-sheila
B&B/Finn thinks his mother is a victim and a changed woman

And he is supposed to be this “genius doctor” on The Bold and The Beautiful *eye rolls*! How can he not see that one bad thing happening to Sheila will not turn her into a saint? But that’s not all! What have they done to Hope? The last time we remember, the woman had her sanity intact, and now she is cheering on as her daddy dearest marries criminal extraordinaire.

Also Read: Big War Coming Up On The Bold And The Beautiful In The Coming Two Weeks

We were only beginning to try and wrap our heads around the insanity of the above when we were pushed into an all-new absurdity. Brooke has suddenly turned into a Steffy-supporter! Like what? And speaking of bewildering support systems, did anyone notice how Luna has been standing in support and defense of Zende?

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers - Zende - Luna
B&B/ Luna defends Zende

Yes, the same Zende who wanted to use her as a tool just to get back at RJ on The Bold and The Beautiful. The same Zende who took her to bed with him when she was clearly high as a kite! And nobody except RJ is blaming Zende! They are all blaming Poppy! Like she shoved the godforsaken mints in her daughter’s mouth and pushed her into Zende’s arms.

What even is going on in The Bold and The Beautiful? It’s not making any sense to us. Do you feel us? Tell us in the comments.

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