Days Of Our Lives

The images are encrypted, Rafe screams at someone, Eric swears Sloan will pay for what she did

In the DiMera doorway, a solemn Eric holds Jude tight to his chest. His hand cradles the baby's head

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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Maggie has tea in the Square with Xander, Sarah, and Victoria, who’s in her stroller. Maggie notices Sarah’s engagement ring and excitedly hugs them. They share the only thing they’ve really decided on is that they want to honeymoon in Scotland. Maggie gets emotional as the couple basks in their love.

In the Square, Maggie hugs Xander and Sarah

Rafe comes to Black Patch with a file on Clyde’s black book. Rafe’s hoping John and Steve can get the ISA to decode it. On a personal level, he’s more interested in what the outside of the book says. It could be the key to freeing Gabi and finding Li’s real killer, who Rafe deduces is Gil.

Ava packs in her room above the Pub. Harris returns in his dress whites, having come from the Memorial Day service at Arlington. Ava gives Harris a passionate welcome home, but he stops her from unbuttoning his uniform. They need to find Clyde. She shares the theory that Gil killed Li while looking for her. She grows upset thinking of having to tell Wendy and her family that Li died because of her. They finally got closure, but now their wounds will be reopened again.

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In the door of the DiMera mansion, a crestfallen Eric hands Jude to Nicole. EJ stands next to her with his hand on her back

Holding Jude at the DiMera mansion, a confused Nicole asks Eric to explain how the boy could be her and EJ’s son. “Yes,” EJ says, feigning his own confusion, “please explain.” After Eric recounts Sloan’s confession, Nicole recalls knowing it the first time she held Jude. When you’re a parent, you just know deep in your soul. Eric looks on teary-eyed.

Later, Eric brings Jude’s bag into the living room, where Nicole and EJ coo over the baby. He watches, pained. He apologizes for everything that’s happened, but Nicole knows he was a victim too. It was all Sloan. “That bitch stole my baby.” She wants her arrested, never to see the light of day again. EJ states there will be plenty of time for that. As Nicole rants, Holly comes home and learns Jude is her brother.

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With EJ at her side, a weepy Nicole holds Jude

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In the Square, Maggie asks Xander and Sarah to wait to get married until after her and Konstantin’s wedding. A confused Sarah asks why. Maggie stammers before saying she wants to be fully present at their wedding, not thinking about her own wedding plans. As she further sells her lie, she mentions Alex and Theresa are moving into the mansion, which irks Xander.

After Rafe’s left Black Patch, Steve asks John how far they are willing to go to get Clyde out of their lives. Backtracking, he suggests he take point on Clyde’s case, while John focuses on Konstantin. John wonders if there’s something he needs to know. Steve just needs to keep a close eye on Ava, who he assumes is on Clyde’s tail. He flashes back to Ava suggesting a permanent solution to the Clyde situation. John then fills Steve in on Maggie’s plan to make it look like Konstantin is embezzling from Titan.

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After Harris changes into civilian clothes, he tells Ava his buddies haven’t decoded Clyde’s book yet, but he does have encrypted images for her to send him. Once Clyde opens them, they’ll be notified of his location. He leaves to check in with Rafe.

In the interrogation room, Rafe yells at someone on the phone to locate Everett. Cold case files sit in a box, and Li’s file lies on the desk. Harris enters to ask for a couple more days of leave. Rafe denies his request because they’re drowning in cases. Harris states he’s taking the days one way or another. Rafe wants to know what’s going on, but Harris can’t explain. He asks Rafe to trust him. Sighing, Rafe allows it. “Hopefully, I’ll have your job waiting for you when you come back.”

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At the mansion, Holly is thrilled to learn EJ and Nicole have their son, but realizes it means Eric loses his. Nicole states how sorry she is, but Eric says it’s not about him. He just wants them to be happy. He vows Sloan will pay for what she did. Nicole asks if he wants to hold Jude before he leaves. Taking Jude in his arms, Eric tells him he will always love him, more than he knows. Tears fall as he returns the boy to his mother. Nicole says he can come over anytime to see him. Eric thinks it’s best she has time to bond with her son and Holly with her brother. Holly tightly embraces him. He tells Holly he loves her and leaves. Outside, Eric stifles sobs.

Harris returns to Ava, who is packed and ready to go. But first, he gives her a flash drive to send Clyde the files. Now, they wait for Clyde to open them. However, there’s someone else Harris wants to loop in before they go after the fugitive. Harris gets an alert that Clyde opened the files in a library in Montana. Harris says they have to make one pitstop before they leave.

Sitting at a Horton Square table, Maggie Sarah and Xander grin at Victoria's stroller

While Xander’s changing Victoria’s diaper elsewhere in the Square, Maggie tells Sarah she loves the idea she presented offscreen. However, she suggests she run it by Xander since it’s his wedding, too.

At Black Patch, John tells Steve to be careful with Weston. It’s important they see it through as partners. Scratch that. They’re more than partners. “You’re my brother, Steve.” No one, not even Konstantin will drive a wedge between them. He trusts him with his life. “Right back at ya, brother,” Steve says before they embrace.

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Pursing his lips, John gravely holds up a folder to Steve at Black Patch

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In the DiMera mansion, Nicole thanks Holly for the apology text. Holly didn’t mean any of the horrible things she said. Along with EJ and Jude on the couch, they look forward to a new beginning for the four of them.

After getting his call, Rafe meets Eric outside his apartment door. Rafe is sorry for everything Sloan’s put him through. When they enter, they find the place a mess, and Sloan nowhere to be found. All her things are gone except for the necklace Eric gave her for Mother’s Day. “Dammit,” Eric whispers. “She took off.”

Alone with Jude, Nicole cries while marveling over having her son back.

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