The Bold And The Beautiful

The Wedding of Bold & Beautiful’s Sheila and Deacon Left Us With Questions — Including What’s Wrong With Hope?

B&B Bold beautiful sheila deacon wedding mashup

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (5)

If you want to talk about anything other than Sheila and Deacon’s wedding, you — like Bold & Beautiful‘s characters — are you-know-what outta luck. Unlike those folks, however, we don’t have to simply repeat the same 10-12 lines over and over. In fact, we’re going to ask a few important questions. Starting with… What the Hell Is Wrong With Hope?

No, seriously. A few months ago, Hope was willing to completely disown her dad because of his relationship with Sheila. Now, she’s (clutching her head) suddenly willing to be Sheila’s maid of honor while (acting weird) urging Finn to consider supporting his biological mother and (fainting, supposedly at the sight of Sheila) just generally not acting like herself.

B&B hope headache

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So again, I ask: What the hell is wrong with Hope? (Our Bold & Beautiful editor Candace Young has a theory, which you can read here.) As for me, I can’t help but hope that this all ties back to when Brooke’s daughter first began fantasizing about Thomas. Heck, maybe she has the same kind of tumor which had him macking on a mannequin.

I’d buy that before I buy her suddenly being a Sheila supporter.

What the Hell Is In Deacon’s Pizzas?

I get that Los Angeles is a tiny little town, but surely there must be somewhere other than Il Giardino that people can get a pie? Especially people who know that one of the waitresses is a bonafide murderer!

Deacon Hope Brooke pizza B&B

It makes zero sense that Finn — or really anyone on the canvas — would continue to patronize Deacon’s restaurant. Now, to be fair, there was a really simple way they could have addressed Finn running over to Il Giardino. He could have said, “Look, we know Sheila and Deacon won’t be there, because they’re at the beach getting married.” Dumb? Yes, but at least it would justify him going there.

And if they absolutely, positively had to have an Il Giardino pizza, why not have it delivered to avoid even the possibility of encountering his psychotic biological mother?

What the Hell Are These People Talking About?

“This is where we fell in love,” said Sheila to Deacon of Il Giardino. Of course, this is also the place where she shot Finn and Steffy. Oh, and where her memorial service was held. And where she concocted the scheme to push Brooke off the wagon. The only thing that could have made that scene better was if it had been scored to “The Way We Were.”

B&B sheila steffy alley HW

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Across town, Liam and Kelly strolled into Finn and Steffy’s place saying, “The door is open, figured you guys left it that way for us.” I’m sorry, shouldn’t Steffy — who talks about nothing except how dangerous Sheila is — be locking the front door?

“We’ve all been on edge now that Sheila’s back,” Steffy later insisted… but not enough to, you know, lock the door.

What the Hell Is Wrong With Me?

For a while now, Bold & Beautiful has been pushing the notion that Sheila and Deacon are some big, grand romantic couple. It’s them against the world, against all odds, history be damned. And… somehow, this week, I kinda fell for it.

Kimberlin Brown. Sean Kanan "The Bold and the Beautiful" Set Gallery Shoot CBS Television City Los Angeles, Ca. 10/4/23 © Howard Wise/ 310-657-9661

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I suspect it has a whole lot to do with the ridiculous chemistry that Kimberlin Brown and Sean Kanan share. In my defense, even Kanan admitted to me last week that he was completely caught off guard by the pairing. Maybe I’m a sucker for an underdog story.

No! Stop it, Richard! Sheila isn’t an “underdog.” She’s a murderer who only a week ago was tormenting Li, proving she hasn’t changed a bit. Ultimately, I’m still hoping that the show is giving Sheila everything she ever wanted only to rip it out from under her, reminding us that she is, at the end of the day, one of daytime’s most vicious villains.

Random Thoughts

• As we ask every week at this time… wonder what Paris is up to, somewhere off-screen?

Brooke begs Hope BB

• One thing I really like about Hope suddenly being #TeamSheacon is that it puts her at odds with Brooke, who is rightly gobsmacked by her daughter’s behavior. This plays on a rift that’s existed between the characters ever since Hope began having feelings for Thomas, and it’s fun to watch Annika Noelle and Katherine Kelly Lang play a different angle to their on-screen relationship.

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• Speaking of Hope, could the show be any more obvious about the Hope/Finn connection? And honestly, it’s a good avenue for the soap to explore, given the long history between Steffy and Hope. Plus, there’s already an established animosity between Thomas and Finn, which should make things all the more fun when Matthew Atkinson finally brings Hope’s ex back onto the canvas.

• Anyone else cackle aloud when Finn entered the restaurant and Sheila literally hurled her bouquet at her maid of honor? The look on Hope’s face was priceless.

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