The Young And The Restless

Michael and Cole Devise a Dangerous Plan — and Tucker Receives a Puzzling Phone Call

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At the tackhouse, Victoria and Claire come in on a high from their time together. Victoria tells Claire she couldn’t be happier about her career goals. Claire muses that Cole was distracted at lunch and things were tense between him and Grandpa. “What do you think’s going on with those two?” Victoria confides that Cole told Nick that he suspects Victor is more involved in Jordan’s death than he’s letting on. Every time he tries to ask questions, Victor shuts him down, so Cole thinks he’s hiding something. Claire asks, “What do you think?”

In Society, Cole sits thinking about Jordan in the cage. Michael appears and snaps him out of his daydream. He tells him, “There’s something that you and I need to discuss.” First, he needs to hire him as his attorney so this is confidential. Michael thinks that’s overkill and says he can be discreet. Cole thinks that once he hears what he has to say, he may want to make it official. Michael tells Cole to give him a dollar and consider him on retainer. Cole tells Michael that Jordan is alive. This wasn’t what Michael was hoping to hear. “Have you seen her?” Cole says yes. Victor is keeping her locked up at the main house. Michael curses.

In her cell, Jordan finds a wire under the mattress and tries to use it to pick the lock on the cage. “Please, let me get out.”

Upstairs in the ranch, Victor opens the door to the hidden passageway and goes inside.

As Jordan struggles with picking the lock, Victor walks up and asks why she wants out. She’s having such a good time with the vodka and brussel sprouts. “You had a visitor, didn’t you? Didn’t you?!”

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Upstairs, Nikki wheels her suitcase into the living room and calls out for Victor.

At the Abbott mansion, Alan, Jack, and Traci try to figure out what may have happened to Ashley in Paris after Tucker left. Alan muses that there is time unaccounted for. Jack realizes it may not have been Ashley he was talking to when he called her in Paris.

At the jazz lounge, Ashley stands up after collapsing and tells Tucker she doesn’t need to go to the hospital. She asks, “What are we doing here?” Tucker tries to get her to sit down; she’s unsteady on her feet. He leads her to a chair and tells her she passed out. “Fortunately, I was close enough to catch you.” Ashley thinks he’s exaggerating and warns him not to touch her as he works to keep her in her seat. He insists on taking her home. “You are not well, and you don’t remember what happened.” Ashley doesn’t want Tucker to insert himself into her life, but he argues that he’s taking her home to her family. Ashley suggests he find Audra. “I’m going.” Tucker tells her she’s in trouble right now. He thinks she knows that and she’s scared. It’s OK. He would be too. It’s OK to ask for help, it’s not a weakness, it’s a strength. It takes courage. “Please, you need help. You need to be home with your family, and I’m taking you.” Ashley whispers, “OK.” They file out.

At the Abbott mansion, Alan, Jack, and Traci continue to go over the events in Paris. Traci figures out that whatever happened must have occurred on the second trip, when she went back to Paris with her. The mood swings began after her second trip to the bistro. Alan thinks it’s a good working theory. Traci exclaims that she left her there. “This just breaks my heart. What can we do? How can we help her?!” Alan says it’s up to Ashley. It’s important they connect with her as she’s the only one who can tell them what trauma happened to cause the D.I.D. Alan tells Traci and Jack that once they deal with the underlying issues, the alters should subside. Jack guesses that won’t be the end of it. Alan says she’ll need therapy in a controlled setting. He hopes Ashley will make that decision herself. Traci’s uncertain she would ever agree to go back to Fairview. Alan’s confident that they’ll get her to the other side of it. They worry about finding her and they agree to keep each other updated.

Jack’s showing Alan out when Tucker and Ashley come to the door. Jack fumes, “What are you doing with my sister?!” They come inside and Tucker tells the family that Ashley collapsed. Ashley doesn’t remember. Tucker tells Alan he thinks it was a blackout. She didn’t remember how she got there. He explains that she was trying to convince him they belong together. Ashley doesn’t recall any of that. Jack snaps about this making Tucker a hero. Tucker says it makes him concerned. Jack accuses him of trying to insinuate himself back into her life. Tucker bellows, “Can we not do this right now?! She needs help!” He tells Ashley it’s time she was honest with herself and her family.

At Society, Michael kicks himself for believing Victor’s story about Jordan. It occurs to him that Victor’s usually so careful. “How did you find out?” Cole says he’s been acting so secretive lately. He’s reportedly on the ranch, but is nowhere to be found. He asked him what was going on, but he was ticked and ordered him out of the house. He stuck around and followed him. After he left, he slipped into the basement door and found a prison cell. Michael clucks, “Oh, Victor.” Cole says Jordan begged her to get him out. Michael asks, “Did you?” Cole replies, “Hell, no.” He completely understands Victor’s motivation… he’s trying to protect his family and punish Jordan, but to get on her level is not the answer. This has to end. Michael agrees. Cole doesn’t want to get Victor in trouble. “That’s why I came to you for advice.” Michael muses, “Advice on how to take on Victor Newman.”

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In the ranch basement, Jordan wonders if Victor will sell tickets to her his own private zoo. He’s glad to see she’s retained her sense of humor. Jordan wants to get on with it. “Bring me a vile of poison and I’ll be free.” Victor won’t make it that easy for her, and assures her he has no sense of decency where she’s concerned. He won’t kill her as long as she’s still of use to him. He orders her to get on the floor and eat those brussel sprouts and he’ll get her another bottle of vodka. He walks off and Jordan hollers at him to come back.

In the tackhouse, Victoria and Claire go on about how nice it is to feel safe. Nikki arrives and they’re thrilled to see her. She explains that her counselors thought she was doing so well, she could continue her work at home. They’re all excited about a Jordan-free world. Nikki asks if they know where Victor is. The staff said he hadn’t left, but she can’t find him anywhere.

At Society, Michael wonders why Victor always has to play God. He worries that even if they get Jordan out of there and into a real prison, she might talk about being held captive and tortured. Cole says she’s seeing rats and spiders that aren’t there… she barely even recognized him at first. That, along with her history, and he doubts anyone would believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Michael grunts, “One can only hope.” Cole asks, “Any ideas?” Michael says Victor won’t listen to reason. They’ll have to do the dirty work, get her out of the cage, and into a legitimate cell. Cole muses, “Without Victor knowing.” Michael grimaces and downs his drink.

At the ranch, Victor calls out, “Nikki, are you home?”

At the Abbott house, Ashley assumes Tucker’s telling the truth, but she doesn’t remember the conversation or seeking him out. “I’m afraid. I’m afraid to even ask you what day it is.” Tucker thinks she’s herself right now. Alan asks to speak to Ashley alone. Jack thanks Tucker and tells him she’s in good hands now. Tucker moves to leave. Ashley thanks him for being concerned about her and for knowing she needed to be with her family. He touches her shoulder, tells her to take care, and goes. Traci and Jack fuss over Ashley, who is sorry if she hurt them. Alan wants to talk, so Jack and Traci file out. Alan asks if she remembers anything specific happening with anyone. The voices in her head start up. She shouts, “Stop it!” Alan guesses she wasn’t talking to him.

Outside, Jack is grateful they have the real Ashley and she’ll get the help she needs. Traci says they have Tucker to thank for that. Jack still isn’t convinced he’s not to blame. “As far as I’m concerned, she is better off if she never sees that man again.”

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At the Club bar, Tucker orders a drink and thinks about Ashley.

At the tackhouse, Victoria doesn’t know where her father is. She tells Nikki he’s been taking a lot of long walks since she’s been gone. They update her on Claire’s riding and Nikki would love to give her lessons. They rejoice in having nothing to be afraid of. Victoria’s really happy that she’s home. Just then, Victor knock at the door. Nikki answers it to surprise him. They embrace. Victor beams. He tells her she looks strong, beautiful, and rested. Nikki says she’s doing outpatient care and has never felt more committed to her sobriety. Now that they’re free of Jordan forever, nothing can threaten her sobriety.

At Society, Cole and Michael feel they must be out of their minds to go behind Victor’s back, but they have no choice. This type of vigilante justice never goes well. Michael says it was an incredibly ill-conceived move on Victor’s part. Cole wants to deal with this. No one else should suffer for what she’s put them through. Michael sums up that they need to figure out how to put Jordan in a real prison and keep Victor out of an orange jumpsuit. “The only question is how?” Cole might have an idea.

In her cell, Jordan vows to find a way out of there somehow. When she finds it, she’s coming after Victor and his whole damn family.

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At the Club, Tucker’s phone rings. It’s John-Jacques, who is asking if he’ll be attending any of the meetings this week with Audra. Tucker asks, “Is Audra in Paris?!”

Outside the Abbott mansion, Traci and Jack worry about how Ashley will cope when she learns she’s not in control of her own mind, or has to go into a facility. He vows that they’ll support her. Traci has hope because the woman sitting inside right now is their sister. Jack hopes she’s right.

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Inside, Alan tells Ashley he believes they’re dealing with several different personas. He explains D.I.D. to her and how the alters control your behavior. It’s usually the result of some severe trauma. Her memory loss fits, and they’ve all met personalities very different from her usual persona. Ashley can’t recall a trauma that would have precipitated this. Alan thinks she’s blocking it. He suggests it may have happened in Paris. “There are ways of exploring this.” Ashley balks, knowing he wants to put her away somewhere. Alan tells her she needs to address this in a safe environment. Maybe she should come back to Paris with him. They can explore these memories together and, hopefully, find the truth.

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Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor receives unexpected visitors, Cole faces a tough decision, and Claire asks Summer for a second chance.

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