General Hospital

General Hospital: ABS Soap’s Heartbreaking Goodbye to Gregory Harrison’s Character Leaves Everyone DEVASTATED

General Hospital spoilers - Gregory
GH/ Is it time to say goodbye to Gregory?

Fans of General Hospital witnessed the heart-wrenching death of Gregory in the last episode of the soap. The death of Finn and Chase’s father signaled the exit of actor Gregory Harrison from the American show. Harrison snatched the role from Days of Our Lives’ James Read in 2020.

He portrayed Gregory, who was diagnosed with ALS in April 2023. The episode aired Gregory’s final moments as he settled into bed and reflected on his life through flashbacks. Off the show, co-stars shared their thoughts on Harrison’s exit. Check out!

General Hospital: So Many Reactions on Harrison’s Departure!

Viewers of General Hospital saw touching scenes of Gregory’s youth, moments with his sons Finn and Chase, and his granddaughter Violet. Moreover, he thought about the memorable times with Alexis, including a glimpse of Chase’s wedding to Brook Lynn. As Gregory peacefully closed his eyes, it was clear that Gregory had passed away.

General Hospital spoilers - Gregory
GH/ Will Gregory lose his life to ALS?

And get this, Harrison’s departure turned out to be a heartbreaker for his fans who have appreciated his portrayal. Although the actor isn’t running for a Daytime Emmy this year, his 2024 scenes might earn him a nomination. What do you think? Back to GH, Gregory’s death will resonate deeply with his on-screen family and friends. We believe Tracy Quartermaine and Alexis Davis will face heartbreak upon learning the news.

But we can’t help but think about how Violet Finn reacts to such emotional news. Michael Easton, who played Finn, posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram. He lauded Harrison as one of the finest actors and a better human being. Easton added, “I learned so much from you, and it was an absolute honor to share a stage with you.” The soap actor also admitted to missing Harrison’s talent and grace.

General Hospital spoilers - Finn
General Hospital/ Michael Easton (Finn) posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram.

In addition, Jophielle Love also shared her fond memories of working with the General Hospital luminary. The actress was sad at the character’s departure and appreciated having him as an honorary grandpa in real life. “Oh, Grand’Pa Gregory! @gnhsurf I will miss you so very much on GH.”

Furthermore, Nancy Lee Grahn reflected on her experiences with Harrison, calling him a gift while pouring love and respect for him. “I truly love & respect everything about him,” Grahn said on X/Twitter. Meanwhile, Josh Swickard (Chase) spoke about the deep off-screen bond he developed with the departed star. “He really felt like a father figure to me in so many ways. He’s such a good human being.” Josh shared that Harrison taught him valuable lessons about acting and life.

General Hospital/ Josh Swickard and Amanda Setton expressed grief at Harrison’s exit.

Finally, Amanda Setton (Brook Lynn) shared sentiments similar to Josh’s. Setton said, “I’m going to miss him a lot. I have such genuine love and respect for Gregory.” Plus, she praised Harrison’s professionalism and artistry. “He is always so prepared, so professional, so collaborative, so detailed, and specific with his prep and his choices.”

Harrison’s last day on set was very touching, but his friendships with his co-stars will continue off-screen. They already have plans for future gatherings! Have you also been moved by Harrison’s exit? Tell us in the comments.

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