The Young And The Restless

Young & Restless Opens a Mile-Wide Plot Hole: Won’t Anybody Think of [Spoiler]?!?

Adam Nick Y&R

Credit: Howard Wise/

The Young and the Restless has opened a cavernous plot hole and run straight through it: As a reader recently asked on Facebook, won’t anybody think of poor Christian?!?

For months, Nick has been up to his scruff in Jordan drama. He knows what the madwoman is capable of; he drank her heart-attack water himself. So why hasn’t he taken steps to ensure that son Christian is safe? Why hasn’t he warned against taking candy from strangers wearing wigs? He sat there with Phyllis fretting over Harrison when he was abducted but didn’t seem concerned in the slightest that Christian could be next.

And if you think that’s bad, wait!

Mark Grossman, Alex Wilson "The Young and the Restless" Set CBS television City Los Angeles 07/2/19 © Howard Wise/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 11744 U.S. Airdate 08/06/19


Giao dịch vàng CFDs với sàn môi giới tin cậyTruy cập sàn giao dich đạt giải thưởng sử dụng nền tảng MT4/MT5IC Markets


On the other end of the canvas, we have Adam busily wringing his hands with Chelsea over Connor’s mental-health struggles. But again, what about his other son, Christian? How is he doing? What is he going through? Since Adam was unaware that anything was amiss with Connor until it became a serious matter, wouldn’t he naturally think to check on Christian? They have a non-relationship, but still, wouldn’t he at least ask Nick if Christian was OK?

We get that Young & Restless has a huge canvas to service. But if the show is going to drop dots right and left, we’re gonna need it to go the extra mile and connect them. That’s what makes a canvas a canvas and not just a bunch of loose ends dangling like so many unrelated threads.

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