General Hospital

General Hospital Served up One of the Best Soap Weddings in a Long Time Featuring Romance, Fun and of Course, Drama!

Brook Lynn Chase's Wedding GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

It was Chase and Brook Lynn’s big week on General Hospital! I’m breaking this week’s column into before the wedding, the wedding, and *bleep* hits the fan! Let’s jump right in!

Before the Wedding

I loved Anna berating Carly for interfering and compromising an ongoing investigation, as well as putting herself in danger in the process. “I never thought you were stupid!” was a great jab, along with, “Did you learn nothing being married to the mob?” Naturally, Carly knows best and immediately makes plans to see Brennan again. Oh brother! But it looks like one of the wishes I made in last week’s column about Brennan is coming true. Charles Mesure’s name is in the closing credits! Now, if we can get a headshot of Jack in the opening ones it will means he’s sticking around…

Anna yells at Carly GH

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Last week I wondered what Ava’s endgame was, and fortunately Cates wondered the same thing. Is she in love with Sonny? Does she want to take over his organization? We sadly didn’t get answers, and I’m not buying this is all for a peaceful co-parenting situation with Avery’s father. Ava knowing Sonny’s not on his full dosage should worry her as eventually he’s bound to become violent. Spoiler alert, he did! Why does she not see this is not a safe place for her or Avery? Ava is many things, but she’s not dumb, she knows she can’t control a manic Sonny.

Cates shocks Ava GH

I’ve really been enjoying the sweet scenes between Sasha and Cody, and am looking forward to their story amping up with John J. York back and taping episodes.

I’ve said it before, but Drew is far more interesting now that he’s not attached to Carly’s hip. I like that he’s helping Willow reconnect with Nina. I thought his comment to Willow that that perhaps it’s not she who had a lesson to learn, but Nina, and maybe she had. Here is hoping Nina really does want to try and better herself. She’s drawn a line in the sand with Ava, and even suggested to Carly while they’ll never be friends, they don’t need to berate each other each time they see one another. Nina telling Carly that she was right about Sonny leaving her seemed like a step in the right direction… But when Nina takes one step forward, it’s usually follwed by two steps back.

Drew is surprised GH

Back to Drew, I’m also liking his interactions with Jordan, but Congressman Drew Quartermaine? I don’t know about this one. We already have a very divisive election coming up in the fall, so I’d rather not have politics invading me soaps right now!

The Big Event!

Everything about Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding was a hit. The church was beautiful, and so was The Metro Court. It wasn’t just Gregory who got choked up during the wedding, but the audience too. Tracy was fantastic as always, being right there to help Gregory through his attack. Their conversation later about “what if” they’d met decades early seemed like they were acknowledging their feelings for one another, though as Tracy pointed out, they wouldn’t have had this special day if they hadn’t met when they had.

Tracy and Brook Lynn moment GH

Tracy was equally as touching in telling Ned how proud she was of him as a father, and her pre-wedding exchange with Brook Lynn was another tear jerker. “You’ll continue to be a pain in the butt, but I adore you!” Oh Tracy, give Jane Elliot the Daytime Emmy please!

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Brook Lynn’s dress was beautiful, but they never told us what they salvaged from Lila’s to include in it!

Ned walks Brooklynn down the aisle GH

What was with the hostility between Drew and Jason? Before Jason died they were seeming to become closer. Drew even commented on what could have been when Jason died. Now he’s just taking verbal shots at him. Is this really because he’s so butt-hurt that Jason’s return spoiled his relationship with Carly?

Portia and Jordan has a Meeting in the Ladies Room (that’s an eighties joke) and both wondered why the heck they were even invited to this wedding. We all wondered that ladies! Joss really has no business being there either, but we know they had to put her there to make gaga-eyes at Dex as well as meet Brook Lynn’s cousin, Gio.

Giovani meets Joss GH

Natalia trying to talk business with Maxie and get Blaze’s royalty check was so… Natalia. I loved Maxie telling her, “You don’t get invited to many parties do you?” She was the one buzz kill of the event.

As I noted last week, they needed to mention why Jackie wasn’t at her son’s wedding. Give an explanation that she’s on a dangerous assignment and couldn’t get away. Give us something… anything… but all we got was crickets.

Maxie using her best friend’s wedding as the perfect occasion to tell Spinelli she loved him and kiss him was sweet.

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I’m usually not one that is particularly interested in fashion. I can agree with Jason on the fact that I hate dressing up for events like this, I much prefer jeans and a t-shirt… but with some color! However, Kristina’s dress was not working for me. That clown collar neck looked like it was strangling her.

Kristina and Blaze wedding GH

Violet’s song, and Ned accompanying her, was an adorable way to close out Thursday’s festive show, because we knew it was all going downhill from here! It began when Finn, not really paying attention, realized he just took a sip of champagne. Okay, I get addicts try and stay away from all kinds of temptation, but he was not an alcoholic, so a sip shouldn’t send him spiraling.

Violet and Ned perform GH

Friday Hits the Fan!

Throughout the wedding I wondered, why isn’t Sasha there? She was an integral part of Deception and a friend of Brook Lynn’s. She’s also the new Quartermaine chef. Friday’s brief interlude from the wedding explained that Lois and Olivia saddle her with making all the food for the after-party, and she was so busy that she couldn’t attend the wedding. Yes she’s the new chef, but not cool! They could have had it catered! At least we got some sweet Cody and Sasha moments through, like their dance.

Cody and Sasha dance GH

The wedding continued Friday with a lot of fun scenes before the drama was served up. Everyone was laughing, joking, and having a good time. That fact that the characters weren’t discussing the various plots going on made the whole event fun and it felt real, not like your usual soap wedding where your waiting for a disaster to occur at any moment and ruin it. Okay, one did happen, but after everyone began to file out. So the wedding was a success!

Brook Lynn and Chase's first dance GH

Brook Lynn asking Gregory to dance was touching, as were all of the dance scenes.

Fortunately Finn recomposed himself after his faux-pas with the champagne and didn’t go off the deep end. Hopefully this is not foreshadowing of Finn doing so as Gregory continues to decline.

As the reception came to an end, and everyone filed out to the after-party, that’s when it all hit the fan. Having witnessed Dex mingling with Sonny’s people, the Cerrulos, he began to beat the tar out of him. Jason saved the day, but not before Kristina walked in on Sonny screaming he was going to put a gun to both their heads and kill them. The previews for Monday have Kristina sobbing, and Blaze urging her to go to the hospital. Could the baby be in jeopardy? I’ve been writing this looked like it could be coming for a few weeks now as Kristina slowly wakes up to who Sonny is.

Kristina is horrified GH

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After this, someone HAS to start questioning the issue of Sonny’s medication. All these people that know Sonny should be doing more than they are right now and seeing that he’s not himself. Hopefully Kristina’s reaction to seeing her father acting like a violent thug will push Sonny to get his blood and dosage levels checked.

Brennans shank GH

What I didn’t have on my list this week? Was that the weekly promo and the person rushed to the hospital losing a lot of blood was Jack Brennan! Yup, that promo was a misleader, and nobody died at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding. Jack stabbed himself in Pentonvile and framed another inmate to get himself out. Oh Jack, I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned once your out of the slammer, even if only temporarily.

That’s about all I’ve got as far as opinions this week. Obviously like many of you, I’m wondering what the latest head writer shakeup will bring. Will it mean some of the questionable personality shifts in some of the character be rectified?

As always, don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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