The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers & Preview (Week of May 20-14, 2024): Brooke and Hope Clash Over Deacon-Sheila

Next week, Deacon and Sheila’s wedding day finally arrives and they have the most unexpected officiant, point The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. However, in the prelude to the wedding, there will be many face-offs, clashes, and lying! The most fiery one is expected to happen between Brooke and Hope. So dive right in to find out more!

Finn Assures Steffy Of His Loyalty, Brooke and Hope Clash

Even though Finn promised Sheila that he would stand by their mother-son relationship, he felt forced to back out. The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers reveal that when Steffy gave him the ultimatum to choose between her and Sheila, he chose her. Next week, Steffy worries that Sheila may suck him into her wedding drama. But he assures her that he will stay away.

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B&B/Steffy fears Finn getting pulled into Sheila’s wedding drama

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers and Preview video for the week of May 20-24, 2024, shows Hope telling Brooke and Ridge about Sheila and Deacon’s wedding plans. The duo rips into Hope for supporting the wedding. However, Hope lashes back saying that it is not about Sheila, and she is just supporting her father.

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Deacon and Sheila Ready To Tie The Knot

As the week progresses, Sheila and Deacon finally prepare to take their marital vows. The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers and preview video shows a delighted Sheila walking down the aisle and standing next to an equally elated Deacon.

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B&B/ Sheila and Deacon are getting married

However, the biggest surprise comes in the form of their wedding officiant. It is none other than the homeless guy Tome (Clint Howard). The very man who helped Finn and Deacon find Sheila. The Bold and The Beautiful preview video shows him all decked up in a suit for the ceremony!

Although, some spoilers hint that a major shocker may hot Sheila and Deacon before they tie the knot. Could that shocker stop the wedding from happening? Tell us in the comments.

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