The Bold And The Beautiful

Get Ready, Because [Spoiler] Showing Up At Bold & Beautiful’s Sheila/Deacon Wedding Will Be A Game Changer!

B&B bold and beautiful mashup Sheila alive newspaper pregnancy test RJ

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI; CBS Screenshots (4)

It was a wild week on Bold & Beautiful, not to mention on Soap Twitter. There were some great lines, rushed plots and nonsensical developments… but what it wasn’t was boring. So let’s take a closer look at what went down, shall we? 

All Praise Sheila

Come on, kids. Finn had to know that telling his wife Sheila was a “hero” would go down about as well as someone telling me that I could never board another cruise ship. I wanted Steffy’s eyes to pop out of her head, cartoon style, at that, and they darn near did.

I actually loved the writing for Steffy this week. She was having absolutely none of what her husband was trying to sell, and finally drew a line in the sand. “It’s her or me and the kids,” she declared. And Finn wisely chose his wife… or at least gave lip service to having chosen them. Does anybody really think he’s going to stay away from the woman — sorry, biological mother — with whom he shares a deep connection? If so, I’d like to discuss with you a bridge, located in Brooklyn, which I am willing to sell you for a very, very low price. (Serious inquiries only.)

I was also happy to hear several character on the canvas point out what I’ve said from the start: Sheila is an unreliable narrator. We didn’t actually see or hear her conversation with Sugar. We saw and heard a flashback of what Sheila was describing. That doesn’t mean it’s an actual reflection of what went down between them. In fact, I’m hoping it’s a complete and total fabrication and that there’s more to that story!

Open Cyber Mouth, Insert Cyber Foot

It’s worth mentioning that I unintentionally ticked off a whole lot of Finn’s fans this week with a misguided attempt at humor. It started, as these things so often do, with a tweet. This tweet, in fact.


Quicker than you can say “birth mom,” I was being called a lying liar who lies. And honestly, the folks who lobbed that particular accusation at me weren’t wrong. While Finn may ultimately wind up putting a relationship with Sheila above his marriage to Steffy, I’m pretty sure even the most ardent of his fans will call him out for it. Most of them love Finn and Steffy. They don’t just ship Finn, they ship the couple.

Finn Sheila Deacon Hope B&B

I sent out a mia culpa via the tweet below, but… yeah, they were right to call me out. When I’m wrong, I own it. Usually.


I Feel The Rush

I continue to wonder what the point of the Zende/Luna/R.J. story is. This week, they rushed through an “Is she or isn’t she pregnant?” scenario. Luna puked into a trash can, immediately asked herself “Am I pregnant?” (as opposed to, “Gee, wonder if I caught something” or “What the heck did I have for lunch?”), whipped out a pregnancy test she’d apparently been toting around and got the results… all in a single episode.

Poppy Luna B&B

Wait, that’s not entirely true. Because they used the test results as an episode-ending cliffhanger, which then extended into the first few minutes of the next day. Which just made Poppy look bad for not immediately. telling her daughter, “Nope, the test is negative. You can relax.”

But again… what’s the point of any of this?

Mirror, Mirror

Later, Poppy was taken to task by Brooke, of all people. “How could you be so wreckless?” she demanded of Poppy, because the show continues to act as if she is somehow responsible for what happened to Luna. We once again had someone accusing Poppy of “drugging your own daughter.”

In what universe should Brooke, of all people, be bandying about accusations regarding people winding up in the wrong bed? I wish that someone would point that out, but of course, Brooke’s history is never, ever referred to in anything more than passing. Which becomes even more obvious when this week we also got scenes in which Carter, while advising Zende to stop lusting after a woman who is in a committed relationship, acknowledged that he’d been in a similar situation more than once.

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Why are we allowed to reference Carter’s past mistakes but never Brooke’s? I mean, we literally had Brooke say to Zende, “You betrayed my son… your own family!” as if she hasn’t slept her way through the Forrester family tree!

Along those lines, you know who does remember the history of every character on the show? Fans in general and superfan Matt Hanvey in particular. He posted the hysterical video below which proves that point.


And not for nothing, but I’d watch the hell out of his version of Bold & Beautiful. I mean, why not let soaps have some fun with the dialogue, right? Instead of the laughs being unintentional, embrace the fun!

Coming Up…

In true Bold & Beautiful fashion, Sheila and Deacon will dash down the aisle next week, with Tom — aka the homeless dude who helped them reunite — serving as the officiant. Sorry, Carter, but you’ve been replaced! This wedding also won’t take place in the Forrester living room, but rather at Il Giardino, which also makes sense.

Tom marries Sheila Deacon BB

Obviously, the real question is whether Finn will show up for his biological mother’s ceremony. I’m willing to bet that he will, and that he’ll try keeping Steffy in the dark about it. I’m also betting Hope will show up to support her dad, furthering the notion that eventually (perhaps just in time for Thomas’ inevitable return?), she and Finn will be drawn together.

More: Sheila/Deacon wedding preview! 

Random Thoughts

• Check out the newspaper below. Anybody else catch what may or may not be intentional references to both Back to the Future and Jurassic Park?

B&B newspaper sheila arrest

• I almost died when Ridge said of Finn, “Honestly, I don’t care about his mommy issues.” I have to assume this was a writer having fun with the borderline creepy relationship Ridge had with his own late mom, Stephanie.

• Less effective was Ridge asking Eric, “Does the name Janet Webber mean anything to you?” No, Ridge, why would it? Nobody had ever heard it until a writer inserted it into a script a few weeks ago. Now, had you asked if Eric knew the name Sugar, that would have made sense.

• Are Poppy and Bill still dating? Remember when they were hot-and-heavy before being shoved to the backburner, never to be mentioned again?

• I was happy to see Eric immediately pick up the phone and call Lauren Fenmore about Sheila’s latest resurrection. (Sadly, so far we haven’t actually seen Lauren’s reaction on sister soap Young & Restless).

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