The Young And The Restless

Ashley’s Alter Plots Tucker’s Demise — and Billy Fires the First Shot at Chancellor-Winters

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In the park, Allen tells Ashley’s alter that he can’t have a romantic relationship with her. She paws his lapels as she questions him as to why it’s unfair to her. “What aren’t you telling me?” She asks if he thinks she’s crazy. Alan chastises her. He doesn’t use words like that. Ashley felt an attraction. Alan doesn’t think it can go anywhere. She wants to know why. Alan says he can’t stay there. Long distance relationships rarely work out. The alter doesn’t buy it. Who’s to say she wouldn’t move to Paris. She asks him to admit he’s there to psychoanalyze her. Alan protests, “You are a good friend, alright?” He’s sorry for hurting her feelings. Ashley thinks the jokes on her. “Goodbye, Alan.” She trots off.
Alan Ashley alter Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Lily asks Esther if Billy is in. He’s not. Lily complains he’s unreachable. Esther says she got an email from Jill asking to send her important emails to Billy. Lily says that’s correct. Esther begins fretting and Lily reassures her. Nate arrives and he and Lily go into her office. She updates him on her call with Jill confirming Billy’s in charge. “Billy Abbott has just been handed the keys to the kingdom, and apparently, he’s blowing us off.”

Until they know where Billy is, and what his plan is, they can’t do anything. They have to figure out how to move forward without killing each other. Nate asks if Billy gave her any idea what he wants to do. Lily says no, she was hoping to find out today. Nate thinks they shouldn’t have been so hard on Aunt Mamie. They may need her down the road. Lily disagrees. Just then, Lily gets a text from Billy. She shakes her head and sighs, “It is not good news.”
Nate Lily Y&R

At the doors of the Club, Audra tells Devon if he came there to blast his father, it’s not a good time to talk. Devon asks, “Is he your dad or mine?” Once she’s gone upstairs to pack, Tucker and Devon head to the dining room. Devon learns they’re heading to Paris and asks if he’ll be gone for a while. Tucker says it’s just a little while. “Would it bother you at all if I left town for good?”

Devon says it’s not the time to test him on how he feels about him. He’s used to him being gone. It would probably make sense for him to leave right now. Tucker smirks that most of the people in town can’t stand him… including his own son. Devon tells his father he wants to know what he was going to do to help Mamie oust Jill from Chancellor-Winters. Tucker says that’s old news and he has no designs on his company. Devon believes that. Tucker squints, “But someone else does. Is it coming from outside or inside?” Tucker guesses, “Billy. You want him out, don’t you?”

Devon confirms it’s Billy. Tucker says he’ll help him any way he can. Devon doesn’t want a partnership, he’s just looking for information. Nothing has changed between them. Tucker disagrees with that. This irks Devon, who makes a move to leave. Tucker tells him this is an opportunity for him to prove himself to his son. Devon sits back down and tells Tucker, “Fine.” He can prove he’s a changed man. They won’t be exchanging favors, however. Tucker agrees to his terms, but asks Devon to keep an open mind. Tucker isn’t surprised Billy’s become an issue, but he’s no fool. This needs to be handled quickly and carefully. Devon doesn’t want him handling anything, he just wants to know if he has leverage he can use.

In her suite, Audra’s packing when Sally shows up. She invites her in and tells her she’s packing for Paris. “We’re leaving tonight.” Sally’s jealous… and happy for her. Audra asks what’s on her mind. Sally wants her advice. “How do you know when it’s finally time to cut and run?”

Audra asks if this is about Adam. Sally says it’s nothing to do with him at all; they’re great. She explains she’s talking about her interior design business. Audra muses that start-ups are never easy. She asks questions and Sally tells her they’re sinking. She’s afraid this is a hole they can’t dig themselves out of. They go over Sally’s options, including going back to fashion. Audra thinks she should go for it. Sally says it’s not that simple. Nick invested money in this business and she doesn’t want to let him down. Audra says he can just record it as a loss on his expenses. Sally’s had numerous businesses and just wants to find a lane and stick to it. Audra feels she’s capable in a bunch of areas, but it all comes down to what her heart tells her to do. Sally wishes it was a simple answer.

Audra shares that she used to be an artist. She loved the art life, but it wasn’t at all profitable and she realized she couldn’t make a career out of it. It was heartbreaking. She chose business school for security and has zero regrets. Sally has always known who she was supposed to be. It’s a matter of reclaiming that passion and sticking to it. Audra smiles, “Exactly. Sometimes you just need someone to remind you.”

Ashley’s alter arrives at the Abbott house, where Ms. Abbott argues to take over in her head. Belle answers her just as Traci walks in and tries to spark up a conversation. “Did you have a chance to see Alan?” Belle muses, “You want to know if Alan’s fixed me.” She talks about “Ashley” being too much in the third person. She accuses Traci of not loving her. She’s accepted all of them, so why can’t they accept her?

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Traci insists they’re not the enemy. The doorbell rings and Traci answers it. It’s Alan. Traci invites him in. Ashley poses sexily on the sofa as her sister excuses herself. Alan tells her he wanted to continue their conversation. She asks if he had a change of heart. He wants her to know that he’s her friend, but he’s a professional and there are concerns. As he drones on, Ashley’s alter Ms. Abbott rages in her head, “He’s onto us!” Belle grabs her head and shouts, “I don’t want to hear this.” Alan asks if she’s OK. Ms, Abbott, having taken over, replies, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Alan asks if she wants to talk. She snaps that they’ve talked enough and she’s bored with his probing. “You’re exhausting.” She suggests their friendship has run its course and walks out. Traci reappears and Alan tells her, “I’m afraid it’s worse than I thought. There’s obviously more than one personality at play, and the one I just spoke to is concerning.”

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In the Club, Tucker tells Devon he didn’t have anything on Jill. He often just wings it and trusts that the solution will present itself at the right time. He thought Mamie would be able to dig up some dirt on Jill once she was inside. “But that didn’t happen.” Devon notes that’s because Mamie turned on him. He can’t ask her right now. Tucker asks if there’s family drama and then says he’s sorry he can’t be of more help. “I feel like I’m letting you down.” Devon shrugs that it was a longshot. He needs to find a different angle is all. Tucker muses, “Maybe I have one. Let me take care of Billy.”

Tucker tells Devon he can take actions that he can’t… or would rather not. He has way more experience in this kind of thing. It’s in his best interests to think about this as a long-game strategy. It won’t be a quick fix. Devon asks what his plan is. Tucker tells him that once he gets rid of Billy, he’ll still have Jill to deal with, and she’ll be pissed. If she finds out he had anything to do with it, she will be out for his blood. “And believe me, that woman knows how to hold a grudge.” Devon asks if he’ll do all the dirty work and his hands will be clean. Tucker asks “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Devon says, “Not if she finds out we had this conversation.” Tucker tells Devon he’ll have to make a big show of resolving his issues with Billy. He’ll get Billy out of the picture and Devon will have one less obstacle in his way. Devon thinks it sounds messy and complicated. He doesn’t want him making new problems for him. “No thanks.” Tucker is sorry he couldn’t be more helpful.

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At Chancellor-Winters, Lily reads Billy’s text to Nate: “Sorry for the abrupt departure. I figured you could use the time to cool down and come to terms with my new position at the company. Maybe even get Devon to put those gloves back on. Meanwhile, I’ll be taking a trip to various company offices to wave the Chancellor-Winters flag and get to know them a little better all in the interest of fostering strong communication. I’ll be in touch. Billy.” Lily tells Nate he’s using this trip to gather allies. He’ll make a lot of promises they’ll have to deal with. “He’s fired the first shot!”

In Audra’s suite, Sally thanks her. She’s given her a lot to think about. Audra says she’s where she’s supposed to be, and she will be too. She gets a text that the airline found them an earlier flight. She asks Sally to stick around, but the redhead has to go. Audra can’t wait to say “au revoir” to Genoa City and to Ashley! After Sally’s gone, Tucker joins Audra and tells her it went better than hoped with Devon. She wheels her suitcase over to the door as he explains his son wanted a favor. Audra hopes he didn’t give it to him, he doesn’t deserve it. Tucker says that’s for him decide. He shares that Devon will give him another chance as a father if he can get Billy Abbott out of Chancellor-Winters.

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At the Abbott mansion, Alan tells Traci it’s too soon to say for sure if Ashley has D.I.D., but they’ve both seen the different identities. Traci asks if they’re competing with each other, working together, or if they can hurt her. Alan says if it’s D.I.D., it usually develops to protect the host’s psyche. Traci exclaims, “Protect her psyche from what?!” Alan assumes that it’s substantial. They need to get her into a controlled environment. To do that, they need to reach the real Ashley. Traci asks, “What if we can’t?” Alan’s afraid there aren’t a lot of good alternatives.

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At Chancellor-Winters, Nate wonders what Billy hopes to prove. Lily says, “That he’s in charge? He’s the man to see?” Nate notes that she’s still CEO. Devon walks in and Lily snarks, “Nice of you to show up.” Devon explains he was trying to find a solution to their problem, but it didn’t go well. Nate fills him in on Billy’s tour. Devon says, “Good.” Lily argues it’s not good… he’s putting himself out there as the face of Chancellor-Winters. Devon replies, “Let him. We’ll use it to our advantage. The longer he’s gone, the more time we have to figure out how to cut him off at the knees before he gets back.”

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In the park, Ms. Abbott battles with the other alters in her head. “Stay in your place. I’ve got work to do. It’s time for Tucker McCall to die.”


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