The Bold And The Beautiful

Even Before Bold & Beautiful Brings Back Thomas, It’s Finding a New Way to Diss Him

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Typically when someone is being hypocritical on Bold & Beautiful it’s Brooke, who loves to read the riot act to others whilst displaying zero self-awareness (see yesterday’s rant at Zende). But this time it’s someone else… and their statements are so offside that they may have lost all credibility. Not to mention that in writing this dialogue, the show has found a whole new way to diss Thomas… while he’s still overseas!

Thomas took off to work at Forrester International, the landing spot of choice for characters exiled, disgruntled, or fed up, and by all accounts is living a grand old life with his young son Douglas by his side. We’re sure Thomas is still licking his wounds after his break-up with Hope, but we’re heartened to hear that he’s not over there falling apart as is sometimes the case.
Thomas Douglas B&B









Back in Los Angeles, for the most part, it’s been a case of “out of sight, out of mind” where Thomas has been concerned, with Ridge giving a brief update on his son and grandson, and Hope preoccupied with Deacon and Finn’s Sheila drama.

But even with Thomas on the other side of the world minding his business, Bold & Beautiful has managed to find a way to disrespect him… via some pretty insulting insinuations in their frontburner story.
Thomas B&B









As fans well know, Sheila has been resurrected and not long after was elevated to near-sainthood in the eyes of her biological son, Finn. Hopeful, not to mention deluded beyond all belief, the otherwise intelligent doctor actually stood in front of his wife, a woman whose family has been terrorized by Sheila for decades, a woman who was shot and left for dead by the madwoman, and proposed that she give his Birth Mother™ a chance.

Ridge predicted the good doctor would be in for a wake-up call and that’s exactly what he got… in the form of an ultimatum from his wife. “It’s me or Sheila.” Finn, of course, chose his partner, but one could tell by the hangdog look on his face that it’s not going to end there. But that’s another story.

What has our knickers in a knot is that Finn had the gall to stand in front of Steffy and tell her that Sheila had changed, when he would never give her brother, whose transgressions were far fewer and far less sinister, the same benefit of the doubt. If you know both Thomas and Sheila’s stories, you know there’s no comparing them.

Further, we can’t believe Steffy didn’t call her hubby out on it. In fact, if this was at all realistic, Hope would have called her new pal out on it too. We can still remember when Finn stood in his office and declared that he wasn’t buying Thomas’ redemption act. He was a “bad person” and therefore couldn’t possibly change or ever be good enough for Hope.
B&B Finn Thomas

Yet, the notorious Sheila Carter is suddenly redeemed and a changed woman because she got chained up in a warehouse and supposedly uttered a sentence in an attempt to try and stop Sugar from going to Steffy’s house?! Supposedly being the key word, because we don’t believe for a second that it actually happened, nor should Finn, who is in for another big shock.

But John Finnegan has gone fully down that rabbit hole, and every time he insists that Sheila is reformed, we can’t help but think how wildly hypocritical it is considering the stance he took on Thomas.

So, when will Thomas return, perhaps to call Finn out on his own? There’s no official airdate yet, but Bold & Beautiful spoilers tell us his name will be back on the frontburner later this week as Hope circles back to complaining about Steffy’s role in his departure.
Hope Steffy talk Sheila BB

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