The Young And The Restless

Jill Stuns Lily With Her Call — and Devon Turns to [Spoiler] For Help With Billy

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Daniel shows up in Lily’s office asking if it’s a good time. He texted her but she didn’t reply. Lily doesn’t have time for whatever this is. Daniel wants to discuss the lawsuit. Lily contends that there’s nothing to talk about. Daniel thinks she knows this isn’t right. He’s not asking for everything, just the pieces of Omegasphere that are closest to his heart. Lily fumes that the platform belongs to the company. Daniel argues that he created it and made Princess Luisa for his daughter, to prove to her that he loved her. Lily says, “Just because you want something, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to have it.” Daniel thought maybe she’d have cooled off by now after what happened between them. Lily snaps that nothing happened between them, he cheated. He didn’t make this platform on his own and he definitely doesn’t get to keep it. Daniel fumes that this feels like it’s just all about revenge.
Daniel Y&R

Lily informs Daniel that they shouldn’t be having this conversation without lawyers. She insists this isn’t personal. He wants to keep part of the platform and she wants to retain it for the good of the company. “It’s nothing personal.” Daniels smirks, “OK.” Lily balks that he signed a contract and it’s of great value to C-W. Daniel says, “It is to me too.” Lily continues, “Per the contract, we own the IP.” If they had him back bits and pieces for free, it undercuts their bottom line. Daniel says she has logic and the law behind her, but it’s also there for her to hide behind. He’s coming to her as a friend and as someone who adored her. “Please do not take this from me.”

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In the park, Devon and Abby grin and tease each other as they watch Dom play. She asks him about the things going on at work. He says it’s Billy. Abby asks, “What did he do this time?” Devon says he told them Jill handed over all of her power to him. Abby says, “That doesn’t make any sense.” Devon agrees, which is why he thinks Jill didn’t make this call on her own. He thinks it’s a power grab by Billy and he’s not going to stand for it. Abby finds the timing quite strange. Devon laughs. He finds it strange Jill never mentioned it and isn’t around to corroborate it. He’s sure Billy’s doing something underhanded. Abby thinks he could be on the up and up, but agrees Jill should have told them herself. Devon can’t understand why she’d blindside him and Lily. Abby shrugs. She must have a good reason. Devon wonders if she wants to go to war. They continue conversing about how odd this all is. Abby asks what Devon wants to do. Devon wants a conversation with Jill. She can see he’s frustrated. Devon says it all started when Lily went out of town. Billy was brought in, Chance was brought in, and Mamie started causing problems. You can’t do good business with unstable management. Abby asks how he thinks Neil would have handled it.
Devon Abby Y&R

At Society, Ashley’s childish alter walks in and spots Audra. “Please tell me you’ve wised up about Tucker.” Audra grimaces and the teen says she can’t help it. “Oh well, I guess everyone has their blind spots.” She notes Audra’s alone and thinks maybe she did ditch the snake. Audra tells her they’re solid and going to Paris. The alter snarks that Tucker’s relationships always work out so well there.
Audra Y&R

Audra doesn’t see the point of this discussion, “I don’t know what you want from me.” The alter says Tucker’s not worth her trouble. Audra thinks she can’t understand how solid they are. She doesn’t give up on him when the going gets tough. Ashley’s alter perkily wishes them the best. Audra thinks Alan’s visit is helping. “You might want to be careful there, you know, the whole doctor/patient thing.” The alter chuckles at Audra giving her dating advice. Audra keeps needling about Ashley being involved with her therapist and the alter says they’re just friends. Audra thinks she’s trying to lure Alan in and charm him as a distraction so he won’t focus on her psychological problems. The alter teases about the juicy plot she’s cooked up. She says Alan is brilliant and attractive but they’re not involved in a professional way. “Nothing to be concerned about.” She’s open to whatever the universe has in store.
Ashley Audra Y&R

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Tucker sees Alan with his suitcase at the Club and asks if he’s going to leave Ashley in the lurch. “She needs help desperately. You have to do something about it.” Alan asks what kind of help he thinks he can offer Ashley. He can see this means a lot to him. Tucker wants him to give her some insight. Alan doubts she’d like him discussing her with her ex. Tucker claims he’s a concerned friend. He details her disturbing behavior since Paris with the wild personality swings. Alan posits that people are entitled to their emotions. Tucker scoffs that it’s deeper than that. The family is terrified for her. Alan asks if he thinks this might be partly due to his behavior. Tucker’s sorry for the ways they hurt each other. “I probably could have been a little more supportive.” He warns she won’t get well if left on her own. Alan needs to stick around.
Alan Y&R

Tucker explains that Ashley’s attitude toward him is constantly shifting. He describes the personality swings and Ashley talking to Audra in the third person. “Something needs to be done. Someone needs to step up here, whether it’s you or her family.” Alan says it could just be a misunderstanding. Tucker asks him to guess what he’s thinking right now. Alan says, “You’re guilty. Your worried that Ashley is suffering from severe trauma and pain from how you treated her, and you’re hoping she’ll get help. Then you’ll be off the hook for having hurt her.”
Alan Tucker Y&R

Tucker says he owned his part in things and wants Ashley to get help for her own sake. He sleeps very well at night. Alan won’t discuss Ashley with him. Tucker learns Alan just booked another room and laughs. “So, you have decided to stick around and help her. That decision was made before I even sat down.” He likes his style. Alan wishes him well and they shake hands.
Alan Tucker Y&R

In the park, Devon says Neil would tell them to work through their issues or walk away. He’d love to walk away but he can’t do that to Lily. Abby asks if he and Billy can hash things out. Devon doesn’t want to. He wants him gone. They need to figure out how to get him out. Abby’s worried. Devon says the only thing to worry about is the damage Billy will do if he stays. He’s declared war and if he doesn’t do something, they could lose everything.

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At Chancellor-Winters, Daniel appeals to Lily to let him keep Princess Luisa. Lily can’t do anything since the board voted to keep everything. Daniel’s unconvinced. Devon and Nate will go along with whatever she wants. They know this is about her and are just trying to make things easier for her. Daniels senses Lily is stressed and asks if she wants to talk about it. Lily scoffs, “With you?! No, thanks.” She agrees to revisit the issue of Princess Luisa with the board. Daniel says that’s all he can ask for. As he leaves, he wishes her luck with everything else she’s dealing with.
Daniel Lily Y&R

Once alone, Lily takes a video call from Jill and asks, “Jill, what the hell?! Did you really give Billy all your power behind our backs?!” Jill assumes that Billy explained what’s happening. Lily wants to hear it from her. Jill says she made the move because Devon is determined to push Billy out of the company. She had to make sure that wasn’t possible. That’s also why she didn’t give them a heads up. Devon has never taken Billy seriously and now he has to. She’s sure this will help the company by limiting arguments. Billy now has power equal to her and Devon. She’ll still be available as an advisor. “Now you, Devon, and Billy will be forced to work together, and we can get back to business.” Lily tells Jill she’s wrong. “You have made things so much worse!”

At the Club, Audra tells Tucker he won’t believe this… Ashley just wished them well. She describes their encounter. “It’s such a weird switch from before. She’s all over the place emotionally.” She wonders if the shift has something to do with her therapist friend. Tucker muses, “It’s possible.” He wants to move on from the issue of Ashley. Audra sighs that she never knows what attitude she’ll get from her next. Tucker snaps at her to let it go. “I just want to concentrate on us.” He suggests they book an earlier flight out of town. Audra asks if he’s trying to run away from something.
Tucker Audra Y&R

Alan meets Ashley’s alter at Society and he tells her he had a bit of a run-in with her ex-husband. She says he’s a selfish pig who likes to hear himself talk. She dismisses the idea that he feels bad and cares about her. Alan assures Ashley’s alter that he’s sticking around. He muses that Tucker was pleased to hear he was staying. Ashley wants to focus on what’s right in front of her.
Alan Ashley alter Y&R

Daniel walks into Society and Tessa asks, “Can I help you?” Daniel recognizes her. She tells him she’s Mariah’s wife. “Cassie’s sister.” Daniel is a fan of her music; it helped him through some rough times. She asks if now is a rough time. Daniel says that would be an understatement. Tessa’s a good listener. “Why don’t you give me a shot?”
Daniel Tessa Y&R

At the bar, Tessa tells Daniel that she’s a fan of his too. “Princess Luisa is the best.” She heard he created her for his daughter. Someday she wants to write an album for Aria. Daniel tells her that Chancellor-Winters is keeping the rights to his game after things ended badly between him and Lily. He cheated and doesn’t have a leg to stand on, but he doesn’t want to let go of that he created. Tessa can relate. She has plenty of experience causing trouble for herself and the ones around her. She recalls the music festival where she kissed Mariah while seeing Noah, and using her journal to write a song. Daniel agrees that’s a mess. Tessa says her world fell apart but she had help putting the pieces back together. Daniel asks if she could tell him how to do that…he’d be forever in her debt. Tessa laughs.
Daniel Tessa Y&R

In the park, Abby tells Devon she doesn’t want to think the worst of Billy. What would he have to gain by lying? Just then, Devon gets a call from Lily, who says Jill finally called her back. “Everything Billy said is true. She handed him her control.” Devon clucks, “Well, well, well.” He has something to take care of and will be straight over. Lily tells him to make it fast; they’ve no time to lose. Abby pleads with Devon not to do anything he’ll regret.

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Alan and Ashley’s alter walk into Chancellor Park. Alan brings up Katherine and asks if she knew her. Ashley says, “Quite the mogul,” but in her head, wonders why she can’t remember Ashley’s past. Ms. Abbott’s voice answers, “Because I want you to fail, you dumbass.” Ashley’s alter tells Alan she wants to kiss him.
Alan Ashley alter Y&R

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At the Club, Tucker tells Audra he’s not running from anything. He just wants a getaway with her. As they’re about to head upstairs, Devon comes through the front door. “Hey, do you have a second? I could use your help.”


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