General Hospital

General Hospital’s Nina Is Set to Remind Ava That Payback’s a Bitch


Credit: ABC screenshot (2)

If General Hospital ever let Ava stop sleeping with one eye open, it might want to think about having her start again. Why? Because her best friend is now arguably her worst enemy. (Yes, Carly has been bumped to No. 2 on the list!)

In fact, now that Ava set up Nina to actually lose ground with Sonny — as if there was any left to lose! — Nina is on the warpath. In the March 14 episode of ABC’s daytime drama, the don’s estranged wife warns her former gal pal, “If that’s not worthy of payback, I don’t know what is.”


The question remains, what form will Nina’s revenge take? The sky is rather the limit where Sonny’s ex is concerned. It was, after all, only a recast ago that she became so unhinged that she kidnapped a newborn Avery.

Ava being Ava — and having cheated death more times than we can count — she isn’t exactly shaking in her heels. But perhaps she should be. Is there a way that Nina can get Austin’s murder pinned on Ava? The crime remains an unsolved mystery, and it would no doubt bring a smile to Nina’s lips to imagine Ava trying to order a martini behind bars.

Perhaps Nina could even bribe Nikolas to manufacture testimony against Ava. Sure, he still has a soft spot for her. But if Ava’s connections could buy him a Get Out of Jail Free card, he might be willing to say anything.

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