General Hospital

Dante and Sam Decide to Help Jason Without His Knowing — and Anna and Jason Learn of Carly’s Pentonville Trip

Dante and Sam Park GH

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At the Metro Court, Natalia joins Sonny, believing nobody should have to dine alone. She assumes someone had the audacity to stand him up, but he tells her that Ava was here and got tiffed by something he said and stormed off. Natalia hopes things will calm down at home. Sonny explains why Ava and Avery moved in, but it’s not working anymore. Natalia knows how difficult relationships can be when children are involved. She says she and Alison’s father are separated, and she has a son from a previous relationship. She hopes things calm down for him. He says Ava could be packing as they speak, so maybe if they take their time here, it will give her time to be gone by the time he returns. She suggests he talk to Ava, but he says it was a stupid argument over a wedding. She wanted to attend with him, but he said she couldn’t because of the bride’s family, and she stormed off.

Sonny asks Natalia out GH

Natalia empathizes with her as it’s a terrible feeling to be excluded. He doubts anyone would exclude her. Natalia says Alison is going to Brook Lynn’s wedding with Kristina, and she’s missing out. Sonny says that was the wedding he spoke of that Ava wanted to attend. Sonny has a plus one and offers to take her. Natalia asks if he’s sure, and he is. Natalia accepts with pleasure. Natalia says she’s got to get a dress, shoes, and make a hair appointment, so she needs to scoot. She thanks him for the meal, and says she’s looking forward to tomorrow. Natalia heads out.

Natalia and Sonny GH

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Ava goes to the pharmacist in charge of dispensing Sonny’s pills and has some questions about the medication. She claims she and her husband are taking a long trip and thinks they need to stock up. The pharmacist says he has four refills left and asks if he can help her with anything else. Ava says her husband just recently started this new drug and asks if it is safe. He explains that it was only recently approved but is effective and safe.

Pharmacist GH

Ava asks, hypothetically, what would happen if a patient took a lesser dosage? She asks if her husband skips his meds sometimes, could his behavior change? Could he become aggressive and violent? He says it’s possible, but he’s just a pharmacist, not a physician. All he can say is it’s important to take the medication regularly, and people with bipolar disorder don’t become axe murderers overnight. He notes if she’s noticed changes, and if so, she should speak to him and his doctor. Ava says it’s not necessary, she just had questions about this new drug. She thanks him and heads out.

Ava pills GH

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Sonny returns home, and seems out of breath and agitated before going in. Ava is home, and he’s surprised she’s still here after she stormed off on him. Ava apologizes for making a big deal over a social event and understands why she wouldn’t be wanted there. Ava says she appreciates how they’ve connected and come to trust one another, and she cares about this relationship. She says that’s why, for Avery’s sake, it’s time for her to move out. He asks if this is about earlier. Ava says yes and no. She says she values this friendship and doesn’t want to put Avery in the position to ever see them fighting. She also feels she’s overstayed her welcome. Sonny says he’s never said that, and he likes having Avery here. She asks, “What about me?”

Sonny not happy with Ava GH

Sonny says he likes her company, and he didn’t ask her to leave. He says if she wants a place of her own, he’ll help her get one, but he likes how things are. She thanks him, and both she and Avery want to stay. She has realized she’s been a recluse lately, she doesn’t get out except for the gallery, which is why she made an assumption about Brook Lynn’s wedding. He says she should get out more than. Ava asks if she can help him get ready for the wedding, maybe get a painting for a gift. He says cash is king but thanks her. She offers to drive him, but he says he’s good and he’s taking Natalia. He says Blaze and Kristina are going, so he thought it would be nice to include Blaze’s mother. Ava says that is very generous. He walks away, and her smile fades and she gnashes her teeth.

Ava unhappy GH

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In her office, Anna looks over her records on Jack. Dex shows up in his blues, and Anna just wanted to check in with him and how things are going. He thanks her for this opportunity, and he believes this is where he is supposed to be. He also notes Chase has gone out of his way to take him under his wing, and he smoothed things over with the other officers. Dex says Chase even invited him to his wedding, and Anna says she’ll see him there. Anna then asks if he’s had any interaction with Dante. He says he and Dante don’t intermingle, and he’s Sonny’s son, so he doesn’t want people to think that he and Dante are working together for Sonny. Anna asks if he feels Dante might work on his father’s behalf. Dex doesn’t believe Dante would protect Sonny, at least not consciously. Dex notes that he has seen Sonny and Dante interact, and they trust each other, but he doesn’t think Dante would look the other way if Sonny committed a crime. However, maybe when Dante looks at Sonny, he only sees what he wants to. Anna thanks him for his thoughts and dismisses him.

Anna asks Dex about Dante GH

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Sam and Dante meet in the park, and Sam explains she finally got answers about Jason, who has been working as an undercover FBI informant for the past two years. Dante wonders what he’s doing now. Sam doesn’t know exactly, but Jason is working with Cates. Dante is shocked but then recalls Sonny telling him that Jason was an FBI informant. He says it was right when he was waking up in the hospital, and not only did Sonny tell him, but Jason confirmed it. He forgot about it, likely because of all the meds he was on. Sam thinks this is why Sonny turned his back on Jason. Dante confirms Sonny would see working for the FBI as a betrayal.

Sam and Dante talk about Jason GH

Dante says he and Cates didn’t get off to a good start, with Cates accusing him of protecting his father. However, this is bigger than his father, the crime bosses that were taken out were big deals, and what he’s found is they weren’t mob hits. He says their organizations didn’t collapse, and the next in line took over, so what were the executions for if not to cause chaos? Sam believes  Jason was honest that he’s been coerced to take this job and stay away. She wants them to help him to make sure Danny doesn’t lose his father again. She hopes he understands. He does, and he’s not threatened by any of this. Dante feels he owes Jason too, he just doesn’t know how to help him. Sam says they’ll figure it out, and they need to find out what the FBI has on Jason. Dante feels she should stay out of this, as there is nothing she can do, but she won’t accept that.

Dante and Sam GH

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Dex heads to the park to exercise and runs into Joss, who is also jogging. She challenges him to a race, takes off, and he follows. They finish, and Joss thanks him for respecting her enough not to let her beat him. She asks him about the academy, and he says it’s going well. He says it turns out that if you stick with things and don’t walk away, things get better.

Joss spots Dex gH

Dex asks about school, and she says she’s wrapping things up for the semester and has a lifeguarding job at the Metro Court this summer. She is also switching her major to environmental science. He has no doubt she’ll save the planet if she sets her mind to it. She thanks him and thinks she should get going. They both tell one another it was good to see the other. She jogs off, and Dex smiles.

Dex jogs GH

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At the warehouse, Cates confronts Jason about Carly visiting Brennan and Pentonville, and asks what did he tell her. Jason says this is the first time he’s heard of this, and he doesn’t know why she was there. Cates says if he told her anything that violates their agreement. Jason yells at him that he’s doing this to protect Carly, so why would he give her information that puts her at risk? Cates admits it doesn’t make sense, and he knows Jack was arrested at Bobbie’s and Carly was there. He feels Jack came to Port Charles in part to cultivate Sonny’s ex-wife so he has some use for her. Or, less likely, he says Jack may be of use to Carly. He orders Jason to figure it out and then leaves.

Cates is Pissy GH

Jason calls up Anna, and she soon arrives. Jason tells her Cates informed him that Carly visited Brennan in Pentonville, which shocks Anna. She says this is concerning because when she and Dante arrested Brennan, it appeared as if he was going to kidnap Carly. Anna wonders why she’d go see him now. Jason assumes Carly thinks she’s helping him. He tells her about Cates coming to see him while Carly was here, and he guesses Carly eavesdropped and heard Cates talking about Brennan being arrested with another Pikeman guy. She says that was Hume, and if Carly tells Brennan the FBI is investigating him and Pikeman, then she made their job that much harder.

Jason and Anna talk GH

Anna says, in all probability, Brennan knows the FBI is on his trail, and that’s a problem. Jason asks if she’s afraid of this guy. Anna says he’s a smooth charmer, but he is also very smart and very shrewd. As trainees, they all learned that giving Brennan any information was the most dangerous weapon you could hand him. She says Brennan will find his target, act, and the FBI won’t know what hit them. Anna says they need to find out what Carly told Brennan. Jason says Cates said the same thing, but he can’t be the one to do it. He says if he questions her, then Carly will know what’s up and will want to help even more. They have to find a way to stop Carly from helping him. Anna says she’ll talk to Carly.

Anna and Jason plan GH

On the next General Hospital: Anna rails at Carly for compromising a major investigation. Gregory tells Tracy he would have liked to have gone to the dinner with her. Sasha tells Michael, “I should have asked you before I said yes.” Jordan says she’s about to be a buzzkill. Trina tells Stella that she knows what she’s doing. Drew gets a brilliant idea. Willow is surprised to find Nina in Drew’s office.

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