The Bold And The Beautiful

That Was Fast! Bold & Beautiful Is Bringing Sheila Back Before the Body’s Even Cold

That Was Fast! Bold & Beautiful Is Bringing Sheila Back Before the Body’s Even Cold

Kimberlin Brown sheila of the CBS series THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, Weekdays (1:30-2:00 PM, ET; 12:30-1:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Gilles Toucas/CBS

Credit: Gilles Toucas/CBS


Ah, we knew it. We knew Bold & Beautiful hadn’t really let Steffy kill off Sheila. In the March 8 episode, Finn dreamed of the momster with whom he’s obsessed. And as his wife stabbed her over and over again, he even heard Sheila calling to him.

Next week, the signs that the villainess is still alive and kicking get even clearer. Finn starts seeing her on the regular — to the point that it freaks him out. (Hey, wouldn’t it freak you out?)

What does it mean? We’d speculate that despite Kimberlin Brown’s exit interview — a tactic the soap has used before, when it let Finn “die” — she’s still punching the clock at the studio. Sheila will “haunt” Finn for a while before revealing that she isn’t wearing a toe tag on any of her nine available digits. By a stroke of luck, she wasn’t sliced and diced, her lookalike Sugar was. (Don’t remember ol’ Sug? Read all about her here.)

Finn will be so happy that he’ll toss aside his marriage to Steffy to mother/son bond to his dim, dim heart’s content. (Custody battle and a “Steam” reunion in three, two… ) Deacon will be so elated that he’ll tell Hope to get over it and race Sheila down the aisle. Forresters left, right and center will hit the roof. Then…


Oh, then things can get even messier. Someone takes a shot at Sheila. Steffy is hauled in as the prime suspect, but she won’t be guilty. In the dark of night, Thomas will confess to Hope that he tried to solve the Sheila problem for Hope. He loves her that much.

Instead of take this as a sign that Thomas remains a bit dangerous, Hope will take it as further sign of his commitment. She won’t condemn his actions but applaud them. But she will want to keep Steffy from going to prison for a crime she didn’t commit. How?

Hope has an idea. She and Thomas will hire a lowlife and pay him big bucks to tell the cops that Sheila hired him to fake an attempt on her life. The guy will do some time, sure, but on the other side, when he gets out, he’ll have more money than he ever has. And if Hope and Thomas can frame Sheila for trying to frame Steffy… boom, back to prison, she goes. Problem solved.

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