Days Of Our Lives

A Devastated Maggie Realizes Konstantin’s Ultimate Plan — and Harris Leaves to Protect Ava

An anguished Maggie sits on a couch holding a folder. Steve sits next to her with his hand on her back

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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At home, Xander presents Sarah with a mug that reads, World’s Best Mummy. He claims Victoria picked it out and that she secretly talks to him. Sarah happily indulges him and says she’ll bring the mug to dinner at Maggie’s tomorrow. Xander grumbles about having to see Konstantin. Sarah begs him to play nice and then asks if he called his own mother. He notes Mother’s Day in Scotland was in March, plus, hard pass. Sarah thinks it’s weird that he never talks about her. Xander says some things aren’t worth talking about.

Sarah holds a mug that reads, Worlds Best Mummy. She wears an emotionally whimsical expression

Konstantin brings Maggie a bouquet of colorful lilies at the mansion. He used to grow them in Greece, where he’d like to take her on their honeymoon. She reminds him they are marrying in name only. He’d still like to take her to repay her kindness. Marlena calls to invite Maggie over to talk about the wedding.

Harris and Ava come to the mansion to bring Stefan in on their plan for Clyde. Harris is taking his black book to the station to have the blood on it analyzed. As a cover for how they found it, he’s going to say Stefan stumbled upon the book at the Bistro. He just needs to back the story up.

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With her hands on his chest, Sarah looks up at a frowning Xander

Sarah drinks from her mug as Xander returns from checking on Victoria. He bristles when she brings up his mother again. Doesn’t he think Victoria should know her grandmother? Nope, and Sarah would agree if she knew her. Maggie is the only grandmother their daughter needs. After promising he’s not doing anything illegal, Xander leaves to deal with Stefan.

When Xander comes to the DiMera mansion, Stefan insists he didn’t set him up for shooting Harris. Xander says he had motive, and the means to slip a princely sum into his bank account. Stefan scoffs over 50K being a “princely sum.” Xander points out he never said how much it was. Stefan is sure he read it in the paper or heard it from EJ. Xander may not be able to prove it, but he knows he’s lying and will make him pay.

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Maggie gapes at a somber John and Marlena in their living room.

Maggie comes to the townhouse where Marlena, John and Steve are waiting for her. John recounts how Konstantin controlled him with the card to get the prenup. He shows her the original copy he switched out with the fake one he gave to Konstantin. “That lying bastard,” Maggie says, scowling.

As Sarah muses to Victoria about Xander’s mother, Konstantin stops by. She tries to politely get rid of him, but he barges in to coo over Victoria. Sarah tenses when he calls himself her soon-to-be granddaddy. He is grateful Sarah is one of the only people who support his marriage to Maggie. Sarah just wants him to promise he won’t break her heart. Konstantin swears on the River Styx that he will never hurt her. Sarah expresses concern over how long he’ll stick around, considering it could be years before he gets his green card. He assures her Maggie is in charge. If she decides to get rid of him, he will be gone.

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At Sarah and Xander's place, Konstantin leans over Victoria's stroller

At the townhouse, Maggie stews over Konstantin’s lies. “He has messed with the wrong redhead.” She wants him behind bars, but John and Steve state he hasn’t committed a crime… yet. They’re going to let Konstantin keep thinking he has control over John, giving him just enough rope to hang himself. Maggie tears up, realizing that in order for Konstantin to get her money, he was going to kill her.

After giving Rafe and Jada Clyde’s book, Harris returns to Ava in his room above the Pub. They go over how Harris’ Navy SEAL buddy has photocopies of the book to hopefully crack the code and to track Clyde’s location when he opens their files. Ava is hopeful they’ll finally bring Clyde down, but she wishes Harris didn’t have to leave. Harris doesn’t want to, but he has to check on his buddy’s progress. They express how much they’ll miss each other and then passionately kiss to pass the time until his flight.

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With blankets covering them, a seemingly naked Ava and Harris prop against the head board in bed

Later in bed, Harris tells Ava the real reason he’s leaving is to make sure she’s safe from Clyde. His eyes well as he says she changed everything for him. She feels the same. He makes her life worth living. She can’t wait until he is back in her arms. He promises he won’t be long.

Konstantin vows to Sarah he would never take advantage of Maggie. When Victoria fusses, Konstantin urges Sarah to cherish every moment with her daughter. He mentions Catharina, leading Sarah to share that she lost a daughter once too. They share a nice moment before he leaves. Sarah stares off pensively.

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Flanking her on the couch, John and Steve reach out to a devastated Maggie. She holds a folder.

At John and Marlena’s, Maggie’s friends console her. They have to get Konstantin to commit a crime they can pin on him before his visa runs out. John gives her a microscopic ISA device in the shape of a cross that she can wear on a bracelet or necklace. It will summon him or Steve for help 24/7. They’ll also track her phone. Marlena instructs Maggie to act as if everything is normal between her and Konstantin. Can she do that? Maggie wipes her tears. “Just watch me.”

After Harris packs, he assures Ava it will work and then she won’t have to worry about Clyde anymore. They embrace.

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Xander comes home to Sarah, who doesn’t tell him about Konstantin’s visit. Xander reports he’s more convinced than ever that Stefan is the one who set him up. She urges him not to do something rash. He vows not to let anyone separate them ever again. He’ll take care of himself and his family. When Xander checks in on Victoria, Sarah looks around with a concerned expression.

At the mansion, Stefan grumbles that Xander is getting too close for comfort. He gets a call from Gabi. He promises he’s coming to see her as soon as he can. He and Rafe are working hard to find proof she’s innocent. And then they’ll be together again forever.

Maggie comes home to Konstantin. They keep up their respective facades as they look forward to their wedding — which will be one to remember.

Next on Days of Our Lives, Chad and Thomas visit Abby’s grave, and Johnny and Chanel have another tough conversation.

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