The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful’s Hope and Finn Are About to Bond In a Way Neither of Them *Ever* Imagined

Credit: CBS screenshot

Bold & Beautiful’s Hope and Finn have formed a friendship of sorts… but it’s about to go places even they never saw coming!

Hope literally passed out upon discovering that the notorious Sheila Carter, aka Finn’s birth mother, was alive and well in her father’s apartment rather than six feet under as she’d believed. But perhaps even more shocking than seeing a ghost, was the realization that both Deacon and Finn were showering the big bad with love and affection!









Backtracking, Hope’s long known that Finn felt a complicated connection to Sheila, and she understood it to some extent given that Deacon is an ex-con who was in and mostly out of her life, and certainly no favorite of the Forresters and Logans.

The blonde lent Finn an ear when he needed to talk about the inexplicable connection he still felt to his birth mother after she shot him and his wife and left them both for dead, and a shoulder to lean on after Sheila was stabbed to death by his wife, Steffy. Or so they thought.
Finn Hope B&B


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As it turned out, it was not Sheila, but lookalike, Sugar, who died in the Malibu cliff house that fateful night. As the “ten toes” drama played out, Finn was recruited by Deacon to search for his mother, and they found the nine-toed wonder with nine lives in an abandoned warehouse.

As Hope witnessed during her surprise visit to Deacon’s place, Finn is ecstatic to have been given a second chance to build a relationship with Sheila, and fully buys into her claim that she had no part in Sugar’s plan to off Steffy. We think he’s being hoodwinked, but that’s another story we’ve told here.

Steffy’s so not going to be onboard with Finn wanting to bring Sheila into their lives and family that we anticipate major marital problems ahead. Hope’s no stranger to issues with Steffy herself, so she and Finn may bond over perceiving the brunette as being difficult… but we think it’s something even more shocking that will leave them as close as two peas in a pod.
Steffy Finn B&B

Finn has embraced Sheila and Deacon is in love with her, which leaves Hope in the unenviable position of having to accept their acceptance, if you will, if she’s to continue her relationships with either of these men. But can she do it? Could Hope accept Sheila as part of their lives?

Initially, we think she’ll balk, and she may never get all the way there. After all, Sheila once shot and nearly killed her mother, Brooke. But Hope will almost certainly become acceptance-adjacent as this story progresses, meaning it’s possible that Hope and Finn will further bond over something neither of them ever imagined — a willingness to believe that Sheila Carter is reformed.
Finn Hope B&B

What does it mean for them romantically? Well, if Finn’s marriage falls apart, as we anticipate that it will, and Thomas remains out of sight and out of mind in Paris, it’s not exactly a stretch to think that Hope and Finn could fall for one another. We already know she thinks he’s the total package and Steffy’s lucky to have him. Things that make you go, “Hmm.”

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