Days Of Our Lives

The New Role for Days of Our Lives’ Sloan Could Be Just What She Needs to Save Her Own Skin

The New Role for Days of Our Lives’ Sloan Could Be Just What She Needs to Save Her Own Skin

Days mashup, EJ, Tate and Natasha Hall Sloan

Credit: Peacock screenshot (2), Jill Johnson/JPI


Well, that was some timing for Natasha Hall to take over as Days of Our Lives’ Sloan — even if it is just temporary! Because starting on today’s episode, Sloan is now taking over as Tate’s lawyer, doing everything she can to get him out of trouble… even if it means taking a plea deal for something we all know he didn’t do! But while we’re sorry to see Justin replaced, this could be just what Sloan needs!

The thing is, by taking Tate on as a client, Sloan is very much on the right side here and EJ’s the one who’s flat-out abusing his position. It’s why she’s filing a motion to have the judge remove him from the case for bias. Eventually, the truth will come out and EJ pushing to punish a kid with zero evidence is bound to blow up on him. On top of that, he’s about to abuse his position to get Stefan out of trouble, while simultaneously taking him for all he’s worth.

Holding a tablet, an animated EJ speaks to a furrowed Stefan.


It’s not even a matter of how long he’ll be able to hold onto the DA position, but how long he’ll even want to now that he’s got a way back into DiMera. And once he’s gone, who will be left to take over? Sloan, the one who actually fought for justice against EJ’s biased abuses. Sure, she doesn’t have the cleanest past, but if EJ could be DA, then she sure as hell can be too.

And if she ends up as DA before the truth comes out about Jude, it could be just what she’d need to stay out of jail by the skin of her teeth — especially if she then uses the role to go after Melinda. She could claim to be ignorant of the fact that Jude was Nicole’s and put it all on the former DA, prosecuting her into oblivion.

As for Jessica Serfaty, the actress has been over in Italy for Milan Fashion Week, but what we’re seeing now was filmed back in the fall. The show didn’t share any word about why the temporary recast came about, but seeing as how it’s, as we reported, only for three episodes, it was likely only for a day or two of filming.

Sloan sits across a table from Tate and Theresa in the halfway house. They all wear somber expressions.

So don’t worry, Serfaty will be back before we know it to have Sloan (eventually) face the music for stealing Jude from Nicole. Or to get out of any wrongdoing! If there’s one thing she knows how to do, it’s work the legal system, so no matter what happens, don’t expect her to go down without a fight!

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