
EJ Demands Proof of Sloan’s Claims — and Bobby Comes Out to Play

At the bar in the Pub, Everett as Bobby smiles while shaking the hand of an attractive woman

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

Stephanie approaches an affable Everett at the Pub as he works on his laptop. He shows her the article he’s working on about Paulina being radioactive. When she discovers Paulina didn’t really defend herself for the story, Stephanie suggests they reach out to her again. Everett thinks she’s had ample chance to respond to their requests for further comment. He can’t allow another paper to scoop them and hits publish.

At the Pub, Everett shows Stephanie his laptop screen. Next to Paulina's photo, a headline for his unpublished article reads, Rogue Radioactive Mayor.

At home, Paulina worries to Abe about Chanel and Johnny’s baby. She’ll never forgive herself if something happens to it. Abe holds her as she cries. He tries to reassure her, but all she feels is guilt and regret.

In their bedroom at the mansion, Chanel ignores a call from Paulina. She’s too tired and confused to talk to her right now. She and Johnny marvel over the shock of being pregnant — and the worry they now face. Johnny points out they do have options. He’d love nothing more than to have a baby with her, but the radiation issue complicates things. They don’t even know what the risks are. Tears run down Chanel’s face as she wishes they could just be happy.

Chanel holds the crook of Johnny's arm as they somberly enter the DiMera living room

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After Paulina gets Chanel’s voicemail, she assumes Chanel is angry with her. Abe counters she and Johnny are just trying to process things. He tells her loves her, which she appreciates because she’s not feeling very loveable right now. She goes to take a bath.

In her apartment, Sloan tells EJ that Jude is Nicole and Eric’s baby, not his. EJ refuses to believe it. Sloan doesn’t want it to be true either because it could blow up their marriages, so he has to keep quiet about it. EJ reminds her he has the DNA results in his safe. She confesses to switching the results. He insists on doing another test. Sloan will happily provide samples from Jude and Eric. He lashes out over her deception, but she states they’ll have to work together, or it’s game over for their marriages.

Days' EJ glares into Sloan's eyes as she looks up at him in her apartment

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After Nicole thinks about Eric, EJ comes home. His hand shakes as he pours himself a drink. Nicole asks if everything is okay. EJ says he just had a long day at the office. She hesitantly tells him she’s working on a story for the paper with Eric, but offers to quit if he wants her to. He’s okay with it if she is. Nicole assures him it doesn’t bother her. Her relationship with Eric is in the past. EJ is her present and future. They kiss and hug, whereupon her expression grows pensive and his darkens.

As they sit on their bed, Chanel tells Johnny that a young customer who has Down syndrome loves to watch her bake every day. Even though her family has probably had to make sacrifices, she’s sure it doesn’t outweigh the joy she brings to their lives. Even if there could be something wrong with their baby, Chanel doesn’t care. As long as there’s love, it would still be a blessing. Johnny agrees. He also thinks they’ll nail being parents. Chanel isn’t so sure. She’s pretty irresponsible and immature. Johnny disagrees, considering she runs a bakery, whereas he’s just a trust fund baby. She knows he has many talents. He just needs to find his calling.

Jada and Rafe grin at a painting of a sax player hanging on their bedroom wall.

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As Jada moves into Rafe’s place, she points out a piece of artwork in his bedroom doesn’t seem like his taste. Rafe admits it was Jordan’s. Jada takes it down and replaces it with a painting of a jazz player. She asks about Jordan. Rafe explains she was Clyde’s daughter and certifiably insane. They quip that they really knew how to pick ‘em. The good news is that they have improved immensely.

Eric comes home and tells Sloan about confronting Leo, who drunkenly passed out. He felt sorry for him. He hates what Leo did to her, but he doesn’t like that she didn’t come to him about it. She promises no more secrets, but rolls her eyes and sighs as she hugs him. She makes more promises before they kiss deeply.

At home, Abe reads the online article about Paulina and calls Stephanie for advice on how to do damage control. She suggests Paulina put out a statement explaining her actions. When she hangs up, she assures an inquiring Everett that there will be no conflict of interest if she takes Paulina back on as a client. Next, she accepts his invitation to play pickleball, despite still feeling self-protective around him. As they check their calendars to pick a date, Everett sees an email about his divorce papers. He opens it and studies Robert Stein’s signature. His expression hardens.

In their bedroom, Rafe and Jada toast with champagne flutes

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In the bedroom with Rafe, Jada gets an alert about her divorce. “It’s finally over,” she exclaims and leaps into Rafe’s arms. Rafe knew it was going to happen so he produces chilled champagne. They toast to their beautiful future and good fortune in finding each other. She notes that she’s celebrating her divorce more than she ever did her marriage. Bobby turned cold and distant really quickly. Like someone flipped a switch. They continue their celebration which includes getting passionate on the bed.

Back at the Pub, Everett tells Stephanie pickleball planning will have to wait because he has a deadline. He dismisses her. After she leaves, Everett approaches an attractive woman, Alana, at the bar. He introduces himself as Bobby.

At home, Paulina feels refreshed and in better spirits after her bath. Abe shows her the article with the headline, “Rogue, Radioactive Mayor.” She agrees with the article that she was reckless. It’s way past time she face the music.

In their bedroom, Johnny tells Chanel if they don’t get reassuring news from the doctor, they will handle it together. But for now, they should close out the rest of the world. At least for tonight. They tell each other how grateful they are for each other.

At home, EJ and Nicole discuss work, Holly, and possibly taking a vacation. They realize they’re all alone and kiss passionately. However, her hair gets caught in his watch. He yanks it free. They resume making out and head upstairs.

In the DiMera living room, Nicole flirtatiously grabs EJ's tie. Grinning, he reaches out for her.


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