Days Of Our Lives

With One Selfish Decision, Days of Our Lives Just Set Up Its Next Big Supercouple

Days mashup Eric, Sloan and Melinda looking down on Nicole, EJ and Dimitri

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI (5), Peacock screenshot

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And just like that, the truth is out there. On Friday’s Days of Our Lives, EJ finally had it out with Sloan after learning she’d kidnapped his baby. Except, she hadn’t. She kidnapped Eric’s baby. And that’s exactly what Sloan told EJ on Monday. She didn’t just come clean about the baby kidnapping, she came clean about everything… including the paternal switch!

Sloan didn’t really have a choice, of course. So long as EJ thought she had his baby, he wouldn’t rest until he got Jude back and made her pay. But the second she told him the baby was Eric’s, we all knew exactly how it would go down — even if EJ himself wasn’t sure!

As Sloan made clear, the truth would cost them both the people they claim to love. So in the end, EJ didn’t do what was best for Nicole, but for himself. That put him on the same level as Sloan and made him an accomplice in kidnapping.

Days' EJ glares into Sloan's eyes as she looks up at him in her apartment

Is that anger or lust? Why not both?

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

EJ should be smarter than that. He’s got to know that this secret can’t stay buried forever. You know Benjamin Franklin’s old saying: “Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.”

Leo proved that last week when he spilled the truth. Now EJ knows and Dimitri is still out there. Then there’s Melinda. The more people who find out, the greater the chances that the secret will be blown completely — unless EJ goes total Stefano and just starts wiping out everyone who knows. That would be a hell of a tale… but we don’t see it happening.

Sooner or later one of the other co-conspirators are going to blow this all up (our money is on an explosive Dimitri return or Melinda deciding to save her own skin), and once this comes out, Nicole and EJ and toast. And so are Sloan and Eric. In the end, EJ and Sloan will be pariahs. Sure, EJ might despise Sloan at first for ruining everything, but he’s a pro at blurring the line between love and hate. Them hopping into bed is all but inevitable, and from there it’s just a short jump to falling for each other.

In the Square, Eric and Nicole peer into Jude's stroller. In the distance, Sloan watches them while on the phone

There’s no way these two won’t end up together with Jude.

Credit: Peacock screenshot

After all, they’ll probably have no one but each other — so long as they can keep themselves out of prison! But they’re both accomplished, slippery lawyers, with a whole lot in common, and with both their lives and their families blown apart.

Two selfish, morally compromised lawyers who will do almost anything for their families — and even more for themselves? Come on, they’re a match made in, well, heaven isn’t quite the word we’d use. But you get the point.

‘EJoan,’ here we come.

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