The Young And The Restless

Claire Comes Face-to-Face With Summer — and Victor Gives Jack a Dire Warning

Victor warns Jack to stay away Y&R

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At the Abbott manse, Kyle makes calls to the club to find out if Jack has been seen. Claire arrives and he allows her in after an awkward moment. She’s still a little shaky. That doesn’t surprise him and he’s glad she’s safe. Harrison will be glad too. That’s why she came. She wanted to check on him. He assures her that he’s a tough kid and will get all he needs. After she asks him to give the kid a hug for her, she heads for the door. She doesn’t want to see him and remind him of what happened. Kyle actually thinks it would be good for him to see her. He’s been worried and she was just as much of a victim as Harrison. Claire doesn’t accept that none of this is her fault. She was her aunt’s Trojan horse in Genoa City. He’s sure her aunt is just pure evil but Claire will never forgive herself for the role she has played in this. He refuses to let her beat herself up about it, sure she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. There’s no sense in feeling responsible when there is only one person to blame.

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He asks how she feels about Jordan’s death. At first, she couldn’t believe it, then felt relieved, and then scared it might not be true. She’s sure that her aunt wanted everyone to turn their backs on her, which is why she took her along with Harrison. Claire assumes he thought she was guilty. Kyle admits he did at first. She can’t blame him for that and says this was her aunt’s last attempt to keep her from a normal life. She thought about how she would die without anyone knowing she was innocent. She just wishes she could have protected Harrison.
Kyle assures Claire she's not to blame Y&R









Harrison runs in and leaps into Claire’s arms, thrilled to see she’s okay. Summer files in behind him, scowling. She walks over and they skim over “the ordeal.” Harrison wants Claire to read him a story but she’s sure his mom wants to spend time with him  — she’ll read to him another time. That works for the boy, who asks if his mom is glad Claire is back. Summer smiles through that and the kid skips upstairs with her following. Kyle tells Claire his son is clearly happy to see her. They talk about still being on edge and how hard it can be to accept that you are now safe. Now that Jordan is gone, Claire might sleep for a week. Kyle asks if she’s thought about what she’s going to do with the big, new life she has waiting for her. It will be like Christmas, New Year’s, and her birthday all rolled into one. She hopes so. Genoa City has been far kinder than she could have hoped. Summer comes down and calls Kyle up to see the lucky bunny house Harrison has made. On her way out, Claire says she would love to see Harrison again. That’s fine with Kyle. Summer frowns. Claire hopes she can help Harrison deal with any of the after effects of the kidnapping.

Claire talks to Summer and Kyle at Abbott manse Y&R

Once she’s gone, Summer tells Kyle that Harrison is not okay and they are not doing him any favors by pretending otherwise. They sit and she tells him that Harrison said the bunny house needed locks to keep bad people out. He kept asking about Claire and she thinks he needs to believe she’s safe so he will feel safe. It’s like he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. She insists he needs to see a professional. Kyle assures her he’s already made some calls. Summer says she doesn’t want to look for a nanny. She’ll be watching him as nothing is more important than making sure their son is safe.

Summer tells Kyle Harrison is not okay Y&R

At Society, Victoria and Nick discuss how Summer is coping with what happened to Harrison. She hopes that his daughter understands none of this is Claire’s fault. He reminds her they all had doubts about her. His sister admits she had a moment of doubt too but Cole brought her around. Smiling, she talks about what a rock he was through this. Her brother laughs and teases her about the dopey look in her eye she gets when she talks about Cole. She thinks he’s annoying but he keeps it up. Eventually, Victoria admits they had a “slight” romantic reconnection. He’s been there for her in so many ways. Nick says he knows he’s a good guy and if they get romantic, he’s happy for them. Victor shuffles in and asks if either of them has seen their mother — she didn’t come home last night. Victor says he’s called everywhere but there is no sign of her. Nick doesn’t want to suggest it, but he wonders if Jordan survived. His sister tells him not to say that and Victor insists there’s no way that Jordan has their mother. He has called all the restaurants, bars, and hospitals with no luck. He gets notification from his security team and immediately takes off.

Nick teases Victoria Y&R

The siblings worry about their mom. Nick reminds his sister that she’s beaten alcohol before. He’s still sorry for suggesting Jordan could be alive. “She’s not immortal,” says his sister. Nick says the damage she did is still living on. Even if an alcoholic doesn’t need an excuse to drink, they wonder if their mom is blaming herself for all of this. They hope they can find an excuse to get her to stop drinking.

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Victoria goes to the tack house and calls for her daughter. She calls Cole to panic after she gets no answer. She worries about Jordan somehow surviving. Claire walks in so Victoria apologizes to Cole and gets off the line. Rushing over to her daughter, she holds her and orders her never to scare her like this again. They sit down and Claire admits being in the Abbott house again was strange. She wonders if Harrison will think it was all a bad dream, and says Kyle couldn’t have been nicer or more thoughtful. Victoria says he better have been. If anyone refuses to recognize she was a victim, she will set them straight. She asks if Summer was there. Claire says she was “civil”. It must be hard to see her and she assumes she will never trust her. Victoria thinks she just needs to give her cousin some time. She gets a text about Nikki and has to go.

Victoria and Claire talk about Harrison Y&R

In Nikki’s suite at the Athletic Club, the paramedics give Jack a shot to counteract the opioids. They ask if she’s taken anything. Embarrassed, she says she was only drinking. The paramedic tells her to make sure that Jack doesn’t take anything else because the next time he may not be so lucky. After he exits, she wakes Jack up. He’s groggy and confused as she explains it was touch and go after he took all those pills and alcohol. “What the hell were you thinking?” she demands. His collapse knocked some sense into her and she plans to go to rehab. Her life has become unmanageable. Taking her hand, Jack tells her he’s proud of her. He couldn’t leave her to drink alone last night. Nikki doesn’t know why he put himself at such a great risk. “Instinct?” he wonders. He was willing to try anything to stop her from drinking herself to death. As Nikki thanks him, Victor storms in and demands to know what’s going on. He yells that he’s been looking for her all night. He accuses them of having a party and Jack explains that things got out of control, but Nikki saved his life. Nikki says it started with her and Jack was trying to help. Jack insists on taking responsibility. Victor doesn’t care. He’s happy his wife has finally agreed to rehab. He orders her to get cleaned up so he can take her home.

Nikki and Jack recover Y&R

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When Nikki goes to the bathroom, Victor angrily tells Jack he was supposed to protect her. Jack tries to explain how he was feeling and admits that it was unconscionable for him to break the way he has. But Nikki is now ready to take the step to recovery and he owes her. She saved his life and that’s something he will repay. “I would not have saved your life,” Victor makes clear. When Nikki returns, she gets Jack to assure her he will stay there until he is stronger and makes him hand over the remaining pills. She exits with Victor.

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Victor takes Nikki back to the ranch house and complains about Jack. She tells him she was already wasted by the time Jack showed up. He was horrified seeing her drinking herself into oblivion and decided to try and shock her out of her binge by joining her. “What a stupid idea! I could have lost you!” Victor moans. She’s sorry she’s put him through this again but she’s realized that rehab is her only option. It took Jack’s actions to make that clear. Victor doesn’t want to hear “that man’s name again” or anything about his “idiotic actions.” He assures her she’s doing the right thing and will come out of this stronger and healthier than ever. Hugging her close, he tells her he loves her. Sobbing, she says she loves him too.

Victor and Nikki discuss rehab Y&R

Nick and Victoria arrive after Nikki has changed and packed her bag. She tells them she had the worst night yet but it was an important one. She’s decided to check herself into rehab. They didn’t know it had gone so far but she has all their support. Nikki asks them to look after their father. This has shaken him and he needs to remain steady. The kids hug her.

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Jack arrives at the Abbott manse with his tie in hand. Kyle takes one look at him and asks if he’s okay. His father is shaky but claims he’s okay. Kyle says they have been searching for him all night. Jack says a friend needed help and he just needs some sleep. He asks after Harrison and gets an update. They talk about how much stronger Claire and Harrison’s bond is now. Jack is sympathetic. He vaguely talks about how much you have to react during a crisis. Kyle gets confused. Victor shows up at the door. The second Jack opens, the Newman says, “I’m giving you this warning once and once only: don’t you ever come near my wife again!”

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Victor warns Jack to stay away Y&R

Next week on The Young and the Restless:Diane confronts Jack about throwing his sobriety away for Nikki.

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