Days Of Our Lives

Despite Promising to Keep Sloan’s Secret, Leo Drunkenly Shows Up on EJ’s Doorstep Ready to Tell All

Despite Promising to Keep Sloan’s Secret, Leo Drunkenly Shows Up on EJ’s Doorstep Ready to Tell All

With a wry expression, Leo drapes in the DiMera doorway. EJ juts out his chin and raises his brow with annoyed anticipation

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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At The Spectator, Eric leaves Jude with Nicole while he goes to talk to Chad. EJ calls Nicole, who tells him she got her first assignment: a feature series on the unhoused of Salem. EJ doesn’t like the idea of her prowling around at night. She assures him she won’t be alone when she goes into the field. She’ll be with… a photographer.

In the DiMera living room, Kristen submits a proposal for a scholarship in Li’s name. Stefan enters to remind Kristen if she wants to be CEO, Gabi needs to be home first. Kristen wonders how he’s going to hold up his end of the deal. Stefan says he has leverage over EJ: he could have prevented Holly’s OD, but did nothing to help when he found out about Clyde’s drug trade. Stefan’s willing to bet that at this stage in EJ’s life, he’ll put marriage over business and do anything to hold onto Nicole. They can’t count on just that though, so they need to target the DiMera board.

A beaming Kristen leans in close to Stefan on the DiMera couch

At the Pub, Roman tells Ava he denied her lease application because she has no income. She tells him to hire her then. She’ll whip this place in shape in a heartbeat. Roman gives her one week to convince him it’s a good idea.

Outside the Pub, Harris tells Marlena how well things are going for him. She asks if he considers his time at Bayview a success. He’s optimistic he’s put his past behind him and notes John also asked him if Bayview helped him. Is everything okay? Marlena says it will be. Ava comes out, prompting Marlena to head inside. Ava tells Harris about her new job before they head to the Bistro.

Sloan joins a drunk Leo at Small Bar, wondering why he’s so miserable. Leo says Dimitri dumped him. It’s all her fault because she couldn’t keep him out of prison where he fell in love. Now, he’s alone and destitute. Lamenting his heartache, he gulps a martini.

Leo closes his eyes while gulping his martini. He pushes the stick of olives to the side of the glass
As Rita’s about to leave DiMera, EJ tells her he needs her to stay late, but promises it won’t be later than 11:30. He instructs her to order his usual dinner. Stuffed shirt, er, stuffed shells, she says and grumbles back to her desk. EJ chuckles. With dinner on the way, Rita returns to EJ, who is targeting Titan. She sternly suggests he wait for the board to vote him in as permanent CEO before he explores his imperial ambitions. He counters he needs to strike while the iron’s hot and Titan’s never been weaker. He will bring it to its knees.

Eric returns to Nicole and Jude at the paper while leaving a message for Sloan to stop ghosting him. Nicole politely smiles and asks if everything is okay. He insists he’s fine, but Nicole knows him better than most people. Eric tells her about his and Sloan’s fight and how she never feels good enough for him. Nicole can relate. Eric apologizes, but Nicole assures him she cherished their time together. She doesn’t want to look back, but for the sake of their marriages, maybe it’s best if they don’t work together.

At the Spectator, Nicole looks at Eric with concern. Jude's baby carrier sits on the desk between them

At the Pub, Marlena waits for John to get done with work. Roman pours her a glass of wine and offers to listen to her troubles. She confides that she’s worried about Eric and Sloan, but also John is struggling. Roman says he will keep an eye on Eric for both of them while she focuses on John.

At the mansion, Kristen warns Stefan that she won’t be his puppet and allow Gabi to worm her way back into DiMera. He agrees to tell his wife to stand down, but first, Kristen needs to get her out of prison. Kristen will talk to Ava to see if she knows anything about Li’s murder that she didn’t tell the investigators. If she can’t prove Gabi’s innocence, she’ll come up with another angle. She always has a card up her sleeve.

At Small Bar, Sloan gapes at Leo who lays his head on the table next to his empty martini glass

At Small Bar, Sloan hopes Leo hasn’t changed his mind about keeping her Jude secret. Leo reassures her and continues to mope about Dimitri. She reminds him it’s mutually beneficial to keep their mouths shut about each other’s crimes. She slams her wine, offers not quite sincere condolences about Dimitri, and stalks out. Leo orders another martini.

At the paper, Eric vows not to let their working relationship affect their marriages. He needs the job. Nicole does, too. They get to work on their story.

At his desk, EJ animatedly talks while holding a fork over his food. In the foreground, Rita holds a glass of water

In EJ’s office, Rita needles him about all he’s taking on. Why not colonize the moon, too, while he’s at it? EJ takes her ribbing in stride, knowing that she’s just looking out for him as she did his father. “I do miss that old goat,” she says wistfully. EJ really appreciates her and is glad she’s there.

Ava and Harris search the closed Bistro but come up empty again. Upon discovering them, Stefan threatens to call the police. Ava stops him, explaining that Clyde instructed her to find his black book. Seeing as how he needs Clyde out of his life, Stefan offers to help. As they search, they find an empty wine bottle with a false bottom. Ava pulls out a rolled-up black notebook.

In the Square, Eric and Nicole peer into Jude's stroller. In the distance, Sloan watches them while on the phone

In the Square, Sloan tells Melinda over the phone that Dimitri dumped Leo. She fears Leo will be a loose cannon now. The only saving grace is that Leo doesn’t know Jude is Eric’s biological child. She watches in horror as Eric and Nicole pass through in the distance with Jude.

Still at Small Bar, Leo wonders how he’ll come up with the cash to support himself in the manner he’s become accustomed. He lands on EJ. He’d being going back on his word with Sloan, who could send him to jail. However, since EJ’s the DA he could cut a deal first.

As Kristen makes plans over the phone at home with Alex for another strategy meeting, EJ saunters in. When she hangs up, the siblings engage in cryptic banter. Later, EJ opens the door to a swaying and slurring Leo. He wants to tell EJ a secret for a price.

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