Days Of Our Lives

Johnny and Chanel’s Good News Comes With Heavy Concern — and Leo Receives a Crushing Letter

Johnny and Chanel’s Good News Comes With Heavy Concern — and Leo Receives a Crushing Letter

A stressed Leo reads a letter in his Salem Inn room

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

At home, Sloan curtly hands over all her financial passwords and statements since Eric doesn’t trust her. He retorts that it doesn’t solve the issue and asks her for the truth. Sloan insists she was just trying to be a good friend to Leo by lending him money. Eric’s not appeased. She says Nicole never felt like she was good enough for him. “Seems like I’m not either. Maybe no one is.” Needing space, she leaves.

With crossed arms, Eric and Sloan glower at each other

At The Spectator, Leo tells Chad he’s changed his mind about the reporter position. When Chad informs him it’s already been filled, Leo asks for a raise instead. Chad says they’ll talk about it at his quarterly review. With the love of Leo’s life being released from prison, he’d like to provide a better life for him. Chad suggests Dimitri get a job, but Leo doesn’t have high hopes for his luddite beau, who is all beauty and no brains.

With Johnny and Paulina at her side in a hospital exam room, Chanel tells Kayla she has symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. Paulina assumes it’s radiation poisoning. Kayla points out her symptoms are very common and could be related to any number of things.

As Kayla examines Chanel, Johnny tries to comfort Paulina in the lobby. Paulina answers her phone to Chad, looking for a follow-up quote on his story. She tells him to call her assistant and hangs up. She tells Johnny she deserves whatever scathing criticism she gets if Chanel has radiation poisoning. Johnny knows Paulina was doing what she thought was best at the time. Kayla comes out to tell them they’re waiting for test results. Johnny goes back to his wife as Kayla comforts a distraught Paulina.

Chad calls Eric to discuss a job. Since Sloan is gone, he packs up Jude to take him to his interview.

In EJ's office, Rita, an older conservatively dressed white woman, holds a coffee mug and a planner. She purses her lips and glares through round glasses

At DiMera, EJ meets with longtime DiMera assistant, Rita, who enters, sipping coffee. When EJ asks where his coffee is, she tells him there’s plenty in the breakroom. If he asks politely, she just might pour him a cup. Please and thank you go a long way. They engage in fun, snarky banter while going over both his DA and corporate calendars. EJ notes Paulina doesn’t know he’s pulling double duty and asks Rita (with a please) to pick up case folders at his other office.

In his Salem Inn room, Leo eats snacks he pilfered from a gift basket at the paper. He saves the rest for Dimitri, who will be out in 3 days, 4 hours, 25 minutes, and 5 seconds. An emotional Sloan comes to his room to make sure he and Dimitri keep quiet about Jude. Leo retorts they don’t owe her anything. She desperately appeals to him, telling him how much Jude needs his family. Leo points out Eric is suspicious and it will blow up in her face any minute. Sloan states Leo doesn’t gain anything by telling the truth. So, the best thing he can do is leave with Dimitri and start a new life far from Salem.

Nicole shows up at The Spectator for her first day. As she and Chad discuss his story on Paulina’s “radioactive misadventures,” he asks how she came across the information. Nicole flashes to EJ pitching her the story, but says it was just something she heard in passing. However, she wants the article to be fair and honest since Abe is one of her dearest friends. Chad vows it won’t be a hit piece.

Rita returns with EJ’s coffee. He makes a point to thank her and then grows anxious over the expose on Mayor Price not being published yet. When Rita wonders what’s his skin in the game, he calls Paulina’s micromanaging insufferable. Rita can relate to micromanaging bosses and suggests he kill her with kindness. One catches more flies with honey. EJ thinks she’s onto something and can’t wait to extend an olive branch.

Johnny comes to Chanel’s hospital room as she reveals how scared she really is. Johnny tells his wife how much he loves her. He promises they will have the best life together. Later, Kayla returns with Chanel’s results. Before she gives them, Paulina takes a call from EJ, who asks to clear the air. She will get back to him and hangs up. Kayla reports the tests came back normal except… Chanel’s pregnant.

In his Salem Inn room, Leo slumps at the desk with a grimace

As Leo contemplates which exciting new city he’d like to move to, Sloan checks her phone. She wishes Leo and Dimitri an exciting life together wherever they go and leaves. As Leo muses on ways to earn money to fund his new life, he wonders how much the info he possesses would be worth to EJ. When he feels bad about taking Jude from Eric, he wishes there were a procedure to remove his conscience. He leaves for a walk to clear his head.

Eric shows up with Jude at The Spectator, where Chad immediately offers him a freelance gig. As Chad leaves to start the paperwork, Nicole enters, surprised to see Eric. Chad returns with an assignment for them to work on together.

In the Square, Sloan boasts to Melinda on the phone that she finally got through to Leo since he’s so focused on Dimitri’s return. She confirms she checked with the courts and he should be returning soon. They can leave and never come back. She’s hopeful things will be okay.

Leo returns to his room with mail. He opens a letter from Dimitri, who writes that he’s off on a new adventure with someone he met while inside. Leo cries. Dimitri realized they weren’t right for each other, but the man he fell in love with is perfect for him. He hopes once Leo’s over his heartache, he’ll be happy for him and find the perfect love that he has.

In his office, EJ fumes over the disrespect of Paulina hanging up on him. If she wants a war, she’s got one.

At the hospital, Johnny and Chanel are stunned but excited. However, Kayla reveals that Chanel is just weeks along in the pregnancy. While it seems she does not have radiation poisoning, the first few weeks are crucial for the development of a fetus’ major organs. They’re considering this a high-risk pregnancy and will monitor them throughout. They might not know if everything’s okay for a few weeks or even until after the baby is born.

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