Days Of Our Lives

Days Of Our Lives Comings And Goings: Wendy and Tripp Bid Goodbye

Days Of Our Lives Comings And Goings: Wendy and Tripp Bid Goodbye


Salem is a saucy and a very happening town, but also very dangerous! Days of Our Lives comings and goings reveal that the dangers that surround the lives of the residents has finally scared two mainstays to take a break from all the drama! In the recently aired episode, Tripp and Wendy announced that they are leaving for Hongkong!

Days of Our Lives Coming and Goings: Gone Into The Sunset Forever?

Spoilers and recaps confirm that as of now Wendy and Tripp do not actually intend to remain gone forever. Days of Our Lives comings and goings reveal that they are calling their moving away as an “extended trip.” However, they did drop some bombs that made it sound a lot more permanent in nature!

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - Wendy - Tripp
DOOL/ Wendy and Tripp decide to move to Hongkong

For starters, Wendy offered that Tripp will be taking Mandarin classes over there, while also volunteering as a doctor in Hongkong. As the conversation rolled out, they even talked about how Steve, Kayla and Ava can visit them while they stay there. So, even if it is not a permanent move, it can be a really prolonged one.

Days of Our Lives comings and goings recall that Wendy and Tripp had actually decided to make this move quite a while ago. However, they dropped the plan to stay back and help Ava. Unfortunately, that decision just blew up in their faces and they found themselves getting pulled into a life threatening kidnapping!

Days of Our Lives comings and goings
DOOL/ Tripp and Wendy trapped in the tank

However, it seems, that close call with death made them realize that they really do need to make good on their plan and take a break from Salem. Thus, it seems for a good while now, we won’t be seeing Victoria Grace and Lucas Adams on the soap as Wendy and Tripp.

Although, Days of Our Lives comings and goings states that Victoria was present at the DOOL 15000th episode celebration and filming. Hence, there is a chance that we might get to see her when that episode airs later this year!

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