General Hospital

Anna Learns Disturbing New Information About Valentin — and Nina Reveals too Much to Maxie

Anna Learns Disturbing New Information About Valentin — and Nina Reveals too Much to Maxie

Anna and Valentin GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

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In Drew’s office, he and Nina finish another round of sex. Nina can’t believe they did this again and wonders what is wrong with them. Drew says she definitely enjoyed herself while in the moment. As they pull themselves together, Willow knocks on Drew’s door.

Nina and Drew caught GH

When the knocking stops, Nina assumes it’s the cleaning staff, and they move on to the next office. Drew calls housekeeping and says he doesn’t need his office cleaned as he’s working late tonight. Nina realizes she’s late for an interview with a congressman but learns from her assistant that he had to reschedule. Nina tells Drew they shouldn’t let this become a habit, but Drew wants to know why a congressman is talking to Crimson. She says he is a family friend, and he reached out to make a major announcement. Drew says he wants to meet him, and notes he’s a major player in the house. She asks how she introduces him. He suggests, “Tell him I’m the guy you sent to prison and whose clothes you like to rip off.” She says she’ll consider introducing him if “this” doesn’t happen again.

Nina and Drew chat GH

Willow returns and tries to open the door, but it’s locked. She calls out, asking if Drew’s in there. He and Nina scramble to finish dressing, and Drew invites Willow in. Nina says they didn’t hear her and she then notices Drew’s shoe is untied. Willow says she tried to leave a message, but she didn’t realize they were busy, so she could come back later. Nina says no need, as they are finished, and she will leave them alone. She goes to leave, but Willow stops her. She admits she was thrown to see them together but in a good way. Willow thinks if Drew can work with her after she sent him to prison, then he must be a forgiving person. She thinks perhaps it’s time for her to let her anger toward her go, too. Nina thanks her for saying that and leaves.

Willow, Drew and Nina GH

Drew tells Willow that it was unexpected and asks how it felt. She says, “Surprisingly okay, and I have you to thank for being the bigger person and showing me the way.” He asks what she wanted to talk about, and she wanted some more information on this non-profit. They sit down to discuss the organization’s goal to educate the public on stem cell research and bone marrow transplants, and they want a face and a voice to spread awareness. She asks what she’d be doing. He assumes public speaking, videos, PSAs, and some fundraising. She agrees to think about it. but feels this would give her the flexibility to spend more time with Wiley and Amelia.

Willow and Drew chat GH

Natalia finds Maxie at the Deception office and has some questions for her, as she seems to be the only person who is serious about the company. Maxie lets Natalia sample some of their products, for which Blaze will be the spokesperson. Natalia asks what Brook Lynn actually does here. She knows she had a brief singing career before moving on to music management because her mom did it, but face creams don’t make sense. Natalie thinks Brook Lynn seems to change careers like others change hairstyles.

MAxie and Natalia GH

Maxie says if she’s here to undermine Brook Lynn’’s role as Blaze’s manager, she’s barking up the wrong tree. She says BLQ is her best friend, and she understands all aspects of the music industry and has been doing it all on her own for a while. Natalia calls her a nepo-baby, whose family got her into the business and paved the way for her. Natalia says she is protective of her daughter, especially after what happened with Linc. She just doesn’t understand Brook Lynn, who roped Blaze into working for this company and face creams, which is not her daughter’s dream. Maxie asks if all these dreams of Blaze’s she’s talking about are Blaze’s, or hers? Natalia says it’s always easy to blame the mother, and she’ll learn that with her own kids someday. She then departs.

Natalia complains GH

As Maxie is getting ready to leave, Nina shows up and reveals Willow just spoke to her in a nice way. She says it was because of Drew, who Willow thinks is her friend now. Nina says they still hate each other more than ever, and even the sex is hateful. Maxie says, “The what?”

Nina's news GH

Nina claims it just happened, twice and while it’s happening it’s great, but when it’s over she hates him even more, along with herself. Nina moves past the sex and says she needs to keep Drew on her side to help get closer to Willow. She needs to find a way to keep him happy with her. Maxie says wouldn’t it be funny if after everything that’s happened that Drew was the reason she got her family back.

MAxie is shocked GH

At the Metro Court bar, Valentin runs into Anna and tells her it seems her new job suits her as she looks re-energized. Valentin reveals Charlotte’s gone back to boarding school in Switzerland, that it was her choice as she likes it there, and things haven’t been good for her here. Anna will regret what happened to Charlotte for the rest of her life. Valentin says he misses Charlotte, and he misses her. He suggests with Charlotte in boarding school, is it crazy to think they could see one another again?

Valentin and Anna GH

Anna admits he caught her off guard and thought they had moved on. Valentin asks if he can take her to dinner sometime. She’ll have to think about it, and her feelings for him didn’t just disappear overnight. However, she’s unsure if she’s ready to go down that path again for it to end in more heartbreak. He thinks there is only one way to find out. Anna then gets a text from Jason to meet him at the Brown Dog bar. She says duty calls, and Valentin says he’ll call her.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Olivia, Leo, Michael and Wiley come to taste Sasha’s food. She made two chicken tetrazzini casseroles, and tells them to enjoy. She leaves, and Olivia and the others just look at the food.

Sasha presents a dish GH

Leo is unsure what it is, and Olivia explains it’s chicken and noodles. Nobody wants to be the first to try it, so Michael takes one for the team and digs in. He says it’s actually pretty good, so Olivia directs the boys to try it as well, and she’ll join them.

Michael takes a test GH

Olivia admits it’s good, and the boys like it too. Leo says it’s so much better than his mom’s spaghetti, and he could eat this every day. She chokes on her mouthful of food.

Olivia impressed GH

Sasha takes a sample out to the stables for Cody to try, and he says It’s great. She explains she’s auditioning to be the cook, and the job comes with room and board, which is good as she is supposed to be out of her apartment by the end of the month.

Cody is surprised GH

Sasha asks if he’d feel crowded is she was living here too? He tells her she’s really cute when she’s nervous, he doesn’t feel crowded by her, and she’ll never be without a place to stay. He’d give her his room upstairs and he could sleep down here with the beasts if need be. Suddenly, Sasha kisses him.

Sasha kisses Cody GH

Michael interrupts and asks what’s going on? Cody says, “Just horsing around.” Michael tells Sasha her dish was great, and Olivia joins them. She says her only criticism is that it needs a little more oregano. She says the boys liked it too, so the job is hers if she wants it. Sasha does, and she and Olivia hug.

Olivia Cody and Sasha GH

Olivia offers to show her her room, and Sasha asks Cody if they are good. He says they are. Olivia doesn’t know what is going on between them, and what they do on their own time is their own business, but there won’t be tippy-toeing into Sasha’s bedroom at night while the house is full of children and gossipy adults. She says they are cute together, but she has her eyes on them.

At the Brown Dog Bar, Jason confronts Dex, demanding they talk about Sonny. Dex says he doesn’t want trouble with Sonny. Jason says Sonny didn’t send him. Joss is afraid Sonny will have him killed, and he promised to protect him. Dex states he can protect himself. Jason explains this is for Joss and Sonny. Dex thinks he has his priorities messed up as Sonny is the one who wants him dead, but Jason says Sonny knows better than to target a cop, or he should… he did. Dex says he should have known better to go after Cyrus, but he still sent him to do it anyway. Jason knows he was hired to get evidence against Sonny, so what was it? Dex suggests he asks Michael. Jason says Sonny doesn’t take risks, and he learned a lot from him, but he’s changed. He asks how Sonny got in over his head with Pikeman.

Dex and Jason talk GH

Dex explains Valentin set up the initial meeting with Pikeman, and Sonny felt it was too risky after their first shipment was weapons of mass destruction for special forces and not for public sale. Jason asks if Cassadine did anything else. Dex says he was out for a run and saw him meet with Hume the day someone shot at Sonny at the Metro Court, and he even has a photo of them with a date stamp.

Jason and Dex chat GH

Anna arrives and is surprised to see Jason and Dex finally met. Dex says this is above his pay grade, though he doesn’t have one yet. Anna says he does now and gives him his acceptance letter to the academy. He thanks Anna, and heads out.

Anna Dex good news GH

Jason tells Anna that he found out Valentin met with Pikeman’s rep Hume the same day a sniper tried to take Sonny out at the pool. Anna says that’s impossible, so Jason shows her the photo Dex took. Anna realizes Valentin has been lying about everything since the beginning. She remembers Valentin was gone for two months with Laura and Kevin looking for Nikolas, and he called her that day, claiming he was in Geneva, but he lied to her. Jason relays Haimish told him he was briefed by two higher-ups at Pikeman about that shooting assignment and says it looks like Hume and Valentin were running that op. Anna says Valentin’s more involved with Pikeman than he has let on. Anna says he just sent Charlotte back to Switzerland, claiming it was her idea, but it’s a neutral country, and he can do Pikeman business out of there anytime he wants. Jason asks what she wants to do. Anna says Valentin was always a good WSB agent, but she was always better. She calls him up and says she’s been thinking about his invitation.

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