The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Ivy & Liam On Way To Reunion, Steffy & Hope Plot A Disruption

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Ivy & Liam On Way To Reunion, Steffy & Hope Plot A Disruption

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers - Ivy Hope Steffy

Ivy Forrester is back in L.A., but she is also back in action, picking up exactly where she left it all, point The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers! Just in case, you didn’t connect the dots, we are talking about Liam Spencer! Many would recall that Ivy left L.A. after a short lived romance with Liam.

However, her first move upon her return makes it clear that he has been living rent-free in her mind and heart all this while. The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers reveal that in the upcoming episodes, Ivy and Liam meet for a heart-to-heart talk, where she makes her intentions quite clear to him.

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers - Liam -Ivy
B&B/ Liam and Ivy meet

However, he tells her that he is currently taking a break from relationships, and focusing solely on being a good dad. But, hey, this is Liam we are talking about. So, it isn’t shocking at all, that just a couple of eyelash batting from Ivy, the two end up in a lip lock!

And would it really be a soap, if no one witnessed it? Of course not! The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers and preview video show Steffy getting stumped as she walks in just in time to catch Liam and Ivy with twisted tongues. Several shades of green takeover her, as she witnesses her ex tangled up with his ex.

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers - Ivy-Liam
B&B/ Liam and Ivy kiss

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers hint that soon enough, Steffy and Hope will be calling a truce on their personal issues and focusing all their attention towards peeling Ivy away from Liam. Honestly, this could be quite fun to watch!

The whole Steffy v/s Hope was getting rather old, so it will be refreshing to see them join forces against a common threat for a change. But can they outplay Ivy? Tell us in the comments.

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