The Bold And The Beautiful

Liam’s Mesmerized By a Blast From the Past — and Deacon and Finn Hit a Snag Rescuing Sheila

Liam’s Mesmerized By a Blast From the Past — and Deacon and Finn Hit a Snag Rescuing Sheila

Deacon Finn Sheila B&B

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In the abandoned warehouse, Finn asks, “Mom, can you hear me? Mom?!” Deacon looks panicked and asks if it’s too late. Sheila’s eyes begin to open as Finn shines a light on her. He says, “Mom, it’s me, Finn.” He soon exclaims, “You’re alive!” Deacon pats Finn on the shoulder as they are overcome with emotion.
Deacon Finn Sheila B&B

At Forrester, Steffy leaves Finn a voicemail asking if he’s OK. She’s been feeling a little uneasy. “Call me when you can.” Hope comes in and asks, “Can’t get a hold of Finn?” She figures he’s with a patient. Steffy muses, “Probably. Yeah.”

Hope’s sure Finn will be in touch when he can. Steffy knows. Hope thinks it must be a nice feeling knowing that a lot of people rely on her husband. She’s sure he’s making a really big difference in someone’s life. Steffy muses that he’s always dealing with a life or death situation. Hope says whoever he’s with is in capable and caring hands.
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Annika Noelle

At Il Giardino, Liam tells the waitress that someone special is joining him. Someone he hasn’t seen in a long time. Just then, Ivy appears in the doorway. She rushes into his arms. He marvels, “Oh my God, it’s been so long, Ivy.” Ivy replies, “Too long.” They smile at each other.
Ashleigh Brewer

Ivy thanks Liam for meeting her… she wasn’t sure he’d be interested. She tells him she’s just passing through L.A., and she spent time with Eric, who wants her back in the jewelry department at Forrester. Liam asks, “What’s your secret?” Ivy frowns, “What do you meant?” Liam marvels, “You just look so happy… and beautiful.”

Ivy admits she sometimes thinks about moving back to L.A. Liam jokes, “OK, great. It’s settled.” Ivy laughs that her life is very busy in Sydney, but, “Never say never.” She asks how he’s doing and was sorry to hear about him and Hope. Liam shrugs that it wasn’t easy to go through, but good things are on the horizon. He’s focusing on work and his kids, and that may prepare him for the next thing. Ivy muses that Thomas left Hope. “Do you see yourself going back to Hope?”
Scott Clifton, Ashleigh Brewer

In her office, Steffy flashes back to Finn being distracted at home and not wanting breakfast. She recalls that he was quiet the night before as well. Finn cryptically said he had more questions than answers. Hope interrupts Steffy’s flashback and they talk business for a moment before the brunette asks, “How are you doing?” Hope figures she’s not asking about the line. She admits it’s been a bit of an adjustment with Thomas and Douglas gone, but she’s trying to focus on what she can control. Steffy says the line has been incredible. She asks if Hope is seeing anyone. Hope gawps, “Seriously, Steffy? Thomas hasn’t been gone that long.” She wonders if Steffy is hoping she and Liam will get back together.

In the abandoned warehouse, Deacon tells Sheila she’ll be fine and Finn will take real good care of her. He realizes she’s chained up by a leg iron and asks Finn, “Any suggestions?” Sheila whispers, “Help me. Help me. Help me.”

At Il Giardino, Liam tells Ivy he doesn’t think him or Hope are in a place where they want to jump back in. He doesn’t know what the future holds. He’ll always care about Hope… and Steffy. They’re so cool about the co-parenting stuff and are great role models for the kids. Ivy guesses they’re thankful too… he’s pretty fantastic.

At Forrester, Hope tells Steffy that she and Liam have spent more time together, but that doesn’t mean they’re getting back together. The resentment has calmed down and she’s grateful for that. Hope wants Beth to see them getting along. Steffy checks her phone and asks, “So, are you going to make a play for Liam?” Hope thinks Steffy should focus her energy on Finn.

In the abandoned warehouse, Finn asks Deacon to give him a bottle of water. He cradles Sheila’s head and tries to give her some. She chokes. Realizing that it’s her son holding her, Sheila looks hopeful.

At Il Giardino, Liam wonders if Ivy is flirting with him. She admits she is and offers to dial it back. Liam shakes his head, “Don’t dial.” Ivy’s not trying to be forward it’s just that she thinks about him a lot. She hasn’t forgotten the good times they shared and how close they became. Stroking his face, she says, “And how close I wished we’d become.” Ivy then kisses him and caresses his beard. She remembered that most of all, “How great it felt kissing you.”
Scott Clifton, Ashleigh Brewer

At Forrester, Steffy concludes a work call and rejoins Hope. She tells her that her focus is on Finn and her children. Hope just thinks whatever happens with her and Liam shouldn’t matter to her. Steffy reminds her she’s her daughter’s father. Hope feels it’s not really her business and she’s already been through a lot lately. Steffy acknowledges this and states that Sheila is dead and not coming back.

In the warehouse, Sheila takes in a bit more water and tries to focus her watery eyes on Deacon, who says, “There’s my beautiful girl.” Everyone said he was crazy but he never stopped believing she was alive. He kisses her head as Finn looks on.


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