The Bold And The Beautiful

Deacon and Finn Get a Tip on Sheila’s Location — But They May Be Too Late

Deacon and Finn Get a Tip on Sheila’s Location — But They May Be Too Late

B&B's Finn and Deacon talk to a homeless man in an alley played by Clint Howard as Deacon shows him something on the phone

Credit: Sean Smith / Bell Phillip TV Productions Inc.

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At the cliff house, Finn thinks about Deacon telling him about Sugar. Steffy offers a distracted Finn breakfast, but he says he’ll grab something later. She asks what’s going on with him, is it a work thing? Finn says right now he has more questions than answers, but he’ll let her know when he figures it out. She says he’s so caring towards his patients, and she loves him. He loves her too and knows he’s put her through a lot lately. Steffy heads to the office and says she’ll see him tonight. Finn then gets a text from Deacon telling him to come to his place right away and it’s urgent.

Steffy and Finn BB

At his place, Deacon vows today is the day they find Sheila.

At the office, Carter and Ridge catch up and discuss business. Ridge thinks Hope for the Future is in good shape, and RJ and Zenda make a good team. Carter stays silent. Ridge wants to make sure RJ and Zende keep working with one another as it’s good for the line. Carter says, “Yeah.” Ridge knows they’ll lock horns, but at the end of the day, they’ll work it out.

Ridge and Carter BB

Steffy arrives and Carter takes off. Ridge relays to her that Thomas and Douglas are good, but he wants to know how she’s doing and if Deacon is still telling his stories. Steffy says he is, and Ridge says this is messed up even for Deacon. Steffy worries if Deacon keeps pressing Finn, that it will make it more difficult for Finn to make peace with Sheila’s death. Steffy vows not to let Deacon resurrect Sheila in Finn’s mind.

Steffy and Ridge BB

In the design office, Brooke visits Luna to see if she’s okay, and embraces her. Luna realizes Brooke knows everything. They sit down and discuss the whole situation, and Brooke explains she is here to make sure she’s okay and to let her know this is a safe place to talk. Brooke admits she was taken advantage of a long time ago. Luna says that’s awful, but Zende didn’t take advantage of her. Brooke doesn’t think he would, but he knew she was in a relationship with her son and still thought he could just sleep with her.

Luna asks when she found out about it all. Brooke says the other day, and RJ doesn’t want her to tell anyone as he’s protective of her. She knows this is a difficult situation, but RJ does love her very much.

Brooke and Luna BB

Luna knows she should have told RJ sooner, but she didn’t want things to go sour between him and Zende. She details taking her mom’s mints, and lying down, and that’s the last thing she remembers. It was supposed to be a beautiful evening, and it turned into a nightmare. Luna cries she is so thankful to all of them for their support and this internship, and the last thing she wants is to cause them trouble or pain for RJ. It breaks her heart what happened with Zende. Brooke thinks RJ is trying to be understanding. Luna knows, but it’s also killing him. Brooke says this isn’t fair to her either. Brooke tells her this isn’t her fault, and she’ll always be here for her.

Luna and Brooke BB

Finn arrives at Deacon’s place and admits Deacon has him thinking. Deacon says he’s right, and time is running out for Sheila, so they need to find her now. Deacon says Sheila’s credit card password is on her tablet, so he thinks if they go through Sheila’s credit card history it may lead them to her.

Deacon and Finn BB

They go over her history and find a mysterious charge at a convenience store in a rough neighborhood. They quickly head out.

Finn and Deacon arrive in an alley behind at the convenience store and ask an employee on break about Sheila. They show her a photo, but she claims she never saw her.

The employee goes back to work, and a homeless man asks to see the photo as he sees everyone who comes in and out of this place. The man offers to look at Deacon’s photo, in exchange for some money. Deacon gives him some money and then shows him a photo of Sheila. The man says he recognizes her, and Finn and Deacon ask what he can tell them. The man says he saw her walk into the building over there and points to it. He said that suddenly there was screaming, and it eventually stopped. He didn’t go looking for what happened, as it’s rough on the streets and you learn to mind your own business. Finn and Deacon wonder if Sheila could be inside still.

B&B's Finn and Deacon talk to a homeless man in an alley played by Clint Howard

Inside the building are mattresses, and a whole host of other junk spread around. It’s clearly been abandoned. The camera pans to a body under some blankets and a shot of a hand…

Sheila's fingers BB


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