The Young And The Restless

Jack and Victor Question the Delivery Truck Driver — and Devon Blindsides Lily and the Board

Jack and Victor Question the Delivery Truck Driver — and Devon Blindsides Lily and the Board

Credit: CBS screenshot

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Billy spots Lily at Society and asks to join her. She warns, “Not if you’re going to talk about me firing Daniel and Heather.” Billy promises. He asks about Mattie and learns she’s back in school and doing better. Charlie has a job involving film-making in L.A. Lily asks how Johnny and Katie are doing. Billy says they’re good. Lily’s sorry about what Chelsea’s going through with Connor. Billy says it’s all about helping the boy get through this, including playing nice with Adam. Billy marvels at them acting like friends. Lily says personally she agrees, but professionally, she doesn’t trust him for a second.

Billy says that’s harsh and teases she broke the rules by bringing work up. Lily didn’t want to talk about Daniel and Heather. She’s talking about the bigger picture, meaning his proposal to run the company together. Lily points out they don’t agree on anything. Billy thinks that’s the beauty of teamwork. Lily says there’s another reason she wouldn’t do this — she won’t betray her family to give him more power. She’s sure that’s his plan. “I have to wonder, how long until you push me down in your relentless drive for power?” Billy wouldn’t betray her like that and says he’s not some random person she has to think the worst of. Lily has been hurt a lot and has to exercise caution. She warns that when they have the board meeting this afternoon, she’s going to bring up his role. She plans to ask them to limit his power and remove him as an officer of the company.
Lily Billy Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Devon and Nate talk business. Abby walks in and loves to see them working so well together. She takes full credit for the good vibes. Nate stands up to leave and Devon asks him to come back in half an hour. After Nate leaves, Abby notes that’s when the board meeting starts. She asks, “Devon, what are you up to?”

In the tackhouse, Victoria argues with Nikki about her plan to offer herself up as bait to Jordan. It’s too risky! Nikki feels she caused this by allowing her to live. Victoria reminds her that she and Claire helped decide that as well. Nikki snaps that because of that, Harrison has now been kidnapped. “And probably Claire as well!” Victoria frowns, “Probably? Are you saying that you still have doubts about Claire’s innocence?!” Nikki thinks they have to consider she was part of it, “Could Jordan have pulled this off on her own.” Vikki argues she did it on her own before. She’s going to continue to believe her daughter has been kidnapped. She rails at Nikki that she’s Claire’s family. Nikki didn’t mean to make this worse. Victoria asks her to keep her doubts to herself. Nikki needs Claire’s phone number to send Jordan a message. Victoria says Victor is already working on something less dangerous. Nikki says his plan is to give her money and safe passage out of the country — it means nothing to her and won’t work. Nikki tells her daughter her plan may be the only way of saving them. Victoria will give her Claire’s number, “On one condition.”
Victoria Y&R

Nikki asks what Victoria’s condition is, but her daughter has to step away to take a call. Nikki takes the opportunity to swig out of her flask and pop a breath mint. Victoria returns and says Cole is on his way. Nikki asks her condition. Victoria says she and Cole have to help her with whatever she’s planning. Possibly Nicholas too. Nikki doesn’t trust Nick not to tell Victor.

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Nikki and Victoria are arguing about Nick when Cole comes in. He has no new news. Victoria tells him that Nikki wants to put her out there as a target for Jordan. Cole protests that it’s not happening. Victoria explains that she insisted they help, along with Nicholas. Nikki exclaims, “No Nicholas!” Victoria admits the plan has merit — Nikki is Jordan’s weak spot. Cole’s not keen on this. She has a plan, Victor and Jack have a plan, and no one is telling the police what they’re up to! This might trigger Jordan into doing something terrible!
Cole Nikki Victoria Y&R

At the ranch, Victor holds Summer while she cries and tells her they have a plan to bring Harrison home. Kyle thanks Chance for coming by. Chance tells them the police are following every tip that comes in. Summer frets that her son is with two insane people. Victor promises to bring him home and hugs her again. Chance steps away to take a call and returns to relay that the delivery driver has been found. He stopped for a coffee and returned to find the truck was gone. A person in all black wearing a baseball cap was shown on security footage. The driver says the stop is part of his usual routine. Victor gets a call and excuses himself. Kyle points out they know now that Claire wasn’t the driver. Summer argues that doesn’t mean she wasn’t the point person on the inside. She yells that Kyle let her go right up to the bedroom with their son and now he’s gone!
Summer Chance Jack Kyle Y&R

Kyle doesn’t want to believe Claire is a part of this. Summer asks why — because she batted her eyes at him and told him her sob story? “She conned you, Kyle! You were her mark!” Kyle argues, “Why would she go along with the aunt she’s already turned her back on?” Why were there no demands for clear passage for Claire? Summer retorts that it’s to make people like him think she’s not guilty. Kyle asks what purpose that would serve her now? Why would she give up a life of family and freedom for a life on the run? He’s starting to think she’s a victim too. Summer doesn’t care about Claire. “I care about my son!” Jack intervenes as Victor walks back into the room. Jack says the guilty parties will be found and punished, “We just have to find them… and soon!”

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Victor agrees with Jack, and with Kyle’s suspicion that Claire is innocent. Her hatred of Jordan is palpable. Summer says that could be part of the con. Chance asks what exactly is the plan. Victor wants to interrogate the driver. Chance warns anything he finds out can’t be used in court. Victor doesn’t give a damn about court. He isn’t interested in Chance’s advice and will do whatever is in his power to find his great-grandson and granddaughter. “You stay the hell out of it!”
Victor Y&R

In Society, Billy tells Lily that cutting him off at the knees at the company is a bold move. He’s not trying to replace her. Lily says not everyone sees it that way and it’s a distraction. Billy tells her, “We’re good together and you know it.” That’s why Jill brought us together the first time. Lily shrugs that they’ll bring it up at the board meeting. Everything out in the open is the best option. Billy sees this is so her back is covered. He’d never betray her. Billy wonders if she thinks her family will protect her. Mamie is only out for revenge on Jill, “Devon… I’m not the only one he has a problem working with, okay, because he only thinks about himself.” When her power gets to be too much, Devon will freak out. Lily says it won’t happen, but if it did, they’d figure it out. Billy insists he’s the smart bet and the one she should trust. “I don’t know why the hell you don’t see that.”

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At the tackhouse, Nikki rails at Cole, “Victor will not be a part of this call. It’s not up for debate!” Cole argues but Nikki says her husband will put her on the sidelines and says she’s too fragile. She is in the best position to say what she can and cannot handle. Victoria interjects, “She also believes this is all her fault.” Nikki fumes that once she makes contact with Jordan, she will tell Victor. She screams, “This is what we’re doing! Get it! Now, if my risking my life is the only way to save Harrison and Claire, I’m taking that risk!” She turns to Victoria and demands, “I’ve met your conditions. Give me Claire’s phone number right now!”
Cole Nikki Victoria Y&R

At the ranch, Victor tells Chance to get on board or leave the premises. Jack and Kyle agree. Victor calls his men and tells them to bring the truck driver to the ranch and tell him he’ll be compensated. Chance walks out and Summer follows.

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At Chancellor-Winters, Lily asks Devon and Abby, “Are we all ready for the meeting?” Devon says yes. Jill will join them via video chat and he also asked Nate to stop by. Nate appears and Devon thanks him for coming. Nate says if this is about Daniel, that’s not his turf. Jill appears on the screen and says he’s correct. “It’s a board issue.” She wants to know why Nate is there. Devon wants to reappoint him to the board. Lily is blindsided and asks if Abby knew about this. Abby admits they talked about it earlier. Billy muses, “So, you two were the only ones who knew about this. Interesting.” Jill asks Devon how long this has been percolating in that little brain of his. Devon says it goes back to Neil, who put it in his will that Nate would be given the seat. He believes he’s earned it. Billy finds it shady to spring this on them all, “Especially Lily, but then again, it was probably your idea all along.” He suggests they have a vote.
Jill Y&R

Outside the ranch, Summer tells Chance that she’s sorry about her grandfather. Chance thinks he should have reminded him how many times his plans have blown up. Summer argues he’s been able to achieve some things the police haven’t. Chance frowns, “Yeah, illegal things. Dangerous things.” This is just one reason why he left law enforcement. Summer says Victor sees a problem and finds a solution and doesn’t let anyone get in his way. Chance says it sounds like she agrees with him. Summer says the police keep losing Jordan. She just wants to bring her son home and really doesn’t care how it happens. Chance insists the best way to bring Harrison home is to let the police do it. If it were Dominic, that’s what he’d do. Summer says it’s not Dom, so he really doesn’t know what he’d do. Chance concedes the point. He tells her they all want the same thing and leaves to check in with the lead detective.
Chance Summer outside Y&R

In the tackhouse, Nikki screams, “Give me the damn phone number, Victoria! We’re wasting time!” Victoria asks, “Are you alright? You seem really agitated and you’re almost shaking.” Nikki rails that anyone would be agitated dealing with Jordan. “Why are you making this so difficult for me?! You’re fighting me at every turn! Why are you doing that?!” Victoria gawps, “Mom! Have you been drinking again?!” Nikki shouts, “No! I haven’t been drinking.” Victoria has seen the behavior before and is asking out of love. Nikki apologizes, “It’s a sensitive subject.” She lies that she hasn’t been drinking again as she hugs her daughter.
Victoria Nikki Y&R

At the ranch, the truck driver is told that his vehicle was used in the abduction of a seven-year-old boy. The man insists his truck was stolen when he was getting coffee. Security footage backed up his claim. “Why would I lie?” Jack says they never said he lied. Victor appears and Jack tells the man that if Victor Newman thinks he knows more than he’s saying, he’ll turn his life into a living hell. “So, when we ask for answers,” Jack begins. Victor finishes, “You better answer.” Victor offers the man, Dave, $100,000 for inside information. Dave gawps, “You don’t think I’m involved, do you?!” Kyle hurls, “Yes. We do!” Jack tells him the woman he’s been doing business with is a murderer capable of almost anything. “You are very lucky you got out alive.” Victor tells him this is his chance to fix a mistake and save a child’s life. “So, why don’t you tell us everything you know.”

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At Chancellor-Winters, Billy asks Devon if this little dance to put Nate on the board is payback since Jill agreed to put Abby on it as long as he got a seat too. Devon says it’s about what Neil wanted and Nate has earned it back. Billy grunts, “Right. So, Nate has earned it and mine’s a freebie.” Devon shrugs, “Those are your words.” He wants to move onto the voting. Devon says, “That’s one vote for me to have Nate on the board.” Abby seconds that. Billy says, “Surprise, surprise.” Devon turns to Lily. Billy accuses Devon of stacking the board to vote in line with him and wonders what the board really does. “What’s the point of voting when you already know the outcome?” Devon asks if he’s done and if they can continue. Jill asks, “Does this mean we get to vote now?” Billy says, “Nate, this is not personal at all, you’ve done a great job since you came back. But for me, it’s a little too soon.” The memories are still too fresh of what happened last time. Jill agrees, “Yeah, from when you brazenly sold us out.” She thinks it’s premature and votes no. Devon turns to Lily, who is the tie-breaker. She says, “I guess it’s up to me then.”


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