The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Should Finn Save Himself From The Drama and Choose A Life With Bridget?

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Should Finn Save Himself From The Drama and Choose A Life With Bridget?

Bridget and Finn spent some crazy long hours together at the hospital trying to find a viable cure for Eric, recall The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers. The fact that she was going to all sorts of lengths to help Finn and his extended family spoke volumes of the kind of dependable friend she would make, or perhaps even partner!

Thus, we weren’t surprised in the least when a sizeable section of the B&B fandom started holding a torch for Finn and Bridget. However, the story seems to have taken a very different turn. The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers reveal that Finn and Hope have become quite close to each other off late.

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The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers - Hope - Finn
B&B/ Finn and Hope are coming closer

Many would even say that the CBS soap is deliberately pushing them so deep into each other’s orbit, just to see if they would work as a couple. Unfortunately, no one sees this ending well. Firstly, because the two of them work well as friends, but not as romantic partners. Second, Hope’s issues with romantic relationships are internal.

Until and unless she works on resolving her own internal issues, she can’t have a successful relationship with anyone, hint The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers. Finn being a smart, able and intelligent doctor should be able to see that, and dodge the bullet for the sake of his own sanity.

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers - Finn- Bridget
B&B/ Should Finn shift his focus to Bridget?

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However, we do understand that his and Steffy’s marriage does need a shakeup. Moreover, he is long overdue for a little dalliance of his own, everyone seems to get one – so why not him? And if he must, then wouldn’t Bridget make much more sense? While also being far less dramatic and messy!

Not only does he seem emotionally stable and intelligent, she also has no ties to all the crazies in Los Angeles, point The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers. The latter alone puts her head and shoulders above Hope in comparison! Besides, Finn and Bridget had an actual spark, something he clearly misses with Hope!

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers- Hope - Bridget
B&B/ Is Bridget a better choice for Finn than Hope?

So what do you think? Should Finn ditch both, Hope and Steffy, for some fun with Bridget? Tell us in the comments.

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