General Hospital

General Hospital Star Josh Kelly Lands New Action Film, Is He Out As Cody From GH?

General Hospital Star Josh Kelly Lands New Action Film, Is He Out As Cody From GH?

Josh Kelly had previously entered General Hospital to mixed reviews for his character – Cody Bell. However, as time passed, Josh won fans over with his smooth performance. Of course, his chemistry with Sasha, as well as, his heroic rescue of her helped his case too!

Today, General Hospital fans are whole heartedly shipping Sasha and Cody. Meanwhile, also anxiously awaiting his father-son reunion with Mac Scorpio. But, Josh Kelly landing a juicy new project could put Cody’s time on the soap in questionable territory!

General Hospital Spoilers- Cody
GH/ Cody has grown on General Hospital fans

Is Josh Kelly Leaving General Hospital?

The man of the moment recently appeared on an episode of The Daily Drama Podcast where he answered the pressing question. For the unversed, Josh Kelly recently landed an action film called The Workout. Peter Jae and UFC fighter Ashlee Evans-Smith also star alongside him in this James Cullen Bressack project.

The story of the film is about a few army rangers who set out to film a workout video. However, things go horribly wrong when a mob hit strikes in. One of the ranger suffers a huge loss when his wife loses her life in the attack. The ranger then sets out to seek revenge.

General Hospital - Josh Kelly
GH/ Josh Kelly lands new film

Considering that it is an action films and requires quite a lot of time and dedication to film. Many fans have been wondering if Josh Kelly would leave General Hospital to manage the filming. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to! During the podcast, Josh confirmed that the timings worked out miraculously.

Josh Kelly gushed that the General Hospital makers were really cool and worked around his filming schedule. Thus, fans can relax! Josh’s new project will not interfere with his track as Cody on GH at all.

General Hospital spoilers - Cody - Mac
GH/ Fans are looking forward Mac and Cody’s reunion

Interestingly, in the same podcast he also spoke about how actor John York (Mac Scorpio) is doing much better. Josh also added that he may return to GH soon and they may finally be able to wrap up their father-son reunion track!

So who all are looking forward to Mac finding out the truth about Cody being his bio-son? Tell us in the comments.

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