General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Goes On The Warpath, Newest Escape Plans Leads Taking Cyrus Captive!

Heather Goes On The Warpath, Newest Escape Plans Leads Taking Cyrus Captive!

General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Goes On The Warpath, Newest Escape Plans Leads Taking Cyrus Captive!

General Hospital spoilers tease that Heather Webber (Alley Mills) isn’t finished causing chaos in Port Charles. She recently attacked Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) when Cyrus visited Pentonville as part of his new ministry.

Heather is furious because she knows that her daughter Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) asked Cyrus for help locating her baby son who had been taken by the baby’s father Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss).

Instead, Cyrus warned Laura Collins (Genie Francis) that Esme was desperate and dangerous. Esme is now presumed dead after a confrontation with Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez).

General Hospital Spoilers – Heather Webber was the Hook!

As viewers know, Heather is infamous for escaping incarceration, basically being able to come and go as she pleases while she causes all kinds of chaos. She carried out many of the Hook murders in this manner.

Heather became the Hook to hurt anyone she believed has caused harm to Esme. And Now that Esme is dead, Heather has already lashed out at both Cyrus and Kevin Colins (Jon Lindstrom). It’s safe to say that Nikolas is on her list as well.

GH Spoilers – Heather Webber will soon be at General Hospital

Soon, Heather will visit General Hospital for one ailment or another. But while she’s there, she could certainly once again take advantage of the low security in the hospital to plan yet another escape.

Seeing Cyrus with Laura and Esme’s little boy might just be enough to convince Heather to take action. She might even decide to take Cyrus hostage and or even kill him given the chance. There’s no question that Heather is capable of murder. She’s done it many time before.

General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Goes On The Warpath, Newest Escape Plans Leads Taking Cyrus Captive!

General Hospital Spoilers – Laura Collins to the rescue!

Heather isn’t particularly fond of Laura either, but she likely wouldn’t hurt either since she is the baby’s legal guardian. Heather also seems to trust Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst).

Between the two of them, perhaps they can talk Heather out of killing Cyrus. But would they want to? While Elizabeth has no stake in the situation, she is a nurse and as such is bound to protect all life. But Laura is Cyrus’ sister, and even though Laura has kept her distance she might be inclined to talk Heather down, or convince Elizabeth to help her.

What do you think?

Will Heather escape once again? Will she take Cyrus with her? Can Laura or Elizabeth stop Heather before she kills yet again?

Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC.

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