The Young And The Restless

Danny and Christine Come to an Understanding — and Connor Receives an Upsetting Diagnosis

Danny and Christine Come to an Understanding — and Connor Receives an Upsetting Diagnosis

Adam Connor Chelsea Y&R

Credit: CBS screenshot

At Connor’s school, Adam, Chelsea, and Billy try to lighten the mood as they wait to see the specialist by debating whether to have pizza or burgers afterward. Connor wonders if they’re all there because there’s something really wrong with him. Chelsea and Adam explain that they’re there to get him some help. The specialist will just ask him some questions. Billy explains that the more she knows, the easier it is to help him. The doctor appears and suggests just one parent come in with Connor. Adam allows Chelsea to go. Billy tells Adam to get a handle on himself, “Do you honestly think Connor can’t pick up on your attitude?”

At Crimson Lights, Christine thanks Nina for her advice. Nina thinks she just needs to sit down with Danny and make him see what’s going on. Christine doesn’t want to give up on him, but she has to make it clear Phyllis is the one playing games. Nina warns she has to make him see that he’s going to lose her if this goes on. She urges Christine to focus on the two of them. Chris just hopes Phyllis hasn’t gotten to him first before this reverse-psychology has a chance to work.
Nina Christine Y&R

Nina assures Christine that Danny won’t leave town without saying goodbye to her. Chris argues that as far as he’s concerned this is about her and Phyllis, which might be enough to scare him away. The last time this happened, Phyllis tried to kill her. Danny doesn’t want to go through that again and neither does she. Nina tells her, “Stop it. Just stop it.” She urges her to forget about Phyllis and concentrate on what she and Danny deserve. “You’re lowering yourself to her level.” Christine admits she brings out the worst in her. Nina tells Cricket she’s better than her and has to start acting like it. Just then, Danny walks in. He got Christine’s message but has been swamped adding tour dates. He’s leaving in a couple weeks. Chris asks, “Just like that, you’re leaving? Are you really ready to give up on us?”

At Society, Phyllis asks Abby to rent out her restaurant. Abby gives her a flat no. Phyllis protests that she has to let her do this, “Everything in my life right now is riding on this!” They bicker as Phyllis tries to convince Abby to shut down for the night. She’ll make it worth her while and argues that she doesn’t want any other restaurant but hers. That alone should be flattering enough to convince her to agree!
Phyllis Abby Y&R

Abby guesses all the other restaurants in town turned Phyllis down. Phyllis thought they got past the bad blood. If anyone else asked her, she would say yes. Abby relents, “Maybe I can work something out… later in the week.” Phyllis protests. It has to be tonight.

In the specialist’s office, the doctor tells Chelsea her qualifications. She’s been doing this a long time. She tells Connor there’s nothing he can say that she won’t understand. Connor agrees to answer a few questions after Chelsea reassures him.
Chelsea Connor Y&R

In the waiting room, Adam asks Billy who he’s trying to impress. Billy tells him to lighten up. Adam says, “You’re here for Chelsea. I’m here for my son.” Billy tells him that sitting there all wound up isn’t helping. He can pick up on things that Adam is too upset to register. He insists he’s not attacking Adam — they’re on the same team. If it were Katie or Johnny in there, he doesn’t know how he’d feel. Adam sighs that Connor hasn’t had a break in his whole life. He laments not knowing what he was going through. Billy insists they’re doing the right thing. Adam asks, “What if he does have OCD?” Billy says they’ll deal with it the way they would with any other diagnosis… you get the right treatment and move forward.

At Crimson Lights, Nina leaves Christine and Danny to talk alone. They move to the patio, where Christine tells Danny she knows he’s tired of the constant back and forth. He says he’s exhausted. She is too. She’s so exhausted that she’s had enough. It makes her sad and furious that Phyllis is even a part of their conversation. “What is wrong with you?!” She tells him he let Phyllis come between them. “She can try, but you let her get to you. If that’s the case, I don’t even know how I’m supposed to think about a future with us.”

At Society, Abby wants to know who is Phyllis’ unlucky prey. Phyllis would never tell her who her the name of her “prey” because she’d just mock her like everyone else in town. She announces that she’s rescinding her request. Abby chirps, “Perfect! I’ve already forgotten about it.” Once alone, Phyllis imagines her and Danny dining alone together, with her tasting his incredible sauce. She asks how she can ever thank him. Danny replies, “By letting me cook like this for you for the rest of our lives.”
Phyllis Danny Y&R

In the specialist’s office, Connor tells the doctor he doesn’t like people looking at him, and he can’t concentrate in class anymore. He has scary thoughts all day. “They keep coming and won’t go away.” The doctor asks if he’s willing to share the scary thoughts with her.

In the waiting room, Adam asks Billy if he got help for his gambling addiction. Billy says he did, off and on. He tried to white knuckle his way through it, but that was stupid. Adam asks if he’d say that therapy works. Billy says it does and that, one time, it actually made him crack. Adam asks, “You had a breakdown?” Billy wants to focus on Connor. The last thing he needs is a freaked out father. Adam muses that the last thing Billy needs is to expose more of his weaknesses to a man he often sees as an enemy.
Billy Adam Y&R

Billy admits he had a breakdown, and he was in the throes of it when he tried to run him down with that car years ago. He’ll regret that for the rest of his life. Kevin and Chloe didn’t only save his life, but his as well. Adam’s glad to hear that he got into therapy and has been better ever since. Billy guesses Adam’s reached out to professionals over the years. Adam says, “Yeah, I have.”

In the specialist’s office, Connor tells the doctor that he fears his food will make him sick. “There are germs everywhere and germs can make you really, really sick.” That’s why he washes his hands all the time. The doctor asks, “Anything else?” Connor says the kids are talking about him, “They’re going to hurt me.” The doctor is sure that’s not true. Connor shrugs. The doctor asks him what his scariest thoughts are. Connor looks at Chelsea, who assures him it’s OK. Connor says, “That something horrible will happen to my mom and dad and it will be all my fault.”

At Crimson Lights, Danny apologizes for ever making Christine feel that Phyllis is a priority for him over her. He’s trying to help her and Daniel. But this is on her too… she’s been more than willing to engage in this battle with her for the door prize. “Me.” He doesn’t want to get sucked in by anything that’s not real. Christine tears up. She’ll never think of him as a door prize. He’s the man she’s fallen back in love with. She believes with all her heart if he shuts out Phyllis’ noise for a second, he’d realize he’s falling back in love with her too.
Danny Christine Y&R

At Society, Phyllis daydreams about slow-dancing with Danny, who tells her that he was a fool to think his future was with Christine. He belongs there with her, in her arms. She snaps out of it when Abby appears and says, “Good. You’re still here.” Phyllis says she’s still there, throwing herself at her mercy. Abby tells her that her last reservation is at 8:30 PM, so she can hand over the restaurant at 10 PM. Phyllis explains she won’t need the staff — her “prey” is going to cook. Abby insists that someone has to be there to close. Phyllis agrees and thanks her for changing her mind.

At Crimson Lights, Danny’s about to kiss Christine when Phyllis texts to tell him they’re all set. 10 PM at Society. She can’t wait. Christine reads it and asks what she means.

In the specialist’s office, Connor tells the doctor how counting helps him, as does straightening up his room and his closet. The doctor muses that it’s important for him to keep things in order. She thanks him for letting her get to know him. The doctor asks Connor to wait outside with Billy while she gets some more information from his parents.
Connor Y&R

In the waiting room, Adam tells Billy the expose he published about him years ago, he probably should thank him for that. He was supressing the fact that he’d killed a man at 11 years old and he got into therapy himself. Billy muses that they all need help at some time or another.

Later, Connor joins Billy and tells him it was better than he thought it would be. Billy is glad he was comfortable with it. Connor felt safe. Billy tells him he was brave and honest. “I’m proud of you.”

In the doctor’s office, she tells Chelsea and Adam that for Connor to open up like he did, it’s clear he knows that he’s loved. She explains that he’s showing the signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. His symptoms aren’t unusual. Adam marvels at what he’s been going through when he hears. Chelsea cries that things have been awful for him. Adam asks what caused the OCD. The doctor says there are no answers for that. It’s not productive to look for blame, but to take the steps Connor needs to manage the condition. Adam’s upset that there’s no cure. Chelsea warns they can’t panic or do anything that gets in the way of helping Connor.

Adam and Chelsea join Connor and Billy. The boy wants to know what the doctor said. Chelsea tells him he has OCD. Adam assures him it can be treated. They’ll all figure it out and he will be OK. They share a group hug.
Adam Connor Chelsea Y&R

At Society, Abby watches Phyllis suspiciously as she checks her phone.

At Crimson Lights, Danny tells Christine she’s right. Phyllis won’t give up unless he stops her. Christine recalls that he said, “I want you.” Did he mean that? Danny pulls her into a passionate kiss, and then tells her he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

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