General Hospital

Sonny ordered Brick to kill Jason, what happened? ABC General Hospital Spoilers

Sonny ordered Brick to kill Jason, what happened? ABC General Hospital Spoilers

ABC General Hospital spoilers reveal that Ava is now taking advantage of Sonny’s trust in her to carry out darker plans. Although there are many speculations about the relationship between Ava and Sonny, the reality is that Ava is not as in love with Sonny as everyone thinks. Her concern for Sonny is just part of a larger plan for revenge. Ava cannot forgive Sonny after what he did to her brother; to her, Sonny was part of the hatred and suffering she had to endure.

Sonny now leans on Ava, but he has no idea she’s gradually carrying out her revenge plan on him. For Ava, the ultimate goal is not love, but punishment and revenge. Meanwhile, she cleverly took advantage of Sonny’s trust to lie about Jason’s danger. She lied to Sonny that Jason was plotting to overthrow him and take over leadership in the underworld. For someone like Jason with his power and influence, taking power can be a real concern.

Ava took advantage of the special relationship between her and Sonny to set out a profound warning, making Sonny believe that Jason is not someone he could trust. Sonny’s trust in Ava made her words very convincing. In this way, Ava created suspicion of Jason, making Sonny feel the need to face the threat from his closest friend. Will Sonny believe Ava’s words and start dealing with Jason? Sonny hadn’t taken enough antipsychotic medication for so long that he became easily influenced. Ava cleverly took advantage of Sonny’s mental state by planting negative thoughts about Jason in his mind, making him prone to believing uncertain statements without evidence.

Sonny is in a state of fantasy about the danger from Jason. After thinking and considering, as well as facing Ava’s urgings, Sonny decided to make a plan to eliminate Jason once and for all. Under the pressure of anxiety and intimidation, Sonny’s decisions could lead to unintended consequences. In the underworld, every decision can have unforeseen consequences, and Sonny is uncertain about his actions. Will he really destroy Jason? Is his plan likely to succeed?

Sonny will order Brick to destroy Jason because Brick is also a good assassin, but Sonny forgot that Brick is also Jason’s best friend. After Brick received orders from Sonny, he felt confused and uncertain. He remembered the years he spent with Jason, sharing many memories and challenges together. While his instincts make him loyal to Sonny, his friendship and loyalty to Jason cannot be denied. Brick may decide to meet Jason and share with him about Sonny’s plot.

He realized that killing Jason was an act of betrayal towards a friend who shared all his hardships. In this situation, Brick and Jason make a plan together to investigate Sonny’s recent condition. They might find out Ava was taking advantage of Sonny and causing him to become like that. Can Brick and Jason help Sonny stop in time and realize Ava’s true face? How will things turn out?

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