Days Of Our Lives

Johnny and Chanel Begin Their Honeymoon at the Horton Cabin — and Kristen Rages Over Holly

Johnny and Chanel Begin Their Honeymoon at the Horton Cabin — and Kristen Rages Over Holly

Kristen scowls at someone offscreen in the DiMera living room. Holly pouts behind her.

Credit: Peacock screenshot

At the Pub with Abe, Paulina grumbles about having to eat so healthy when all she wants is a bear claw. She’s grateful for her upcoming iodine treatment, but she hates that she has to be in isolation away from him.

Johnny waits for Chanel in the Square, where he presents her with the key to the Horton cabin. They are starting their mini honeymoon today. She tells him she has to work. He agrees it can wait, but knowingly grins when she heads for the bakery.

Holly sulks into the DiMera living room, ignoring EJ. He reminds the teen she needs to learn her lesson about doing drugs. She pouts about not being able to see Tate and blames EJ for blowing everything out of proportion from the beginning. It’s all his fault!

Outside the Salem Inn, Kristen reads about Stefan’s arrest on her phone. “What the hell?!” EJ stomps through the Square on his phone, desperately trying to convince Mr. Shin that he has everything under control. Kristen interrupts. Why did she have to find out from The Spectator that one of her brothers locked up her other brother while her youngest brother published a story about it in the paper? Where does this leave DiMera Enterprises? EJ assures her it’ll be fine and dashes away.

From a table, Johnny stops EJ as he hurries past. He tells his anxious father that he’ll be at the cabin for a couple of days, and also asks about Stefan. EJ urges him not to worry and to enjoy his honeymoon. He runs off.

In the park, Tripp tells Wendy it was nice to feel normal again by going back to work. Wendy’s not sure when she’ll do that herself. Tripp opens his duffle bag for boxing gloves. “You’re going to punch me,” he tells her. When she balks, he points out that physical exercise can help with her PTSD. Indulging him, Wendy impresses Tripp with her with her punches — she’s a brown belt in Taekwondo.

At the apartment, Ava answers the phone to Clyde, who has a job he needs her to do. When she refuses, he threatens to expose her involvement in the drug business. Ava would rather park her ass in jail than do anything with him again. Clyde threatens to tell Harris how he got out of prison. All he wants is for her to find his book of dealers and suppliers that Gil hid in the Bistro. It’s the only trail back to him. If he gets it, he’ll move his operation elsewhere, and she’ll never hear from him again. She declares it’s the last thing she’ll do for him and then she’s out.

Chanel returns to Johnny in the Square after discovering he arranged for her staff to cover for her. He assures her he is personally paying them time and half and that they’ll only be gone while Paulina’s in isolation. They’ll be back as soon as she gets out. On board, Chanel can’t wait to spend time alone with the sexiest husband in the world. She then delivers bear claws to Paulina, made with diet approved ingredients.

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Johnny interrupts Holly daydreaming about Tate at the mansion. She fills him in on not being allowed to see Tate, who she is definitely not in love with, but does really like. She blames herself for making a mess out of everything. Johnny assures her it will soon be nothing but a bad memory. When he mentions his honeymoon, Holly says how happy she is for them. She hopes she can find what they have someday. He knows she will, but urges her not to rush it.

After Johnny leaves to pack, Rachel finds Holly to play nails like they used to. After they give themselves manicures, Kristen comes home and sends Rachel to her room. She then orders Holly away from her daughter, railing at her for doing drugs and letting Tate take the rap. “That’s enough!” a returning EJ bellows. He instructs Kristen not to talk to Holly like that. The siblings argue, and Kristen stomps out. Holly thanks EJ for having her back. He tells her to let him know if Kristen gives her any more trouble.

After Tripp and Wendy race back to the apartment, Wendy checks her phone. She shows Tripp the article on Stefan. When Ava joins them in the living room, Tripp wonders why she’s not behind bars as well. She lies that Stefan felt bad about what happened to them. She announces she’s making a fresh start, beginning with a new job and a new place to live. When she quips newlyweds need their space, Wendy and Tripp flash back to exchanging vows in the beer tank. Ava asks if they’ll make it official. Maybe, they say, but for now, it’s on the back burner. Regardless, Ava knows they need their space.

Later, Tripp meets with Abe and Paulina in a hospital room. Before she goes to the room to take her radioactive pill, an anxious Paulina shares a moment with Abe. He embraces her and blows a kiss before leaving. Paulina sighs and sits on the bed alone.

Johnny carries Chanel into the cabin, where they look forward to being as loud as they want. After Johnny gets wood for a fire (from a wood pile, not by chopping it himself), they get romantic on the couch.

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