The Young And The Restless

The Young and the Restless Update: Tuesday, April 9 – Victor’s Bad News, Traci Spills Secret and Lily Gloats Over Win

The Young and the Restless Update: Tuesday, April 9 – Victor’s Bad News, Traci Spills Secret and Lily Gloats Over Win

The Young and the Restless Update: Tuesday, April 9 – Victor’s Bad News, Traci Spills Secret and Lily Gloats Over Win

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers update for Tuesday, April 9, reveals that Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) will realize has to put Ashley Abbott’s (Eileen Davidson) well-being first. It’ll mean betraying her sister’s confidence, but Traci won’t care as long as Ashley gets the help she needs.

While “Ash” was in control of Ashley, she made Traci pinky promise that she wouldn’t tell anyone – especially Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) – about her memory lapses.

However, Traci will fear the worst since Ashley keeps disappearing and saying things that seem totally out of character.

Y&R spoilers say Traci will alert Jack and Diane Jenkins-Abbott (Susan Walters) to Ashley’s memory issues, so they’ll weigh in on what they think is going on.

Once Ashley makes it home later, she’ll face an Abbott family intervention. “Ms. Abbott” will be the alternate personality who takes charge and flies into a rage, so it’ll become harder to convince the Abbotts that she’s fine.

At Chancellor-Winters, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) will turn down Daniel Romalotti Jr. (Michael Graziadei) when he requests another opportunity to run Omega Sphere.

Since Lucy Romalotti (Lily Brooks O’Briant) inspired Princess Luisa, that game has a lot of sentimental value.

At the very least, Daniel will hope Lily’s willing to transfer ownership of Princess Luisa and let him walk away with something that matters to him.

Lily is still furious over Daniel and Heather Stevens’ (Vail Bloom) betrayal, so she’ll refuse to surrender the game and will gloat over her win.

Daniel may point out that he’s willing to take Lily to court, but she won’t mind since that contract is probably iron-clad in her opinion.

Other Young and the Restless spoilers say Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) won’t keep a vow she made to Victor Newman (Eric Braeden).

Although Victor knows Nikki is relying on Jack as her sponsor, he still expects her to let him in when a sobriety crisis strikes.

Nikki recently fell off the wagon, but she’s keeping that from Victor and may disappoint him soon enough.

Of course, there may be other ways for Nikki to cause trouble since party plans will be underway as well.

Victor and Nikki’s anniversary bash will allow them to lure Jordan (Colleen Zenk) out of hiding, but that’ll require spreading the word and offering some risky bait to the enemy.

Victor may not approve of how Nikki handles this part, so stay tuned to watch him get updates on some bad news.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Jordan won’t be able to resist another round of drama, so stick with us for more predictions on her revenge plot.

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