General Hospital

General Hospital Preview: Watch Sonny Set a Trap For Jason!

General Hospital Preview: Watch Sonny Set a Trap For Jason!

steve burton gh jason

Credit: ABC

If you’ve got it, flaunt it. This week on General Hospital, the “it” in question is more a “who” as a certain someone finally returns to Port Charles. And given the amount of excitement about Jason’s return, it’s not surprising that the show wants to flaunt the hell out of it. As a result, the preview for the week of March 4 – 8 features numerous characters, but only one storyline which can be summed up in two words:


“He’s back.”

Ironically, despite the fact we all know exactly who “he” is, the latest teaser — which you can watch below — doesn’t actually show Steve Burton’s Jason. Ok, sure, technically at the end we see “his” back, but we never get that money shot of his handsome mug.

If we didn’t know better, we’d think that the show plans to spend the entire week building up to the big reveal. Perhaps wisely, however, General Hospital will instead give us our first glimpse of the returning actor in the episode airing Monday, March 4. (Confession time: How many of us tuned in to the Friday, March 1 episode assuming that the Friday cliffhanger would be our actual first glimpse at Jason, only to be disappointed. We can’t have been the only ones!)


Across social media, fans had a whole lot to say about the promo and what it sets up. Rose Lese Wolfe told the Facebook audience, “I’m happy if Jason is back, but if they brought him back as a bad guy, I’m not going to be happy at all.”

Others worry about the circumstances under which Jason is returning. With a trap being set to lure the person who’s been targeting Sonny out into the open, YouTuber Slyoj1086 admitted to being concerned “someone — Dante or Chase — might get caught in the cross fire!”

Many, many others, however, have been asking one very big question: Where has Jason been since he was presumed dead in that tunnel collapse? Now, we will finally get our first glimpse into the life he was leading while away from Port Charles. Did he, like Sonny during his stint in Nixon Falls, start a whole new life? And how did he seemingly wind up targeting Sonny, the man who has long been his best friend?

For more details on exactly what to expect from this week, check out the latest spoilers. And then buckle up as the wild ride gets under way!

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