General Hospital

General Hospital Has Us Confused About Agent Cates, Questioning the Real Power Behind Pikeman — and Loving All Things Tracy

General Hospital Has Us Confused About Agent Cates, Questioning the Real Power Behind Pikeman — and Loving All Things Tracy

John Cates, Jack Brennan and Tracy Q GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

This week’s episodes of General Hospital were once again very heavy on dialogue, character development, and relationship building. That’s not a bad thing, as I found myself invested in almost every storyline, rather than wishing I could have fast-forwarded some scenes. The new writers have taken the ABC soap in a new direction and it feels fresh and is enjoyable to watch lately. But several characters and conversations have left us puzzled…

Team Takedown Pikeman

I wasn’t surprised at all when John revealed, in front of Anna, that the information he was holding over Jason‘s head was against Carly. I have thought that in my last two columns, as  Jason would only work for the feds to save someone he truly cares about. I can already hear Carly saying when she eventually finds out how this is Nina’s fault for keeping the truth about Sonny being alive from his family, forcing Carly into taking over the Corinthos family business. Unless these violations are from something else completely different?

John Anna and Jason GH

I’m a bit surprised that Anna hasn’t suspected Valentin has taken over Pikeman. For weeks she was all up in his business as to how much he was really involved in Pikeman. Just this week John didn’t want Anna involved in the investigation as she has ties with the WSB, and the ties between them and Pikeman go back to her time with the agency in the eighties. Big clue right there! Think Anna, who else was there…

Friday’s episode had Anna grilling Brennan, who it was lovely to see again, about who was running Pikeman now. Again, she’s got the evidence staring in her face, not just about who’s running the show now, but back then. She stated Brennan was rewarded for the failed ops, and the money that went missing back then likely became seed money for a deal with Pikeman. Who in the WSB would want to see the organization working with another organization dealing in weapons of terror? Who would be in a position to reward Brennan? How might that person be linked with the current head of Pikeman. It’s Victor, Anna! Victor and now Valentin! Which bears asking, is Victor really dead? Is he still out there and involved in Pikeman somehow?

Anna questions Jack GH

Meanwhile, John interrogating Drew about Jason was just a bizarre scene. Did we not earlier in the week see John force Jason into continuing to help him bring Pikeman down by acting as bait to draw someone in the organization out to try and take down Jason? Why then does he also seem hell bent on taking Jason down too? What does he have against Drew?

One thing I can’t believe I’m going to say, I didn’t mind Drew in those scenes. Maybe it’s just because John was even more annoying than Drew. However, I also didn’t mind the scenes between Drew and Nina this week, more on that later. Maybe it’s just that Drew is actually tolerable when he’s not Carl’s little yapping Chihuahua? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he’s interesting either!

John interrupts Drew and Jordan GH

Sonny’s Meds and Family

Anna’s lashing out at Sonny was an intense scene, but I have to wonder if she’ll eventually change her mind about him when the truth about what Valentin’s doing with his meds comes out. Speaking of his meds, a lot of viewers still suspect Ava might be involved, and the show seemed to give a little credence to that theory. Both Kristina and Dante suddenly find the fact that Ava is still living with Sonny weird, and Dante plans to keep an eye on her.

Sonny went from kissing Ava last week to smiling and having a good time with Natalia this week. Lois immediately saw how Sonny was looking at her, and warned him that Natalia was an over-involved busy-body stage mom. I loved Lois calling Natalia out! Natalia was completely annoying this week, from her demands about Blaze’s Deception contract to trying to keep Blaze’s private life a secret, to still trying to blame her daughter being gay on what happened with Linc. Like mother like daughter, Brook Lynn made it clear to Natalia that messing with Blaze and Kristina’s love life would not go over well with Sonny. And with Sonny off his meds, she better watch it!

Natalia questions BLQ

Joss’ “Sonny ruined my life” shtick reached even more annoying heights this week. I absolutely loved watching Kristina call Joss an ingrate given all Sonny had done for her over the years. Molly also took Joss to task for stressing out her pregnant sister, and even Carly had to once again tell her daughter this anger was doing her no good. Then there was how she treated Dex after learning he was going to become a cop, and throwing his order of a burnt grilled cheese at him. Dex was the bigger man when he could have gone male Karen and demanded to speak to a manager. Walk away Dex, walk away and consider it a blessing you don’t have Joss to deal with anymore!

Kristina and Joss fight GH

That Darn Tracy!

Tracy’s been on a roll lately. First, who knew Stella and Tracy were the friendship we didn’t know we needed, but now are here for! They should be a lot of fun together because both have no filters and say exactly what is on their minds.

Tracy complimenting Gregory, including telling him he was easy on the eyes, was a fun and unexpected admission from her. His calling her a vixen was hilarious. Again though, just as she’s making a connection with him, we know it won’t be long until he’s gone as his ALS is progressing quicker than expected. This is going to be a heartbreaking story! Some viewers are still holding out hope he was misdiagnosed, and Finn keeps mentioning his old neurologist budy from Doctors Without Borders.

Tracy Cody GH

Then there was Tracy catching a shirtless Cody in the stables and becoming completely flustered, and unable to talk to him until he put on a shirt! It’s been fun seeing this lighter side of Tracy. Plus I loved her immediately shooting down Cody’s ridiculous nickname for her, Matriarch Quartermaine.

Move on Nina

Nina’s been given a lot of advice lately to move on from Sonny. A week or so ago Valentin tried to convince Nina to move on, though we now understand why he also said he wasn’t worthy of her just like Sonny wasn’t… because he’s trying to take out her soon-to-be ex! Maxie also made it clear she misses the old Nina, not the one who made her entire life about being Mrs. Sonny Corinthos. Part of me still feels that when Sonny’s meds issue is discovered, and he’s back to thinking clearly, he’ll regret pushing Nina, Michael, Carly, Jason and others out of his life. He might even say, “What the hell was I thinking with Ava?” But by the time that happens, Nina may have moved on.

Nina and Drew at Crimson GH

Drew’s conversation with Nina was well-written, acted, and really entertaining. Again, when Drew isn’t busy being Carly’s biggest champion, he’s tolerable. Drew read Nina for filth for blaming everyone for her problems and never taking accountability, but I loved Nina giving it right back to him over the SEC charges and how Carly and him seem to be more set on blaming her for turning them in rather than what they did. I really liked what Drew said to her, stop looking for payback, stop focusing on the wrong things, and living your best life is the best revenge. Honestly, I was expecting the two of them to kiss, or something more, during that conversation. Seeing that they are going to continue working together, it may eventually happen. As Nina put it when he commented that maybe they could learn to work together, “Stranger things have happened!” I can’t believe it, but I’m interested in seeing where things between Nina and Drew go, mainly though on a platonic, working level. Plus, it will make Willow and Michael so angry!

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