General Hospital

Jason’s General Hospital Return Could Finally Give Fans What They Want… or Break Their Hearts Forever!

Jason’s General Hospital Return Could Finally Give Fans What They Want… or Break Their Hearts Forever!

GH mashup with Jason looking at a mystery Q woman

Credit: ABC screenshot

Jason’s big return to General Hospital is finally here! Well, just about. The show seems to have been building to something big and bad as he blows back into Port Charles, but then, that’s pretty much Jason Morgan in a nutshell. (Although, there is a chance this is all still misdirection!)

But his return has left us with a slew of questions. No, we aren’t talking about how he survived. This is Port Charles. It was all but a given that he survived, never mind the how. No, our questions are more along the lines of what’s he going to do when he gets back… and who he’s going to be doing it with!

General Hospital carly sonny jason metro court screenshot


We know the big expectation is for him to come back with the reveal that he’s the one who’s been gunning for Sonny, took out Olivia Jerome and has just been going rogue for reasons we’re sure we’ll find out at some point. But that can’t last, can it? We can’t have another permanent amnesia/personality shift for him and sooner or later we’re going to figure out what’s wrong with him and why he’s been carving a bloody path through the underworld.

And once that happens, we’ll be back to the strong, silent Jason who’s driven women crazy over the years. And we’ve got a feeling it won’t be long before he’s looking for love again… in all the wrong places? Would Carly, for instance, really be able to get past a rogue Jason going after the people she cares about? Would Sam turn her back on Dante after the relationship they’ve built? We have a feeling “Liason” fans would answer a hearty “no” to all of the above, seeing as how they’ve been happily counting down the days until Jason’s return, hoping this will be just the chance for a do-over!

Yes, Liz has Finn, and their relationship finally seems to be on as solid ground as it comes, but let’s not forget she also has a son with Jason. And, as “Liason” fans see it, they’ve got a special bond and loads of forgiveness for each other  as Kimberlee and Amy showed off on Twitter/X with a clip of Jason offering Liz understanding.


Even Rebecca Herbst herself has admitted there’s still more story to tell with them as she noted a little while back that, “It’s still hard for me to understand why the writers didn’t follow through with the Liz and Jason storyline.”

The great thing about daytime, though, is that there’s always the chance to dive back in and explore something that was dropped. And Jason’s return may be just the thing to “reset” Jason a bit and give “Liason” fans the thrill they’ve been waiting for. Or let them down once again!

You know that old saying about being careful what you wish for, though. Because in Port Charles, things rarely end up working out the way we want them!

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