General Hospital

As General Hospital’s Brooklyn Rae Silzer Celebrates a Momentous ‘Last,’ The Time Is Perfect to Bring Emma Back to Port Charles to Stay

As General Hospital’s Brooklyn Rae Silzer Celebrates a Momentous ‘Last,’ The Time Is Perfect to Bring Emma Back to Port Charles to Stay

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode “15349” - "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christine Bartolucci)

Credit: Disney

Brooklyn Rae Silzer was only a wee little one when she first appeared as Emma on General Hospital in 2011 and since then viewers have watched her grow up on their screens. Though we only get to see Emma on the rare holiday or special occasion, now would be the perfect time to bring her back to Port Charles — for good.

With Josslyn and Trina off to college, Emma could join them or if that wasn’t the path she wanted to take, there are plenty of things for her to do back home in the teen scene. She could be a sounding board for Danny or Jake. Both guys are dealing with a lot these days… On one end, Danny is overjoyed to have his dad back all the while upsetting his mom by lying about having seen him. Then there’s Jake, who’s bitter and brooding over the fact that Jason lied to them all about being dead. So you see, both could benefit from Emma’s support. And she could use a storyline of her own — there are so many possibilities for the legacy character.

GH's Jake pointing angrily at himself as he argues outside with Danny

However, a fulltime gig back at her daytime home may not be what’s in the cards for Silzer, who is currently completing her senior year of high school. The former ABC soap actress shared a pic from her “last dance competition ever,” dressed in uniform with her name written on a senior sash, which was placed over her letterman jacket.

While we wish Silzer the very best as she finishes up her senior year, with the future open for anything her heart desires, would you like to see Emma back in Port Charles? Share your thoughts and storyline wishes for her in the comment section.

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