Days Of Our Lives

Holly Rips Into Nicole For Being a Bad Mother — and Alex Makes Theresa an Offer

Holly Rips Into Nicole For Being a Bad Mother — and Alex Makes Theresa an Offer

Holly screams at Nicole in the DiMera living room

Credit: Peacock screenshot

Kate brings Lucas books and treats at the monastery. He’s especially happy for the books since he doesn’t have WIFI. He’s so bored he looks forward to vespers when he prays to get out of there, to see his family, and get his life back.

Upon entering Small Bar, Marlena sits with Alex. Having heard from Brady, Marlena wonders if he has an ulterior motive for seeing Kristen. Before they can get into it, Paulina arrives for her dinner date with Marlena. Alex lays the sweet talk on thick with the mayor before heading out. Paulina hopes Alex is a patient of Marlena’s because she’s guessing he needs some help.

At Small Bar, Paulina regards Alex who wears a whimsical expression. An amused Marlena observes

Brady and Theresa bring Tate home to the penthouse. He’s wired and hungry, so he heads out to get a burger and see his friends — but only after promising he won’t see Holly.

Nicole summons Holly to the DiMera living room to discuss her punishment. She will write actual letters of apology to Tate and his parents. Holly points out Tate knows how sorry she is. Nicole is surprised he forgave her. Holly asks if her mother ever will.

At the monastery, Kate says she’s praying too, but Lucas was hoping she could do more than that. Kate reminds him the deal to shorten his sentence was never finalized. Lucas retorts it’s not his fault he got attacked before he could get the goods on Clyde. Since Harris got him into this mess, Lucas needs the detective to start keeping his promises. Kate vows to go to the governor if Harris doesn’t come through.

Wearing a monk's robe, Lucas scowls at Kate

As Marlena and Paulina have a drink (Paulina’s allowed one per day on her new diet), Paulina bemoans being put in isolation for her upcoming iodine treatment. She then tells Marlena about Lexie curing her when she flatlined and giving Abe his memory back. Combined with hearing Kate’s voice in the urn when she was supposedly dead, Paulina wonders if she has extra sensory perception. Nothing would surprise Marlena anymore.

At the townhouse, Theresa and Brady rejoice in their nightmare being over. When Theresa notes she’ll have to move out of Tate’s room, Brady suggests she sleep in his bed — he’ll sleep on the couch. She passes. Her moving out is probably best for everybody. Brady will miss having her around. They share an emotional hug before she leaves.

Brady and Theresa embrace in John and Marlena's living room

At the mansion, Nicole tells Holly that, of course, she forgives her, but she questions her drug use. Holly explains she was taking drugs for a few weeks and got them from school. But she promises never to use again. Nicole asks if she’s used or had a drink since then. Holly confesses she had some champagne after the christening. She was nervous and scared about coming clean.

Nicole thanks her for being honest, but she just proved she can’t be trusted. She orders her to go to therapy, and if they think she needs further treatment, then rehab it is. An outraged Holly snarks that Nicole had a few drinks when she was her age. “Don’t you dare throw my past in my face,” Nicole shouts. She grounds the teen indefinitely, demanding her phone and car keys.

At the monastery, Kate makes Lucas promise not leave no matter how bored he gets. Clyde is out there and wants revenge. Lucas muses he’ll never be safe until Clyde is dead.

Marlena and Paulina raise cocktail glasses over a table at Small Bar

At Small Bar, Marlena offers to pull some strings to visit Paulina while in treatment. Paulina is grateful, but notes Marlena doesn’t seem like herself. She can see the worry in her face. Marlena admits John has been going through a lot regarding his past. But she’s helping him get through it. They toast to being tough broads.

At the mansion, Holly refuses to abide by Nicole’s demands. Her whole life is on her phone. Nicole calls that her first problem. Holly retorts that Nicole got the phone for her when she was ten so she could report back when she got to school on her own, and buy her own meals and clothes, so Nicole wouldn’t have to think about her at all. She’s being punished for lying when the only reason she did it was so that Nicole wouldn’t think she was a bad mom.

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