General Hospital

Sorry Sam and Liz — General Hospital Just Made It Clear that [Spoiler] Is the Only Woman For Jason

Sorry Sam and Liz — General Hospital Just Made It Clear that [Spoiler] Is the Only Woman For Jason

GH mashup Jason looking pensive in between upset looking Liz and Sam

And just like that, the long wait is finally over! No, we aren’t talking about Jason’s return to General Hospital, but who he’d end up being paired with when he did come back. Jason, we all know, has loved and lost his share of ladies and been a part of some popular couples with their very passionate fan bases. But all of his past loves had moved on by the time he returned, from Sam to Liz

And they’re all well and good, but once we started learning about all that RICO and racketeering talk and John and the FBI holding something over Jason to get him to cooperate, we started suspecting that neither “JaSam” nor “Liason” fans would have much to celebrate. And it looks like we may be right.

Because on the Tuesday, April 2 show (you can check out the recap for it here), we finally got confirmation that Jason has been doing everything Cates wants him to to save Carly. What’s more? Jason told Anna that he doesn’t want Carly to know! When she pressed him as to why, Jason refused to answer, but we have a feeling we know the reason!

John Anna and Jason GH

Simply put, it’s love. Jason has thrown his life away for years to save Carly, without expecting or wanting anything in turn. In fact, he might even be thinking that if Carly knew what he was doing, she might feel responsible for it all. Or maybe he’s worried that it would push her to reunite with him out of some sense of debt or loyalty, rather than love.

That may seem a bit silly, but in the same episode, General Hospital made clear that that’s part of why she was with Drew — “to repay his loyalty for all he did for me.” Which, ouch. Pity dating isn’t exactly the stuff of great love. But somehow, we don’t think Jason would have to worry about that happening to him.

Because while Carly said that while she loves and misses Drew, she then rounded that out by admitting that she didn’t know Jason was coming back. So, what, Carly wouldn’t have wasted her time with Jason’s brother if she’d known her real love would be coming back? Again… ouch!

Jason Carly get good news GH

But hey forget Sonny or Drew and don’t even think about Sam or Liz — Carly and Jason are clearly the couple to watch! It’s something we suspected since he came back — after all, who’s the first person he ran to when he was in trouble? But if Jason’s willing to play the anonymous hero, then General Hospital has just made it crystal clear that Carly is the woman for him.

What do you think? Are they headed for a passionate reunion or will someone else catch Jason’s eye first?

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