Days Of Our Lives

Xander Finds the Key to Proving His Innocence While Brady Demands Tate’s Freedom

Xander Finds the Key to Proving His Innocence While Brady Demands Tate’s Freedom

Intently staring at his laptop screen, Xander covers his mouth with his hand.

Xander comes home to Sarah with all the evidence the prosecution has against him. Sarah assures him she believes in him, but she has to go to work, so she can’t sift through it with him. Alone with Victoria, Xander vows to make his daughter proud of him.

At the halfway house, Tate fiercely defends Holly to Theresa. She explodes over what a liar she is. Calming down, Theresa calls what Tate feels for Holly a temporary crush, not something that will last decades. Tate reminds her he’s not middle-aged and looking to get married. She counters that he is ready to start having relationships, the key to which is mutual respect. Something Holly clearly doesn’t have for him. Tate knows Holly has her reasons for not telling the truth. Theresa asks if he trusts Holly to always be honest and have his back.

A teary-eyed Holly stands shoulder to shoulder with a gasping Nicole and glowering EJ

At the mansion, Holly tearfully confesses the drugs were hers. Brady shouts at her for what Tate’s been going through. “You seriously don’t believe this story do you?” EJ asks Nicole, who growls, “EJ, please.” Holly knows she should have told everyone sooner. Upon learning Eric knew, Nicole asks why she went to him and not her. Holly explains she was afraid Nicole would blame herself.

EJ asks if Tate was her dealer. Holly insists Tate had nothing to do with her taking the drugs. In fact, he warned her against it. EJ scoffs, prompting Brady to invite “Elvis” to take this outside. Eric demands everyone calm down and let Holly speak. Holly reiterates how worried she was that Nicole would blame herself. After Nicole reassures her daughter, Brady rails at the teen for landing Tate in the halfway house. Holly apologizes, wishing she told the truth from the beginning. EJ asks how they know she’s telling the truth right now.

Brady gesticulates as he angrily confronts EJ in the DiMera mansion.

As proof, Holly reveals her drug stash in a secret compartment in her jewelry box. When Brady asks why she let Tate take the blame, Nicole suggests the coma affected her memory. Holly admits that’s not the reason. She just didn’t know how to take back the first lie. Brady demands EJ get his kid out of the halfway house and drop all the charges immediately. He also wants a very public apology to his son. He storms out. Sneering, EJ does the same. When Holly runs out in tears, Eric consoles a distraught Nicole.

Sarah enters a hospital room to an awaiting Paulina and Abe. After looking through her test results, Sarah declares that Paulina is in complete remission. Paulina excitedly hugs Sarah, who explains she’ll have to return for radioactive iodine treatments that involve her being in isolation for a few days.

In a hospital room, Paulina's eyes bulge and her mouth opens wide. Abe grins.

In the DiMera living room, Eric assures Nicole she’s a good mother. She doesn’t feel like one, but hopes Holly learns from her mistakes. EJ trudges back to the room. “It’s taken care of.” After Nicole thanks Eric for being there for Holly, he leaves.

Eric finds a crying Holly outside the mansion. He says it was a brave thing she did in there. She tells him she loves him and sometimes wishes he and her mom… “Nevermind.” Eric says they’re both married to other people now, which means even more people care about Holly. Eric states he’s always there for her.

Xander stares pensively while sitting on his couch with his laptop

After Xander gets Victoria to sleep, he digs into the flash drive and files the prosecution was required to disclose to Justin. When Sarah calls, he bemoans getting nowhere. She suggests he go for a jog with Victoria in her new stroller. Hanging up, Xander plans to change into the running gear he always wears, which makes a light bulb go off. He rechecks a witness statement. Noting that’s what he gets for wearing the same tracksuit all the time, he declares, “This is it! It’s a slam dunk.” He tells Victoria, “Your Daddy’s going to be free.”

Upon coming home, Paulina mentions her iodine treatment, but for now, she is not going to worry. Abe assures her it’s standard procedure and she’ll get through it with flying colors

Hugging Brady at the halfway house, Tate smiles at Theresa

Brady comes to the halfway house upon talking with Justin. He tells Tate to pack his bags. “You’re coming home!” All the charges have been dropped because Holly admitted the truth. Tate wants to call her, but Brady suggests he wait until he settles in back at home. Theresa makes it clear she’s still very angry over what Holly put him through. Tate was angry too, but she came through for him even after he told her she didn’t have to. Brady and Theresa reel over Tate’s continued protection of her, but agree to let it go. Brady gathers Tate in a bear hug.

At the mansion, Nicole thanks EJ for having the charges against Tate dropped. EJ knows Holly’s deception has been weighing on the teen and that she cares for Tate a great deal. However, he wonders who she did get the drugs from. Nicole knows they’ll have to question her. EJ assures Nicole they’ll help Holly through this together as a family.

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