General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Has A Hidden Agenda, Pitting Sonny-Jason

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Has A Hidden Agenda, Pitting Sonny-Jason

General Hospital spoilers - Sonny-Jason

Ava Jerome is a fierce woman like none other in Port Charles, recall General Hospital spoilers. For the longest time she has been a little passive, in fact even a victim. But we think she is ready to put that behind her. The old pot-stirrer is returning! But what’s her agenda? Let’s find out!

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava Plants The Seeds For A Big Storm

Sonny is in a terrible place mentally on GH these days. He has faced setbacks after setbacks and Jason’s return has completely blindsided him. Especially, with the jury still being out on whether or not he shot Dante.

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GH/ Sonny is blindsided by Jason’s return

At this point, Ava instigating Sonny against Jason can create a huge storm. General Hospital spoilers confirm that in the recently aired episodes, she fanned the flames by telling Sonny that Jason has been disloyal to him. It seems Sonny has still not entirely moved past the Jason-Carly wedding.

And Ava’s words only stirred the pot further. But the big question is why? It’s not like Ava knows Jason intimately or even criminally. Why would she want to create a rift between him and Sonny. It can’t be for nothing! Ava is calculative and smart, she always knows what she is doing.

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GH/ Ava instigates Sonny against Carly and Jason

And right now she is making some very bold moves with Sonny, hint General Hospital spoilers. In fact, it looks like she is ready to hit the sheets with her best friends still husband! So that remark about Jason being disloyal by marrying Carly was so out of line!

Is there a bigger game that Ava is playing? Something that involves Sonny, Carly and Jason? With every passing episode it looks more and more likely! Even the latest General Hospital spoilers hint towards Ava being a woman on mission!

General Hospital Spoilers-Ava-Sonny
GH/ Ava making moves towards Sonny

So what are your guesses guys? What’s the sexy vixen up to? Tell us in the comments.

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