General Hospital

General Hospital: Is A New Spencer Cassadine On The Horizon?

General Hospital: Is A New Spencer Cassadine On The Horizon?

General Hospital-Spencer

Today, fans of General Hospital are full of questions as Nicholas Alexander Chavez, who plays Spencer Cassadine, does something surprising on Twitter. There’s talk that he might be taking a break for a Netflix show. But could this mean he’s leaving GH for good, or are they getting someone new to play Spencer? Let’s delve in and find out!

General Hospital: What’s Next For Spencer Cassadine?

Nicholas Alexander Chavez‘s temporary exit from General Hospital was initially because he wanted to work on a new show called “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” for Netflix. But something recently happened on social media that has fans wondering what’s next for Spencer.

Nicholas did something surprising on Twitter. He stopped following almost everyone from General Hospital, including his co-stars. The only person he still follows from the show is Executive Producer Frank Valentini.

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GH/ Nicholas Alexander Chavez (Spencer Cassadine)

This big change on social media has fans wondering about Chavez’s situation and what might happen to Spencer. We don’t know for sure if Chavez decided to distance himself from General Hospital because of his contract or for personal reasons. However, it’s making people wonder if Spencer might be played by someone else soon.

Since Nicholas isn’t following anyone from the show anymore, some think he might want to try different things besides soap operas. Well, some fans have thought about replacing Spencer before. Even though the show’s producers said Nicholas would return, General Hospital viewers doubt his return.

General Hospital-Nicholas following on twitter
GH/ Nicholas’s Twitter followings

Fans wonder what would happen to Spencer’s story if he were played by a different actor. Some think it might affect the show’s progress, while others think it’s best to let Nicolas come back as planned.

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