General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: SHOCKING!!! The REAL Head Of Pikeman Is Ava

General Hospital Spoilers: SHOCKING!!! The REAL Head Of Pikeman Is Ava

General Hospital spoilers - Brennan -Ava

When Brennan and Hume were arrested, we thought it was the end of Pikeman. However, General Hospital spoilers tease that that might not really be the case. Ever since Jason’s return to the fold, many new questions have popped up. And some of those point towards Pikeman yet again. But something tells us that there is more to Pikeman than Brennan!

General Hospital Spoilers: The Pikeman Boss We Did Not See Coming

When the story had first rolled out with Austin and Mason involved, everything pointed towards the Pikeman boss being a lady. But somewhere along the line things changed directions and the person on the top of the organization switched to being a man, recall General Hospital spoilers.

General Hospital spoilers - Austin- Mason
GH/ Austin and Mason discuss their lady boss

Initially, it appeared as though Cyrus was the head honcho. But that changed when Brennan came into the picture. It started to become clear that he was Pikeman. But humor this! What if he is yet another red herring? We aren’t saying he isn’t involved in Pikeman.

We are just saying maybe he isn’t the top boss. Perhaps the boss adjacent. The second in command, or the face and voice of the organization. While, the real head and brain is Ava Jerome! It may sound vey out of blue prima facie, but think about it a little.

General Hospital Spoilers-Sonny-Ava
GH/ Does the shooter keep missing on purpose? Because AVA IS PIKEMAN

Somebody just took out Olivia Jerome, recall General Hospital spoilers. She has been in the prison for quite sometime, and safely so. Yet, that changed soon after the arrival of a new inmate. Which we all know is – John Brennan. That can’t be a coincidence.

And who would want her dead? Well Ava of course! Perhaps she decided it was time for some vengeance for Julian’s death! So she asked directed Brennan to make it happen. Moreover, we know what a fierce character Ava is. Yet, the past months have painted her a bit weak.

General Hospital Spoilers - Ava
GH/ Is Ava Pikeman?

That is something that does not sit well with the viewers. Thus, it could be a deliberate attempt so that the expose packs a bigger punch! Ava and Brennan could be partners in crime! But we wonder if the partnership is limited solely to crime or are they secret lovers?

Wouldn’t their mean streaks make them a perfect match? What do you say? Tell us in the comments.

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